Archived Target to remove Gender Based Labeling?

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So about those aisle makers...anyone get theirs yet? Signing pallet? Ups/fedex? Carrier pigeon?

Hltl asks for them again this week I might scream.
No they don't. The signing still tells them where dolls, etc. are. It's just not needlessly gendering things anymore.

Seriously, walk through toys, and tell me how hard it is to find these toys now.
(Hint: it's not)

If you've ever regularly worked in toys, especially during the holidays, parents asked us where items were, the signs were dumb and did nothing to help. Half the guests complaining now were the people who didn't even know we had signing like that to begin with
I'm just reiterating what the people who are against removing the signs are saying. Personally, I would look for signs that said "Action Figures" or "Dolls" or "Games" or "Ride on Toys" or "Legos."
No, I've never worked in toys. I work in pharmacy. However, I DO have kids and I've spent more than my share of time in toy departments of many, many stores. The ONLY time I've ever looked for a "gender-based sign" is when I'm looking for a clothing/shoe department.
Like I said before, I couldn't care less if we do or don't have the signs. If a boy wants to play with girls' toys, I don't think the fact that there is pink backing in the department is going to deter him from wanting to play with girls' toys or vice versa for a girl with blue backing. My kids played with toys that were "traditionally" for the opposite gender and I never had an issue with it. Never even thought twice about it. I grew up the same. It just never was an issue.
Is this a toy for a boy or a girl? A questionnaire (because I can't figure out how to make text based flow charts in BBCode)

Is the toy operated with the genitals?
NO - This toy is for both boys and girls
YES - This is not a toy for children​
Is this a toy for a boy or a girl? A questionnaire (because I can't figure out how to make text based flow charts in BBCode)

Is the toy operated with the genitals?
NO - This toy is for both boys and girls
YES - This is not a toy for children​

Quote for truth!
Why does the color of the backer paper matter at all? If Timmy is standing in the doll aisle, wanting a Baby Alive doll is the color of the paper going to matter at all? He still wants the doll. Grab the doll. Go to cashier. Give Target your money. No big deal.
Shoot, I buy khakis from the men's section because you can choose the waist and length. I am short and fluffy so this works for me. Do I call the khaki police and demand that the women's pants be sized this way also? Nope, I get my pants and give my money to Wallyworld because they are a lot cheaper than Target. I don't need 30.00 pants to push items across a scanner.
But I digress. If Susie wants Transformers Legos does she get freaked out that there's no pink paper around? Kids don't give a crap. It's the stupid adults causing all of this chaos. Everyone needs to simmer down now!

Good descriptor of the people who complain about toys being gendered
Lotta girls in my family.
Older sisters had Barbie & Midge lunchboxes, younger sisters had Holly Hobby & Puffenstuff lunch boxes, mine was the Munsters.
My sisters did sewing in Home Ec; my brother taught me model-building (did a fantastically huge one of the human eye).
My aunt kept asking my parents if I was 'okay'.
Dad kept telling her "Of course."
This parent didn't.
There are many who won't and who will appreciate this effort on Spots part.

Your opinion doesn't matter you communist Marxist Maoist Leninist Stalinist Obamalover.

Did the sarcasm font work correctly im on mobile
I had no brothers but played with the firetrucks, race cars, and knives that belonged to my male cousins and the neighborhood boys until I got my own. Thanks to our parents not caring what gender the toys we played with were made for I was freakin' good at Mumblety peg and my male friends could really rock an Easy Bake Oven!

I agree with the others who say removing gender labeling doesn't really accomplish much because parents will still be the ones who make the call on this.
After reading 6 pages of this I still fail to see any reason why any of this is considered a bad thing. Backer paper is changed every year. I have personally changed it twice in the last three years. It was going to need to be changed whether it went to a neutral tone or not. The fact that we will now have twice as much neutral paper will actually be nice, as you won't have to separate which papers go to which aisles. Little as that is, that is LESS work.
We can still have the hardboard signing ejecting from the end caps of Barbie leaning out from E15 or Captain America defending E7. That is more noticeable than backer paper anyways. I've never heard a guest say "Oh look, they made the walls pink, THAT must mean I'm in the girl aisle. No wonder I'm not finding NERF guns mixed in with LollaLoopsy!"

Also, I thought the response in terms of signing was more to the people upset with things in other parts of the store where the same aisle is marked two things like "water bottles" + "women's water bottles" or "sheets" + "frilly girly sleepy time party for ladies" or "appliances" + "women's appliances that are far too heavy for a woman to lift and will require male assistance".
I kinda feel sorry for plano, they didn't change the backer paper. LOL! not really😉
After reading 6 pages of this I still fail to see any reason why any of this is considered a bad thing.

Okay, so here's the thing. Even without parental involvement, kids will still learn by observation that some things are "for boys" and some things are "for girls". Maybe they noticed the sign on the bathroom door had a blue stick man and a pink stick girl. They certainly noticed it through television when advertisers use certain colors for particular toys. Even manufacturers utilize colors this way. Look at the typical "girl toys" aisle. Nearly all packaging involve pink and sometimes purple.

All Target is doing is replacing the backer paper to a neutral color so that kids who go looking at toys aren't subliminally assaulted with "Oh, I'm in the wrong aisle". Kids do respond to this sort of thing even without parental influence.

As for why there's a bit of a shitstorm going on over it - it's coming from conservative media. Fox News, religious groups, etc. They're pushing for the old timey gender norms that they're used to seeing. Some are taking it over the top (as seen in TiedAndDropped link), accusing Target of removing gender based signage from the ENTIRE store.
It's still easy as hell to find the "pink aisle" and the "blue aisle" and the aisles are still labeled by content AND SEGREGATED BY GENDER but no longer are there actual SIGNS to tell people "THIS TOY IS FOR GIRLS" or "THIS TOY IS FOR BOYS." Nobody is mandating what can be sold to whom. Is there anyone out there so insecure in their child's gender that they won't buy a toy unless the store color codes and labels it for a specific gender?
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