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- Jun 10, 2011
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I've seen instances where vacation hours weren't accumulating for TMs that were supposed to get them. Definitely talk to your ETL-HR.
Considering I'm HR, I should know how this works. Anyway, for those of you who live in areas where sick time is granted, how does it work? I can only use it for times I call out for illness, right? I understand it cannot be paid out if I quit, so if you don't use it, you lose it, unlike vacation time which is paid out. So...under this premise, and the fact that I almost never call out (like two times in several years)...this is almost giving me incentive to call out in the final days of my time at target or any time before that (I'm not planning on quitting as of now) in order to collect these hours. Either that, or I can use them whenever I want. Which would give me the money I want while also keeping me at work...everyone would win.
I'm not sure about Target but when I used to work for the gov't, you could use sick time for anything.
I live in California...I accrue sick time pretty quickly. I have only called out 3 times in 2 years but I use my sick time to supplement my pay. If I only work 30 hrs a week, I will use a couple of hrs to have a better paycheck and to keep my average hrs above 32.
This company is such a joke. I've worked for smaller multi million dollar companies and never had to deal with the BS I've heard from this multi billion dollar one.
This, this, and this again!!!:angry:
Talan just come in and fake a blown knee during a team lift. And claim a Workers Comp injury. Target will then tell people stay at home when sick or injured.
In my 9 years, I only called in once because of sickness where I had 102 fever, stressed from exams, cold and sinus infection, and stress from the holiday rush just worn me down. Another time, I put in for bereavement leave when my grandfather died and it was an 8 hour drive to his funeral. Then I was out for a month on workers comp leave. But I worked sick when I had laryngitis, torn legiments, kidney infection/stones and taking pain killers, sinus infections, and colds because I knew Target would use it against me.
My last two ETL HRs posted signs at the time clock stating that the more times you call-in (sick or not) and put in for leave (vacation/errands/anything) that more than likely you receive fewer hours