they pay MOST Target employees SEVEN $ an hour (which isn't even to cover GAS expenses to DRIVE to work somtimes) and they expect THE WORLD!
Wow..... Got some hot tempers in here. NCNS are considered a conduct issue and result in a CA. Failure to follow calling in 2 hours prior or two hours after the beginning of your shift will be classified as a NCNS. Thats stated right in the target handbook. Any type of Corrective action will prevent any promotions or transfers. Our store turns down transfers all the time due to CA's. The only concern I have is that you say you NCNS a month ago and now just being placed on a CA? thats not fair if thats the truth. As a Leader we have the responsibility to treating you fairly, which means holding you accountable in a timely manner. It doesn't take that long to put someone on a CA. I have had CA's written, reviewed, approved and delivered all in one day.[/QUOTE As a STL, you must realize that entry level TM's have NO rights, NO protections, NO benefits, NO pay (well 7$/hr) There NEEDS to be ALOT MORE transparency to the Target policies, meaning, have the rules IN WRITING about what people can expect, and I mean IN WRITING and available for viewing, not some rediculous confidential Target document that ONLY MGT and HR have access to read!
Wow..... Got some hot tempers in here. NCNS are considered a conduct issue and result in a CA. Failure to follow calling in 2 hours prior or two hours after the beginning of your shift will be classified as a NCNS. Thats stated right in the target handbook. Any type of Corrective action will prevent any promotions or transfers. Our store turns down transfers all the time due to CA's. The only concern I have is that you say you NCNS a month ago and now just being placed on a CA? thats not fair if thats the truth. As a Leader we have the responsibility to treating you fairly, which means holding you accountable in a timely manner. It doesn't take that long to put someone on a CA. I have had CA's written, reviewed, approved and delivered all in one day.[/QUOTE As a STL, you must realize that entry level TM's have NO rights, NO protections, NO benefits, NO pay (well 7$/hr) There NEEDS to be ALOT MORE transparency to the Target policies, meaning, have the rules IN WRITING about what people can expect, and I mean IN WRITING and available for viewing, not some rediculous confidential Target document that ONLY MGT and HR have access to read!
The specifics of how the policies work shouldn't be given to everyone! If TMs knew exactly how the CA process worked, how many people would take advantage of that? I was a TM for five years, and never once did I "need" to know these policies... Don't NCNS, don't call in too much, show up on time.... all pretty basic things that if you don't do will result in coaching or CA, the specifics of which shouldn't matter?
The specifics of how the policies work shouldn't be given to everyone! If TMs knew exactly how the CA process worked, how many people would take advantage of that? I was a TM for five years, and never once did I "need" to know these policies... Don't NCNS, don't call in too much, show up on time.... all pretty basic things that if you don't do will result in coaching or CA, the specifics of which shouldn't matter?
I agree with Rock Lobster - as mentioned, the specifics are in the employee handbook and are pretty easy to read and follow. No surprises if you come to work each day you are scheduled.
The resolution to the problem is for Target (and ALL corporate america and BIG businesses) to appreciate ALL of their employees not just the managers and supervisors. Many on here choose not to acknowledge that our country has been going downhill as it pertains to how the poor and lower middle income people are treated, paid, and given benefits since 1980. You have over 80% of the people working in the store (or in any company/business for that matter) often getting single digits per hour income and yet there are very high expectations of those people for very little recognition or appreciation (neither financially nor verbally) Raises usually entail betwen ZERO and ten CENTS per hour. Which means benefit cost INcreases affect the LOWER paid employees ALOT more. To revert to the original topic at hand, do I think it's right to No Call No Show? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Anyone with common sense realizes that isn't decent or fair thing to do to your employer. At the same time, do I think someone who does that for the FIRST time or ONLY time after MONTHS or YEARS of service should be given more than a Verbal warning? NO! ESPECIALLY for those who called in (though a few hours late). The punishment has the fit the crime, and the OVERALL performance of the employee must be taken into consideration. Supervisors and Managers should NOT be giving corrective action to people they obviously just DONT LIKE, in lots of cases, simply because the employee is of another race or gender or orientation or they think is ugly or fat or has been on a leave of absence or whatever, NO discrimination of ANY kind should be tolerated, period!
The truth of the matter is that anyone who is a TL or above (i.e. anyone who is a supervisor or manager) can't possibly be objective when commenting on this topic, but the reality is that everyone deserves to know the rules of Corrective Action so they know WHEN to expect they will get it. The origin of this topic is clearly that this tm was completely caught off guard on HOW or WHY they got corrective action. Therefore it leads to the obvious point that if it was openly explained and know what actions CAUSE CA's and which ones do not, blogs like this one wouldn't even be necessary because the rules and regulations of Corrective Action would be KNOWN!
For example, a cashier NEEDS to know how far off their drawer can be before Corrective Action will be given. So if their drawer is off by more than X number of $, they COULD be given CA or if their drawer is negative by more than X dollars more than X times per shift or week or month, it COULD result in CA. These things HAVE to be communicated! Another example would be, people who are late more than X times per week/month, COULD get corrective action. Or people missing more than X days per week/month/quarter COULD be given CA. These things MUST be known so the employee can KNOW that they have put themself in the position that could lead to CA. Another example would be about other types of numbers, like how many carts is a cart attendant allowed to push at one time or risk CA? How much weight is a Stock employee allowed to lift alone? This is makes it very clear WHY it's necessary to have WRITTEN rules on these things, because otherwise people are being given CA withOUT knowing they did something "wrong" We ALL have to miss work sometimes, and we have the RIGHT to know HOW MANY absences/tardies it takes to get a VERBAL or WRITTEN or FINAL!
Thank you Rock Lobster for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I'm not quite sure what you mean "if it weren't such a large corp, I would side with you"? It sounds like your old ETL was very generous, which is usually a good thing. But obviously people who are very frequently late and absent can't be overlooked, to be sure. It's a difficult situation because most people at Target (and in all corporations and businesses) are UNDERpaid, which means you shouldn't expect much for their services if you aren't going to reward them very well. That said, if they entered into the employment contract with Target to say they are going to attend work, then they should be there when mutually agreed upon scheduled.Trust me, I understand! If it weren't such a large corp, I would side with you! When I talk about how I would run my own small store I would say we need to be like how you are saying... My old ETL would overlook NCNS all the time for the 4AM shifts by just keying them in as a CI sick (if they were over two hours late... because face it, if you oversleep for that shift, it will be more than two hours)... but because of this, the TMs that actually NCNS can't be touched either! A cashier could NCNS 3 hours late but stay "but flow team doesn't have to show up"... And how strict you want to be about the policy is up to that store's leadership... Some might only do a coaching the first time, others make it final the first time! In all reality, it just means you can't NCNS again for 6 months (is it really that hard to not NCNS for 6 months?) And if you do you get put on final and then you have to make it a year... I feel like that is really lax actually
I would like to thank G421, and Rock Lobster, and other's who have made a sincere effort to dialogue rationally and reasonably, thank you =) The fact of the matter is that I've worked at Target and in retail and in corporate america and big businesses for over 20 years, and I've seen ALL of them treat MANY of their employees VERY BADLY! MOST of those places were NOT unionized, so the supervisors and managers would BRAG to each other how they made this person cry or that person BEG to keep their job! That is BY FAR the norm, which is DISGRACEFUL! It's appauling to me that SO many managers and supervisors ABUSE their power and that employees have NO WHERE to go! I've USED the employee relations line at many of those jobs and they did me NO good. I've also WORKED on the Employee Relations at some of those companies, which is why I'm so animated about this topic! The ER Hotline is nothing more than a place 4 employees to call to voice their "side" of the story to a phone operator who does nothing more than write down what they have to say. Then the employees OWN words they shared with the ER hotline are used AGAINST that employee to cause the employee even MORE stress and pressure in the workplace than they already had! Then I would have to take the follow up calls from the employees saying "I thought you were going to make my situation BETTER, NOT WORSE! One example-people who were interviewed were SO TERRIFIED that anything they said against the manager would cause THEM pain/problems or to lose THEIR job meant that NO ONE would come clean about the CONSTANT abuse that manager was inflicting on all of them, so the only "resolution" that was offered was for the employee filing the complaint could MOVE to another location, NOTHING was done to the manager abusing all of the employees!
I'm curious to know more about this also. I started out as a seasonal hire in November and had one NCNS in early December due to being very sick (cold/flu) and the meds literally knocked me flat until hours into my shift. I called and talked with our AP (who was LOD that day) and he was cool with it, but mentioned that someone may talk with me when I come in for my shift the next day. I came in and nothing was ever said or done. Since then, I've been given plenty of high remarks by ETLs, STL, GSA, and other TLs on how well I work and how hard I work, all with a great attitude. I'm just wondering if I'll be blindsided by something similar, even though it was a one time thing and it never happens to me (and certainly won't again after that).
I've always been on time and I've never been late or called out. I've picked up extra shifts and I've also stayed late if needed. Just wondering if my work ethic and attitude have kept this from escalating to a CA or not. I've spoken quite a bit with our ETL-HR on various things and she's very nice. Haven't heard a thing from anyone relating to that and they've since kept me on as a Sales Floor TM. Any insight into this is appreciated.
For example, a cashier NEEDS to know how far off their drawer can be before Corrective Action will be given.
Rock Lobster - are you seeing my point though - which is of course there is a reason to be caught off guard. When employees aren't made aware of what leads to Corrective Action, then how can they be prepared for it? Meaning, if I have some legitimate, MAJOR emergency which causes me to arrive late or miss a shift, why should I AUTOMATICALLY know that I'm going to get a CA if I've not been given an LIST of the RULES or CAUSES of getting a CA? Meaning, people NEED to know HOW MANY tardies or minutes or absences CAUSE a CA so they can see to it that they don't do those things (unless SUPER important EMERGENCIES out of their CONTROL happen) Just because they EXPLAIN the CA...WHEN they are giving it to the employee, well that's NOT ENOUGH! the employee needs to know BEFORE they are given the CA the rules and regulations to what can LEAD to a CA so they KNOW how to avoid them and also so they can be emotionally prepared to be pulled into a stressful meeting!
Transparency is a MUST in life. In this example, for example, the TM was not given the CA for over a MONTH from when the event occurred! That is another thing that must be transparent, HOW LONG after an event MUST the CA be given? If I was tardy 2 months ago, I sure as heck don't want to be hauled into a stressful meeting interrogated about a tarde or missed punch etc from 2 months ago! So to be clear, the biggest reason for the transparency is that many managers and supervisors are EVIL, MEAN people who ENJOY harassing and discriminating and yelling at the people below them and threatening the jobs and making their lives a living heck. I've been in HR I've been in Employee Relations, and I've been on the RECEIVING side of the mistreatment from managers and supervisors, and what mgrs and sups LOVE to do is SURPRISE INTERROGATION meeting where they have TONS of stats and info PREplanned to use against you, you have NO warning NO prep time to ready your side of the discussion, you are simply BLINDSIDED and told you are an "awful employee"
You mean they pay you money and expect you to do the things they want you to do?!?!? Insanity!
Gotta disagree on this one. If a cashier knows "how far off their drawer can be before CA", that's giving them a green light as to how much can be skimmed before they get caught.
If they're consistantly "off", AP can review to determine whether it's gross error or theft. I told my cashiers that drawer counts were audited every day to instill a little fear in them to be accurate & precise. Those who didn't care were the ones termed for theft & they always though they wouldn't get caught. *shakes head*