I don't think, no matter what they did, they could have anticipated an opening such as today. Never ever in Target history (at least in my district/store correct me if I'm wrong) has any designer come anywhere close to the record sell-out Lilly had. I honestly thought we were about to have Toms part two, but nope, Lilly Ninjas came, saw and conquered. On that note, I'll cut them some slack for the lack of cashiers (however it is a release, so one or two more would have been great) because I really don't think anyone could have predicted what occurred today. What really confuses me is that thousands of comments came pouring in back in February when it was annoubced or whatever about how Target is degrading Lilly and all that, which was the main reason I personally didn't think it would sell so fast, but I can guarantee all those loudmouths were the first in line. That's a smh.