Archived Target's Newest Designer - Lilly Pulitzer

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High volume stores will get replenishment of the patio stuff but that's it.

We were sold out by 8:05. Had guests calling all day asking us to hold stuff because they saw on hands for our store. Most didn't wanna hear us explain how our inventory doesn't update until the next day.
What's the cut-off for high-volume?
I don't think, no matter what they did, they could have anticipated an opening such as today. Never ever in Target history (at least in my district/store correct me if I'm wrong) has any designer come anywhere close to the record sell-out Lilly had. I honestly thought we were about to have Toms part two, but nope, Lilly Ninjas came, saw and conquered. On that note, I'll cut them some slack for the lack of cashiers (however it is a release, so one or two more would have been great) because I really don't think anyone could have predicted what occurred today. What really confuses me is that thousands of comments came pouring in back in February when it was annoubced or whatever about how Target is degrading Lilly and all that, which was the main reason I personally didn't think it would sell so fast, but I can guarantee all those loudmouths were the first in line. That's a smh.
I am sorry I think since it was a limited time item they should of said had limits. It wasn't fair to the guests and I honestly felt bad for them because guess where all those piles of clothes went yep you guessed it ebay. People get greedy think they can make a few bits of cash and in the end it is the consumers who get the short stick. Now granted I am not playing the sympathy violin for them all the time but this time I do feel for them I do......
I had guests asking about Lily when we were closing. First come, first serve. What makes them think they're special? Oy. If you want the good stuff you have to come in early, just like everyone else. I had some guests badger me like it was my fault
Huh, it was really low key at my store. My ETL was the only AP there for the first hour before I started, and she was LOD.
I didn't hear of a single fight, and we still had plenty of stock when I left at 5:30.
Our AP had to restrain our STL because a woman and her son were screaming at her for not having a better plan. Better plan meaning, "I didn't get what I wanted and it's all your fault." The 14ish year old son was out of control and his mother was egging him on.

Cray cray got out today!
Yikes!!! I have never seen any of the designers like this before ( nope never never) I have only been at Target for 6 years but it has never been crazy...... Missoni wasn't even crazy. I remember we sold out of a few things but we still had things. This designer definitely took the cake!!
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The people were angry. It was funny to me that people kept asking for it and I kept laughing (I couldn't control it) because I couldn't believe I was still being asked about it. I heard from a guest that people were listing things on eBay while standing in line before they paid for the items. They just grabbed arms full.

Ebaying it makes no sense. The prices the target Lilly stuff is being listed for on eBay are not far off from the prices of regular Lilly which would be at their normal quality level opposed to the target version of their quality. I told the people asking if we'd get more that the failed eBay sales would be back in 14 days lol. Based on the few years I've been with target, they just say for a limited time vs saying "one day only" because it might not sell out all on day one. But none of those collections (since I've been here) had furniture in them, so I guess it could be different for that stuff.
I didn't get to see any of the products today, but I looked on her website. Reminds me of Vera Bradley. Yes? No?
Yes it sure does. I only liked the headband and the purse but I sure wouldn't pay insane prices on ebay to get one that's for sure!!
Not a fan if floral. Closed and came in at 2. Everything was gone. Later they found some things in back, so I got to see some dresses. Was not about to pay 35 for an I'll fitting dress.

Heck, I didn't even know who this lady was. People are crazy. Too many people wiped the shelves to resell.
My store is surrounded by mostly white upper middle class neighborhoods so I was expecting some sort of a rush, but nothing could've prepared me for some of the things I saw this morning.

haha same here. I live in a college town with a huge university, in TX. Southern sorority girls were lined up and ready to attack
Yikes!!! I have never seen any of the designers like this before ( nope never never) I have only been at Target for 6 years but it has never been crazy...... Missoni wasn't even crazy. I remember we sold out of a few things but we still had things. This designer definitely took the cake!!
We sold through missoni in under an hour. Except for a couple of Bobby pins.
I had no idea about this stuff except for what I've read here. No one at my store mentioned it at all. Granted I don't read the table top displays in the break room because Im on break when I'm back there. Guess I'll hear about it this afternoon when I go in.
There is always the possibility that the spokesman USA Today interviewed meant they were not going to produce more.

There could still be stock coming from the DC. The nightmare may not yet be over.

They would have had to produce the product over three months ago so it could be shipped from China or whatever place is cheapest and get it shipped over. No more is coming. Anyone saying that is just lying to keep people from being angry but know its full stop BS..
Any news on Targets stock? The website fiasco made the news. And you are right, the quality is definitely different than reg Lilly. Very flimsy fabrics and the stitching looked kind of sketchy.
Heard it was crazy busy at my store on Sunday. ETL-AP had the excellent idea to put up the Black Friday security barriers by the entrance to keep a tight line.

ETL-LOG said people were already lined up when he arrived at 4am, and apparently at one point there were over 500 people in the store (not sure I believe that one).

Did double the sales goal for Sunday.
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