I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

Don't wait until Wednesday. Tell them right now. This is a totally valid reason. Pets are members of the family, people who say they are not have never had one. I would just let HR know that you have this difficult situation coming up on Weds. You are letting them know in advance so they can replace the shift. I would think it shows that you understand the need to have your spot filled but also that this is something that you will not feel guilty about. Take care of yourself first.
Yeah, don't wait... Say something now. Its possible that you could also get your shift covered by someone else 🙂
It seems that we will be putting her down sooner than later. We brought her home for tonight and will go through with the procedure tomorrow (Tuesday). Since this was sudden, I didn't have a 24 hour notice. However, I did call way before the two hour threshold today, and luckily the ETL that answered was understanding.
For anyone who wondered, below is the picture of what she looks like:
View attachment 403078_2924061374671_1054960306_2883913_8305556_n.jpg
Sorry for your loss. I know how tough it can be.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
I just recently looked at the website of rainbow bridge, great resource, thanks! Another way I will cope with the inevitable loss is by making a video slideshow (normally this would be all video, but for the purposes of memoir, I decided that a picture slideshow would be best and most respectable.
Filmer, she's beautiful & she'll be missed.
The important thing is she was loved.
My condolences.
It seems that we will be putting her down sooner than later. We brought her home for tonight and will go through with the procedure tomorrow (Tuesday). Since this was sudden, I didn't have a 24 hour notice. However, I did call way before the two hour threshold today, and luckily the ETL that answered was understanding.
For anyone who wondered, below is the picture of what she looks like:
View attachment 109

My sincerest condolences. Dogs are possibly the greatest of creatures. Think of the best of virtues and any dog who has been shown the slightest kindness will exhibit them day after day. I will take the company of a good dog over most humans any day of the week.
Very sorry for your loss. Just remember that she isn't going to be in any more pain and that she had a full life that I am sure was filled with great memories and friendships!!
My most sincere condolences on your loss. While Target doesn't have immediate family funeral pay for pets, they do have 1/2 day pay for close friends and distant family, I would think you could get that level of time away for this event. If not, there is something called "Personal Emergency Pay" which generally is for 4 hour increments of time away, but the maximum benefit is 40 hours. Unfortunately, that benefit is only offered to Team Leaders and above though. Don't forget about the Team Member Emergency Assistance Fund where you can get up to 500$ in financial assistance for severe personal circumstances, which this could qualify. Also don't forget to utilize the Team Member Life Resources Program. 877-616-0510, they are 24 hours a day/7 days a week to provide a wide variety of types of assistance.
It is with sad heart as I post this thread, but I feel I should share this. On this upcoming Wednesday I will be putting my dog (that I have had since I was 10 years old, now am 23) to sleep. She has become very ill and I have made this decision that it will be better to put her down rather than to prolong her life when in pain. This relates to Target on the subject of calling out. I am scheduled for a closing shift on Wednesday, but feel that I might be way too upset and heartbroken to come in. Would this be a good reason to call out, because this is a death in the "family"?
I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. You have been good support along with my other friends and family. We put her down early yesterday. There were many tears. Throughout the day I was waffling between sad and ok, but I know I will be okay eventually. Again, I know she is in a much better place and she has more energy running through the fields of heaven than she has ever had before! Again thank you all!
I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. You have been good support along with my other friends and family. We put her down early yesterday. There were many tears. Throughout the day I was waffling between sad and ok, but I know I will be okay eventually. Again, I know she is in a much better place and she has more energy running through the fields of heaven than she has ever had before! Again thank you all!

Hugs to you!:heart::tender:
You definitely have all of our prayers and best wishes, don't forget to utilize every benefit you can to help you cope with this loss. Best to you always.
My most sincere condolences on your loss. While Target doesn't have immediate family funeral pay for pets, they do have 1/2 day pay for close friends and distant family, I would think you could get that level of time away for this event. If not, there is something called "Personal Emergency Pay" which generally is for 4 hour increments of time away, but the maximum benefit is 40 hours. Unfortunately, that benefit is only offered to Team Leaders and above though. Don't forget about the Team Member Emergency Assistance Fund where you can get up to 500$ in financial assistance for severe personal circumstances, which this could qualify. Also don't forget to utilize the Team Member Life Resources Program. 877-616-0510, they are 24 hours a day/7 days a week to provide a wide variety of types of assistance.
definitely, big group hug, we've all lost someone or a near, dear pet =)
You definitely have all of our prayers and best wishes, don't forget to utilize every benefit you can to help you cope with this loss. Best to you always.
Yes, it's definitely a shame people don't know how to get along and try to find mutual solutions to their problems by working together and coming up with amicable resolutions. As it pertains to NCNS, there are so many legitimate reasons a person could have one of those, many times because of family emergency that should exempt them from getting one. We all oversleep once in a while, so as long as they make it 3 Ss you are out (within a reasonable period, let's say 12 months) I think most should not be in jeopardy.
I think it's a reflection on how our country functions, which is a shame. Meaning, whether it's religion or politics or whatever people have strong beliefs about, it always seems like the word "compromise" doesn't exist. No one seems to be willing to bend and find an agreeable middle ground.
So I was wondering at what point would you guys call out. My throat was hurting and feeling weird mid day yesterday and I thought it would go away but its still the same plus coughing today, feeling a little weak, and my stomachs felt a little off as well. I decided to call off about 2 hours before tonights closing pfresh shift.

I know I could probably go to work and actually finish the shift but for one im going to be around food so its probably best to take more precaution and 2 i dont want to make it worse and have to miss more days.

I just wanted to ask, when/if you call out do you usually do it where you are physically unable to do the job and would be vomiting or unable to physically do the task or more right before you get to that point where working could aggrivate it to be worse.
Ive been there almost 2 years and havent called out sick once...I was just wondering everyones thoughts on it. Im not worried about anything bad happening. the other PA called out "sick" 3 times in one week about a month ago and my CTL has been out sick a few days the past 6 months as well
For a very long time I went in and left early, it really shows the leadership that you aren't BSing them. I get Migraines that make me virtually worthless at work, not to mention they make me get sick. My rule of thumb was always, if I needed to run to the bathroom, I was going home. Now though, I am able to call in and my ETL's, while not happy, know I am actually sick. I tend to call in a bit before now because I always seem to get screwed over on the days I really feel crappy by having everybody ELSE call in. Even with that I have only called in for the whole day 4 times in two years. I'm one of the people with the fewest callins at my store. I wouldn't worry about one, it's like the boy who cried wolf, the more you do it, the more people don't believe you.
Ya...im usually like that. I think in my 2 or so years at target and 5 years elswhere this will be the second time ive actually called in sick. I havent even really been sick the past 7 years other than maybe 2 days. A couple months ago I had actually thrown up in the morning and was feeling off but by the time I was supposed to go in I felt well enough to go and I did. What is kind of funny is my CTL called out yesterday morning and the other PA is sick too haha.
We pass the sickies around at work... I try not to call out, but I learned the hard way that it is better to take a day to get over the yuck, than wait and lose a lot of days. For the most part though, my E's know that it's gotta be pretty bad for me to call out, so I don't get any grief.
I agree with HLmaster... food and sick don't mix well at all.

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