Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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Does anyone else have the Anna and Elsa dresses in their backroom still. Ours have been hanging up not located for at least a year. They aren't located so I'm considering pulling all of them down and sticking them on a pull. I'm not even sure if they are still on the planogram, but we have at least 20 of them.
Just scan it in item search. Pretty sure we still sell those though.
The DPCI for those dresses has changed a couple times in the last year. That DPCI is likely NOP, but throw them out there anyway. They will sell.
Due to the circumstances that O/N Team has gone through, i.e. Not being reliable, not fast enough. STL and ETL-Log (used to be BRTL), forced the autofills on Dayside. The D/S team used to backstock from 3 or 5 pm onwards. Now it's pull autofills at 5:30 PM. The O/N BR backstocks only. No time for Audits and Price Change at night. That's done in the morning.
Due to the circumstances that O/N Team has gone through, i.e. Not being reliable, not fast enough. STL and ETL-Log (used to be BRTL), forced the autofills on Dayside. The D/S team used to backstock from 3 or 5 pm onwards. Now it's pull autofills at 5:30 PM. The O/N BR backstocks only. No time for Audits and Price Change at night. That's done in the morning.

Wait, so your dayside team leaves the autofill until after the 1 and 3 PM CAFs are done? How does the sales floor deal with the huge autofill pulls along with the regular ones? Also, if you only have 1-2 people back there during the day, you probobly wouldn't finish the autofill until 8-9PM or so anyway.

If your O/N team is as bad as it sounds, get rid of them all.
1 and 3 pm CAFs are pulled, respecfully by D/S BR team. The autofills are scheduled and ready to be pulled at 5:30 pm, instead of 10pm. Dayside HAS to pull them. No option. If anything, O/N will leave them more, due to what ETL-LOG tells them to do. So, if there are any autofills left, the morning D/S BR team has to finish pulling them.

The 1 and 3 pm CAFS are pushed to the floor by D/S backroom team. Sale floor team are responsible for Guest First, Strays and Zoning. Sad thing, we don't have enough people on the floor.

Let's say the Auto fills are 10 hours. It should take 3 of our closers to finish it by 10 pm. Any bigger, will require possible additional help. That is if O/N not behind. Auto sizes are also dependent on the size of the truck, based on how much stock should fit on the floor.

We don't push the merchandise to the floor until 10 pm, about 1 hour before closing store to guests.
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I had a question about hanging softlines getting backstocked. I've noticed it getting worse at my store. I pull from the Assortment Report when I see things that are obviously hang (like say, women's swim wear) backstocked. I also scan and if I have NOP assortments I pull them, and more often than not, they're all hang.

Attempting to STO hanging soft lines with a pda will stop you, saying it shouldn't be backstocked. The Flow team has recently been backstocking with mydevices when there aren't enough pdas and they want to get more hands on backstock. I haven't seen the mydevices give the same warning about backstocking hang. I wish they did.

It's frustrating when I pull box after box of hanging product that could have been out on the floor. Unless I deliberately go looking and pull it out, the system won't pull it til it goes clearance.

Has anyone else encountered this?

(I've dealt with this problem before, but the amount I found was always few and far between. negligible amounts that were probably just a fluke. no where near the amount I'm finding now)
Due to the circumstances that O/N Team has gone through, i.e. Not being reliable, not fast enough. STL and ETL-Log (used to be BRTL), forced the autofills on Dayside. The D/S team used to backstock from 3 or 5 pm onwards. Now it's pull autofills at 5:30 PM. The O/N BR backstocks only. No time for Audits and Price Change at night. That's done in the morning.

How large are your autos, and how many closing BRTMs do you have? Because our autofills can range from around 12 hours to 20+, and there is no way that one or two closers could pull all the autos before their shift is over. It sounds like an interesting system, however I don't think that would work at my store at all. I'm thankful that we're an overnight process and that our overnight backroom team is at least somewhat competent.
1 and 3 pm CAFs are pulled, respecfully by D/S BR team. The autofills are scheduled and ready to be pulled at 5:30 pm, instead of 10pm. Dayside HAS to pull them. No option. If anything, O/N will leave them more, due to what ETL-LOG tells them to do. So, if there are any autofills left, the morning D/S BR team has to finish pulling them.

The 1 and 3 pm CAFS are pushed to the floor by D/S backroom team. Sale floor team are responsible for Guest First, Strays and Zoning. Sad thing, we don't have enough people on the floor.

Let's say the Auto fills are 10 hours. It should take 3 of our closers to finish it by 10 pm. Any bigger, will require possible additional help. That is if O/N not behind. Auto sizes are also dependent on the size of the truck, based on how much stock should fit on the floor.

We don't push the merchandise to the floor until 10 pm, about 1 hour before closing store to guests.

Do you at least acknowledge the truck before the autofills drop? If not, then you're wasting a lot of time pulling product that could be replenished directly from the truck (unless it's FDC, which is a whole 'nother animal).
Due to the circumstances that O/N Team has gone through, i.e. Not being reliable, not fast enough. STL and ETL-Log (used to be BRTL), forced the autofills on Dayside. The D/S team used to backstock from 3 or 5 pm onwards. Now it's pull autofills at 5:30 PM. The O/N BR backstocks only. No time for Audits and Price Change at night. That's done in the morning.
That's insane that a shitty team is rewarded with less work. And for that to work properly, someone would need to acknowledge the truck before 5:30.
Speaking of which, what does acknowledging the truck actually do? And what are the consequences if it isn't done?
I had a question about hanging softlines getting backstocked. I've noticed it getting worse at my store. I pull from the Assortment Report when I see things that are obviously hang (like say, women's swim wear) backstocked. I also scan and if I have NOP assortments I pull them, and more often than not, they're all hang.

Attempting to STO hanging soft lines with a pda will stop you, saying it shouldn't be backstocked. The Flow team has recently been backstocking with mydevices when there aren't enough pdas and they want to get more hands on backstock. I haven't seen the mydevices give the same warning about backstocking hang. I wish they did.

It's frustrating when I pull box after box of hanging product that could have been out on the floor. Unless I deliberately go looking and pull it out, the system won't pull it til it goes clearance.

Has anyone else encountered this?

(I've dealt with this problem before, but the amount I found was always few and far between. negligible amounts that were probably just a fluke. no where near the amount I'm finding now)
I'm pretty sure that the myDevices throw up some kind of error when trying to backstock individual hanging softlines. With the PDA, you can locu a hanging item into location if you really wanted to.

We also seem to have an issue with assortments though. They will scan as backstock right off the trailer and the backroom doesn't have time to figure out what's hanging and what's not, so it all gets backstocked. Then when a softlines TM goes to pull a batch to set an adjacency, it may not pull all of it. If there's two of the same assortment, it may just pull one. Then the remaining one sits there until the softlines TM notices we have an oos item in the back, it goes clearance, or it gets completely picked though by SFS.
Speaking of which, what does acknowledging the truck actually do? And what are the consequences if it isn't done?
It adds everything that's on the truck to the store's inventory. It can be the difference between a 5 hour autofill and a 15 hour autofill (if the truck isn't acknowledged, the autofills will needlessly pull items that flow will be pushing directly from the truck).
It adds everything that's on the truck to the store's inventory. It can be the difference between a 5 hour autofill and a 15 hour autofill (if the truck isn't acknowledged, the autofills will needlessly pull items that flow will be pushing directly from the truck).

Gotcha. Even with an acknowledged truck, our autofills are usually around 12-15 hours if not more. Consequence of being a high volume store, I suppose.
I've learned on food truck days to make sure the truck gets acknowledged (30 min freezer batches are not fun) and was trained on it so I know it's always done.
Late reply. Was away.

I'm at a A+ Super. On a busy day, depending on day of week. The biggest we've seen the autofills at, since new rollout, is 15 hours. Exception first week.

Nowadays, they range from 10-13 hours. Usually have 1 mid to support the 3 closers at the beginning. The rate at which they are finished, also depends on who we have pulling them. If I can get my trustworthy people closing, we can knock it out in >5 hours. Otherwise, the whole shift.

It adds everything that's on the truck to the store's inventory. It can be the difference between a 5 hour autofill and a 15 hour autofill (if the truck isn't acknowledged, the autofills will needlessly pull items that flow will be pushing directly from the truck).
And that is how we keep our autos down. Also helps to drop Manuals every once in awhile, but have to backstock a couple truck freight on the way back.

Do you at least acknowledge the truck before the autofills drop? If not, then you're wasting a lot of time pulling product that could be replenished directly from the truck (unless it's FDC, which is a whole 'nother animal).

If we acknowledge the truck before the autos drop, they may decrease the size from time to time. Not a 100%. O/N process starts at 10 pm. We make sure that the O/N is set up successfully, as much as we can.

My D/S BR team plays most of the roles in the store. Backroom, Various Salefloor roles, and bits of O/N Autofill process. It's not easy, especially when O/N runs into trouble.
Well it's creative to say the least... I wonder what the DTL thinks of it?
DTL doesn't seem to mind it as long as we stay productive, even though it may not be 100% efficient.

LOL, sometimes, perhaps one day. We get ours next week after we start ticketing seasonal. Got our backroom aisles set up.
What do you guys do to get ready for inventory in the back room? From what I've gathered we are just zoning, not LOCUing anything, which I feel is really going to screw things up because our BR is frigged out horribly.
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