I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

Depends on your store. Some stores will term you and some will just slap you on the wrist. I've always heard that three NCNSs in a row will get you termed, but I know that's not set in stone. We had a cashier that would NCNS twice in a row, then call in for the third shift, and it took at least a month before she was fired.
There are soooooo many factors. Performance, tardiness, etc. A TM in my store went on final warning today for his first ever NCNS yesterday. He was on counseling for performance.
even if i surpassed the 6month term from the first to the second and the third happened within the 6month from the second to third??

i thought it was 3ncns in a row then termination?

3 NCNS in a row is called job abandonment (its the amount of shifts they decided is fair for you to not show up to for an employer to assume you no longer work for them and they can begin hiring someone else)...

NCNS also falls under conduct, so if you actually do NCNS it will get you on CA for conduct... and calling in excessively will get you on CA for attendance! They are two separate categories so if someone has a NCNS and call in back to back you can't lump them into the same issue!
well hopefully theyre as lenient towards me since i've overheard that there are at least two people who still currently work there, including more who have quit, with +3 NCNS, and a handful of call outs.

2nd no call no show was apparently 6 months since the first, and my car broke down in the middle of nowhere cause i took the backroads cause i was coming from out of town, a 45min drive. I tried calling the store, texting coworkers, and texted my gf about my situation and she called in for me an hour after my shift (it took some time for my textmsgs to get across)
DisciplinaryAction: My TL spoke to HR and since it was 6 months to previous it was back to step one; write up.

3rd no call no show (last night): I charged my phone, and set my alarm. I woke up and my alarm said 12:00am, i was relieved (dont start till 330), but then i realized that it was blinking on and off signaling a power outage. I woke up and it was actually 630. I was 3 hours late. (Last night was daylight saving, so i would have actually been 2hours late), I called in 2hoursand1min after my scheduled shift and spoke to my boss, overnight etl and explained to the situation. He didnt seem as frustrated as i thought he would have, and he said hesitantly as if he knew daylightsavings went against me "well, its past the two hour mark, i'll catch up to you later etc", but regardless i knew that it was a very unprofessional thing to do.

Ive been working backroom for well over a year, and ive seen people come and go in this department. I used to have a very bad reliability issue, but i matured up and came to work, to work. I show respect to all my higher-ups, while being FFF, but i know business is business, and im ready to face my consequences (i've applied at walmart just incase ahahaha).

But i wonder what will happen now?

Based on this, and I might be wrong, Your second NCNS was after the 6 month CA (NCNS=automatic Conduct coaching which comes with 6 months probation). Assuming the third NCNS is within the 6 months since the last CA, you would be placed on Final (probation for 12 months). Even though you did call in (2hrs, 1min), it can be considered a NCNS. Another NCNS in the next year (from the day the final was administered), it would lead to termination.
technically you could be given either a final warning or termed all together, but I guess you'll just have to wait and see what they end up doing.

As the title says ive had 3NCNS on 3 separate occasions.

The Rundown:
1st no call no show i was drugged up (medical) and slept for +16hours and well over my shift.
DisciplinaryAction: I was written up.

2nd no call no show was apparently 6 months since the first, and my car broke down in the middle of nowhere cause i took the backroads cause i was coming from out of town, a 45min drive. I tried calling the store, texting coworkers, and texted my gf about my situation and she called in for me an hour after my shift (it took some time for my textmsgs to get across)
DisciplinaryAction: My TL spoke to HR and since it was 6 months to previous it was back to step one; write up.

3rd no call no show (last night): I charged my phone, and set my alarm. I woke up and my alarm said 12:00am, i was relieved (dont start till 330), but then i realized that it was blinking on and off signaling a power outage. I woke up and it was actually 630. I was 3 hours late. (Last night was daylight saving, so i would have actually been 2hours late), I called in 2hoursand1min after my scheduled shift and spoke to my boss, overnight etl and explained to the situation. He didnt seem as frustrated as i thought he would have, and he said hesitantly as if he knew daylightsavings went against me "well, its past the two hour mark, i'll catch up to you later etc", but regardless i knew that it was a very unprofessional thing to do.

Ive been working backroom for well over a year, and ive seen people come and go in this department. I used to have a very bad reliability issue, but i matured up and came to work, to work. I show respect to all my higher-ups, while being FFF, but i know business is business, and im ready to face my consequences (i've applied at walmart just incase ahahaha).

But i wonder what will happen now?
Based on this, and I might be wrong, Your second NCNS was after the 6 month CA (NCNS=automatic Conduct coaching which comes with 6 months probation). Assuming the third NCNS is within the 6 months since the last CA, you would be placed on Final (probation for 12 months). Even though you did call in (2hrs, 1min), it can be considered a NCNS. Another NCNS in the next year (from the day the final was administered), it would lead to termination.

sounds right on!
on another note, our state changed laws this year on job abandonment... now it takes an act of congress to term for ncns (3 in a row) here. the time they ncns was extended to several more days to qualify as abandonment. i think our store gave up on it after that. they just nail them on performance instead.
We can get you all the Great team cards you want, those are practically free (well the card stock does have costs associated with it), but I'm going to go ahead and give you a coaching for expecting a shirt. What do think, spot is made out of prizes? You can have a target pen after three years!
so do most of you guys get a counseling on the first ncns?

Guess it depends on how strict/by the book your ETL-HR is or the culture of each store. Ours is fairly by the book, so our ETL-HR expects the Conduct Corrective Action to be administered on the TMs next shift when possible.
I just wanted to rant for a second. But today we had a rarely large truck. Our trucks have been so heavy that we are almost back to 5-6 trucks a week. Our truck for today, was full Wednesday night...Anyways today was 3400 and after back stock/ transition it came to 2532 boxes, roughly 25,000 items to push! We had 6 people either call in or NCNS and stood 18 strong today..HBA was 29hrs, market 24hrs, and 16 pallets of Seasonal (of course they all couldn't go up)

Is anyone else's store experiencing this much high volume? I don't know what "kind" of store we are, but a 3400 piece truck is the largest I've seen..even Plano came to help, not to mention PFresh was 917. (And we have the Nevada Overtime rule, where you can't work over 8hrs a shift..)

What is the largest truck you've had to push/ or heard of pushing? And how many call ins have you had in one day?
i think the largest truck ive seen here was 2,600 only... i dont even know how they would fit another 800 cases in there!! lol.. thats crazy...

at our store as of right now we are down to 3 trucks a week and one added every couple weeks or so.. so sometimes 4... during Christmas and other crazy seasonal times we do 5 a week...

we kinda have a similar problem at our store... we are always VERY short staffed on Saturdays because everyone is always too hung over too come in... lol... nothing is ever done about it...
we didn't have hardly any bulk (chairs and stuff) or water pallets. i don't know how many boxes per truck can hold, but thats what our TL said. so meh..
3400? I call B.S. That sounds like an inflated number from the TL. Regardless, you were definitely in the weeds with all those call ins. Coach, coach, coach. Accountability is the only way to prevent unwillingness to work.
The largest I've seen when I did logistics was 2800, and even then the majority of it was small HBA boxes. I'm not too certain they could honestly fit 3400 cases on a truck, so I think your TL was being dramatic.
I have seen a 3100 piece before but that was pretty jam packed full of BTS transition... 3400 would be tough to imagine!
Last holiday season we had a 2950 truck, it just happened to be on a night we took a double, both truck combined were 5600, with 1,000 backstock and 26 hour autofill. That was as an A volume store dropping to a B.

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