I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

I never noticed how long it takes me to accrue sick time but I believe I have around 31 hours and I've been working for Target for three years.
It depends. We had a tl was hospitalized for 2 weeks, He used his short term disability. My state doesn't have sick leave.. The common Rule of thumb is, 3 days in a roll out sick, should be under sick leave, if your state has it. Doctor notes are needed too, at my store.
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Considering I'm HR, I should know how this works. Anyway, for those of you who live in areas where sick time is granted, how does it work? I can only use it for times I call out for illness, right? I understand it cannot be paid out if I quit, so if you don't use it, you lose it, unlike vacation time which is paid out. So...under this premise, and the fact that I almost never call out (like two times in several years)...this is almost giving me incentive to call out in the final days of my time at target or any time before that (I'm not planning on quitting as of now) in order to collect these hours. Either that, or I can use them whenever I want. Which would give me the money I want while also keeping me at work...everyone would win.

I've used sick time for doctor appointments. When I had minor surgery I was also able to use sick time.
I live in California...I accrue sick time pretty quickly. I have only called out 3 times in 2 years but I use my sick time to supplement my pay. If I only work 30 hrs a week, I will use a couple of hrs to have a better paycheck and to keep my average hrs above 32.
I live in California...I accrue sick time pretty quickly. I have only called out 3 times in 2 years but I use my sick time to supplement my pay. If I only work 30 hrs a week, I will use a couple of hrs to have a better paycheck and to keep my average hrs above 32.

So you can do that.

I mean, I know it's possible, I've seen it done before. But we have a new ETL-HR so I don't know if it will fly.
This is something that was recently asked of me because I had a bum knee that killed me for a couple of days and one of those days I happened to be working. Apparently they are now trying to guilt us into coming in when we are sick because it is just too expensive to have proper coverage. This is now the stupidest thing to hit Target since the giant great team cards. Peoplw who are sick or trying to help those who are sick do not need to be guilt tripped like this.

Our State is going through a whooping cough epidemic and our governor just declared a state of emergency and Target is now trying to "ask" it's employees to think of them when calling in sick? Does anybody at headquarters every thing this kind of thing through?

If Target wants to save money by being it's own insurance company then it has to give up this kind of thinking and remember that medical services are much more expensive than less team coverage. In fact the company could find itself liable if there is any connection here.

To be clear, I'm not upset that they asked me but because they asked me and then documented the answer (Yes, they are documenting it which has to give their lawyers pause in thinking what kind of client they have here) in the middle of a statewide epidemic. Whooping cough is no laughing matter, especially for kids and pregnant women.
Glad to hear that once again Spot has figured how to look up at the bottom of a new low.
Sure it's conceivable that this is only a procedure put into effect by a few over zealous E's but I seriously doubt they would do it without at least tacit permission from the top.
I wonder how the ETL would react if when they asked why you calling out you replied that there was a strange, green cheesy substance on your penis and go into graphic detail how it was creating problems for your urination and sex life. For the ladies I suspect any kind of lady problems with appropriate flowing details should shut them up as well.
Should keep them from ever asking that question again.
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I've only called in twice, but both times it was for a case of the flu wherein I could have made an excellent exorcist sequel. I didn't get too much guilt for it the next day. However, I usually get a following span of time wherein ETLs give me these looks like 'yep he's an unrealiable schmuck.' I get it, they get call ins all the time from people who just ... dont feel like it. But nor do I want to give them a detailed narrative of how I couldnt keep water down the day before.

I was once in the hospital with a staph infection getting pumped up with vancomycin when I called out. The LOD told me in a retorting way "Oh, so you're calling out? Fine!" *click*

Talan just come in and fake a blown knee during a team lift. And claim a Workers Comp injury. Target will then tell people stay at home when sick or injured.

In my 9 years, I only called in once because of sickness where I had 102 fever, stressed from exams, cold and sinus infection, and stress from the holiday rush just worn me down. Another time, I put in for bereavement leave when my grandfather died and it was an 8 hour drive to his funeral. Then I was out for a month on workers comp leave. But I worked sick when I had laryngitis, torn legiments, kidney infection/stones and taking pain killers, sinus infections, and colds because I knew Target would use it against me.

My last two ETL HRs posted signs at the time clock stating that the more times you call-in (sick or not) and put in for leave (vacation/errands/anything) that more than likely you receive fewer hours
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Talan just come in and fake a blown knee during a team lift. And claim a Workers Comp injury. Target will then tell people stay at home when sick or injured.

In my 9 years, I only called in once because of sickness where I had 102 fever, stressed from exams, cold and sinus infection, and stress from the holiday rush just worn me down. Another time, I put in for bereavement leave when my grandfather died and it was an 8 hour drive to his funeral. Then I was out for a month on workers comp leave. But I worked sick when I had laryngitis, torn legiments, kidney infection/stones and taking pain killers, sinus infections, and colds because I knew Target would use it against me.

My last two ETL HRs posted signs at the time clock stating that the more times you call-in (sick or not) and put in for leave (vacation/errands/anything) that more than likely you receive fewer hours

to post that is against target policy. they cant cut your hours because of it. maybe if they treated the team better, they wouldnt have to stress over call ins as much.
if i call in, i say, "hey this is xxx, i was just calling to let you know i will not be in today". i dont give a reason. they dont accept dr notes, so unless its something fmla related, i would just stick with that. i never make up an excuse for not being there or try to reason with them. ive had several ask if everything was ok, or hint around why, and i just say everythings fine, thanks for asking, or if theyre really pushy, i just repeat myself or say i have business to take care of. it pisses me off when they ask why. its none of their business. it doesnt change the fact that i called in.
Those signs pissed off a lot of Tms, especially the ones who had families. You can't help if you or your kids get sick.

A couple of my stores were ruthless into making you feel guilty or make it a negative against you if you were calling in.

But there were times where I tried to call in because I was up all night studying for an exam or just sick, and the ETL would say "Are you sure you want to call in? Its going to count against you if you do. You know you only get 3 call-ins in a time period before you get written up..." and I end up saying I will try to make it and work through it.
Ours have resorted to, "Well, what are your symptoms?" Oh, any of you have a medical degree? Can you magically cure me? I DON'T THINK SO.

I haven't called out in 2 years. The last time it was because I got stuck in a snow drift and didn't want to kill myself getting there. I made it in the next day, thanks to my dad's 4 wheel drive, but all they did was complain that TMs couldn't take taxis in to work. If a TM can't get out of their parking lot, how in the world would a taxi be able to get them??

I've called out five times in five years, but only once I had a non-sick reason and take pride in this: my brother was playing in the state football championship, the day after Black Friday. I was not going to miss that. Sorry, Target. The other four times was illness.
The "guilt trip" is actually included in the coaching form examples. "when you call out, other team members have to do your work" etc etc.
We have had people that call in regularly, just to call in. They know exactly how often they can miss with getting in trouble. It does effect the reason of the team. If people just call in when they are sick or have sick family members, it wouldn't be so bad. About the only time I call in is if my son has to miss school. Thank goodness for summer break.
If you call in all the time why should you get more hours than reliable team members who want hours and show up to every day.

I understand emergencies. I know people get sick, but far to many people abuse the system and the team suffers from it. Can't tell how many 2 or 3am nights because 3 or 4 tms decided to call out.
I really think you are misconstruing what this ETL was doing.

As a former TL, I have seen rampant examples of TMs completely bull shi**ing for their reasons calling out. I have seen TMs who called in the prior day saying how terribly sick they are brag the next day about how awesome the party they were at last night was. I literally had one TM tell an ETL she was sick and had to go home right then, and then on her way out the door told me she was going grocery shopping. (she didn't know that ETL had told me she was going home sick.... big surprise for her the next day)

The fact is, there are plenty of TMs out there who will completely lie and call in whenever something fun comes up. And yes, that does hurt the TMs who actually were responsible and showed up.

The fact is - ETLs don't know who is really sick and who isn't. They are not psychic. Therefore, a lot of ETLs will tell *everyone* this standard line. ("think of the team..." etc) If they were able to know who was being honest and who wasn't, then I am sure they would only tell the people who they knew were being dishonest.

So basically, stop taking this so personally. Some ETLs use this line for *everyone*. It is not personal, they simply don't know who is being honest and who isn't.

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