you'd have to be psycho (popgroove) for you to be someone who agrees with naters. Everyone here knows what's going on, the reality is that MOST people have faced some type of harassment or DISCRIMINATION in the workplace. Most people have had a supervisor or manage or TL or ETL or HR or STL who ABUSED their power by THREATENING them or making them BEG for their job or constantly HOUNDING them about EVERYTHING (you arrived ONE minute late, or left ONE minute early or you took a thirty ONE minute lunch or whatever insignificant issue that can think of to harass you about if they don't like you) As it pertains to this topic of Corrective Action - it's not really a "right or wrong" discussion, we all know that it's not right to No Call No Show, the bigger issue is admitting and recognizing that supervisors and managers ABUSE the rules by letting the people they LIKE get off "Scott-free" while people they don't like get job threats, CA's, constant harassing meetings in the office, you name it. My BIGGEST complaint is there is NO TRANSPARENCY as to what WILL and what WILL NOT get you a CA. For example, a year or two there was something IN WRITING and WELL communicated about certain things that were "the expectation" on performance. You needed this performance to be meeting expectation, that performance to get promoted, etc, etc, then, all of a sudden, what used to be considered a high enough standard to get PROMOTED, all of a sudden, WITHOUT Written OR Verbal notice, suddenly became a Correction Action level of performance!!!!! THAT is what I'm talking about, when you have something IN writing and that ALL knew WAS considered the "standard" necessary to be "meets expectations" or "promotion degree of profiency" WITHOUT ANYYYYYY notice, sudden became a Corrective Action degree of performance issue, HOW?