Archived terms across the land

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We say reshop and call out. We also day PDT and PDA instead of PDA and lpda. The sign out sheets are labeled properly though and it threw me off for a while. Our new leadership people call them all PDAs. People who worked retail at other places always come in and call reshop go-backs.
Reshop or strays is used interchangeably at my store. Abandons, go backs, and foreign will all get you beat at my store.
They called it foreign at my previous store and when I came to my current store calling it foreign, I got the strangest looks! lol It's reshop.
So in other areas stores, is "280" the first number of an outside line?
I remember when we called them LRT's. Here, it's calling in, reshop, and PDA's.

The LRTs and PDAs are two different pieces of equipment.

and here reshop/abandons/strays = OPP, other peoples problem no one does squat with it. something in the wrong spot? eh just leave it some one else will take care of it. And if any one gets called out for it it'll be the Flow Team.
What about the call line from operator.. 2280?

So in other areas stores, is "280" the first number of an outside line?

2280 is an internal line designated for parking incoming calls. The 2280 phone system has seven such lines: 2280-2286. You dial #2280 to pick up the call and (receiver)2180 to put the call on hold.

"(Department), you have a call on 2280."
"(Department) is back on 80 while I check." (because you dialed 2180 to park the call, not 2280)
In my store, it's reshop and calling out. We've never used any other terms to describe those two things.

In addition, when asking at TSC, we simply say, "can I have a PDA?" and they ask if we'd like a large or small.

However, I think we may use a term I've never seen anyone else on here use. For items found in the wrong department on the floor, say a shirt in PFresh, we call that outer world. Anyone else use this?
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3tier or 2tier cart?
(Same thing but different stores have different terms)
We "Call off."
We have "reshop"
Market is called "consumables" or" Pfresh."
We have PDAs and LPDAs.
For lunch...we have to go before we "hit compliance."
Most people announce "this is X and I'm going on my (first fifteen, lunch or last break.)"

I love the term "snagged" I think that this ought to be an official Target word!
When people leave for the day they usually say "I'm outta here.....and have a great night."
Items are "staged" to go out from the backroom.....or they'll say "the "X" pm caf is done."
We have "Food Ave."
Is it a "backroom" or is it a "stockroom"....ours is a backroom.
Is there any other name for the "fixture room?"
When the money people come in we call for "LOD to 239."

I'm sure we have other terms, but I can't think of any others.
Oh, and our timeline is often referred to "before remodel" and"now."
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We "Call off."
We have "reshop"
Market is called "consumables" or" Pfresh."
We have PDAs and LPDAs.
For lunch...we have to go before we "hit compliance."
Most people announce "this is X and I'm going on my (first fifteen, lunch or last break.)"

I love the term "snagged" I think that this ought to be an official Target word!
When people leave for the day they usually say "I'm outta here.....and have a great night."
Items are "staged" to go out from the backroom.....or they'll say "the "X" pm caf is done."
We have "Food Ave."
Is it a "backroom" or is it a "stockroom"....ours is a backroom.
Is there any other name for the "fixture room?"
When the money people come in we call for "LOD to 239."

I'm sure we have other terms, but I can't think of any others.
Oh, and our timeline is often referred to "before remodel" and"now."
3 or 2 tier cart
Call out
Reshop if it has been sorted at guest service, abandon if we find it in a random location
Market (But back in the day before pfresh, some of the stores I worked in called it "snacks")
Hit compliance
PDA/LPDA - I remember the PTDs and LRTs, and at one point around 2003 0r 2004 the store I was at tested something called a falcon

I've been stationed at 7 different stores over the years. At one store we called hardlines reshop "reshop" but called softlines reshop "run outs." Has anyone else ever heard it called run outs?
Lol. Run outs, outer world, abandons, foreign, strays, go-backs, or reshops. 7 so far. Anyone have a 8th?

3 tier cart at my store was used by instocks & still by POG. I would think a 2 tier cart is a guest's cart.

"LOD needed to The Lighthouse". Now I guess it's SSL though.

Backroom, fixture room.

The stacker is the "Crown" (even though pallet jacks are also Crown brand).

Anyone know what a "Battleship" is? And is that what it is/was called at every store?
TLs, here's one for you, what do you call an endcap you tie and never intend to build.. Crapcap for me, which we "crap tie" to an endcap.. In pfresh im blessed with aisles that have no back side (coolers/freezers)
TLs, here's one for you, what do you call an endcap you tie and never intend to build.. Crapcap for me, which we "crap tie" to an endcap.. In pfresh im blessed with aisles that have no back side (coolers/freezers)

I'm not a TL, but one of my TLs calls them "ghost ties." I call them "not this Z crap again!" because they're tied to locations in the non-existent Z block.

Do your cooler/freezer aisles have shelves for dry goods on the side of the front endcaps? If so, are they considered sidecaps (99) or are they handled differently?
TLs, here's one for you, what do you call an endcap you tie and never intend to build.. Crapcap for me, which we "crap tie" to an endcap.. In pfresh im blessed with aisles that have no back side (coolers/freezers)

I'm not a TL, but one of my TLs calls them "ghost ties." I call them "not this Z crap again!" because they're tied to locations in the non-existent Z block.

Do your cooler/freezer aisles have shelves for dry goods on the side of the front endcaps? If so, are they considered sidecaps (99) or are they handled differently?

When they are dual doors and the shelved side is to the right it is section 92. For example, left door is G13(90), right door is G13(91) and the dry endcap is G13(92)
TLs, here's one for you, what do you call an endcap you tie and never intend to build.. Crapcap for me, which we "crap tie" to an endcap.. In pfresh im blessed with aisles that have no back side (coolers/freezers)

I'm not a TL, but one of my TLs calls them "ghost ties." I call them "not this Z crap again!" because they're tied to locations in the non-existent Z block.

Do your cooler/freezer aisles have shelves for dry goods on the side of the front endcaps? If so, are they considered sidecaps (99) or are they handled differently?

When they are dual doors and the shelved side is to the right it is section 92. For example, left door is G13(90), right door is G13(91) and the dry endcap is G13(92)

I see. We have shelves on the left side, and I can't remember offhand how ours are located. One of our aisles has a two-section-wide endcap on the back face, and it's numbered weird, so things often get flexed there instead of being tied (because apparently we have enough space for all the SPLs?).
TLs, here's one for you, what do you call an endcap you tie and never intend to build.. Crapcap for me, which we "crap tie" to an endcap.. In pfresh im blessed with aisles that have no back side (coolers/freezers)

I'm not a TL, but one of my TLs calls them "ghost ties." I call them "not this Z crap again!" because they're tied to locations in the non-existent Z block.

Do your cooler/freezer aisles have shelves for dry goods on the side of the front endcaps? If so, are they considered sidecaps (99) or are they handled differently?

When they are dual doors and the shelved side is to the right it is section 92. For example, left door is G13(90), right door is G13(91) and the dry endcap is G13(92)

I see. We have shelves on the left side, and I can't remember offhand how ours are located. One of our aisles has a two-section-wide endcap on the back face, and it's numbered weird, so things often get flexed there instead of being tied (because apparently we have enough space for all the SPLs?).

If I were you I would ask your POG TL for a copy of the adjacency. The adjacency should show the section numbers where endcaps should be tied.
The back dual endcaps are tied the same way, like G16(90)-left, G16(91)-right
Here's another one.. Whenever steritech comes, people start to run different places to check certain things.. At our store, we call it the "steritech scramble"

Anyone else have term for preparing once steritech hits the store
Here's another one.. Whenever steritech comes, people start to run different places to check certain things.. At our store, we call it the "steritech scramble"

Anyone else have term for preparing once steritech hits the store[/QUOTE

"OMG, we're fucked!" I think is what I heard last week.
Here's another one.. Whenever steritech comes, people start to run different places to check certain things.. At our store, we call it the "steritech scramble"

Anyone else have term for preparing once steritech hits the store[/QUOTE

"OMG, we're fucked!" I think is what I heard last week.
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