I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

you'd have to be psycho (popgroove) for you to be someone who agrees with naters. Everyone here knows what's going on, the reality is that MOST people have faced some type of harassment or DISCRIMINATION in the workplace. Most people have had a supervisor or manage or TL or ETL or HR or STL who ABUSED their power by THREATENING them or making them BEG for their job or constantly HOUNDING them about EVERYTHING (you arrived ONE minute late, or left ONE minute early or you took a thirty ONE minute lunch or whatever insignificant issue that can think of to harass you about if they don't like you) As it pertains to this topic of Corrective Action - it's not really a "right or wrong" discussion, we all know that it's not right to No Call No Show, the bigger issue is admitting and recognizing that supervisors and managers ABUSE the rules by letting the people they LIKE get off "Scott-free" while people they don't like get job threats, CA's, constant harassing meetings in the office, you name it. My BIGGEST complaint is there is NO TRANSPARENCY as to what WILL and what WILL NOT get you a CA. For example, a year or two there was something IN WRITING and WELL communicated about certain things that were "the expectation" on performance. You needed this performance to be meeting expectation, that performance to get promoted, etc, etc, then, all of a sudden, what used to be considered a high enough standard to get PROMOTED, all of a sudden, WITHOUT Written OR Verbal notice, suddenly became a Correction Action level of performance!!!!! THAT is what I'm talking about, when you have something IN writing and that ALL knew WAS considered the "standard" necessary to be "meets expectations" or "promotion degree of profiency" WITHOUT ANYYYYYY notice, sudden became a Corrective Action degree of performance issue, HOW?
Can one be put on CA for a NCNS and never notified? I accidentally had one a few months ago, and didn't find out until I went in for my shift the next day. All I got the next day was teasing from co-workers, but I was never pulled aside or sat down by a supervisor. I've never done it before, and I don't have attendance issues (I rarely call in, and don't ask for many days off)... but I'm worried that this will impact a potential promotion.

Not possible, you need to sign CA's and also receive a copy, legally...
I just want to restate that a conduct CA will not hinder you from transfers or promotions per the policy. Individual stores may be different. Now with that being said it is also possible to transfer with a CA for performance but you need the appropriate HP Partner approval. Before anyone starts saying I am wrong or don't know what I am talking about or that you heard it from your co-workers friend who had a cousin in another state that worked at Wal-Mart but knew a Target guy from high school the policy number is 200-50-10 and you are free to look it up on Workbench. If you do not want to go that way then look at the difference in the conduct (NCNS) and performance CA forms.
you'd have to be psycho (popgroove) for you to be someone who agrees with naters. Everyone here knows what's going on, the reality is that MOST people have faced some type of harassment or DISCRIMINATION in the workplace. Most people have had a supervisor or manage or TL or ETL or HR or STL who ABUSED their power by THREATENING them or making them BEG for their job or constantly HOUNDING them about EVERYTHING (you arrived ONE minute late, or left ONE minute early or you took a thirty ONE minute lunch or whatever insignificant issue that can think of to harass you about if they don't like you) As it pertains to this topic of Corrective Action - it's not really a "right or wrong" discussion, we all know that it's not right to No Call No Show, the bigger issue is admitting and recognizing that supervisors and managers ABUSE the rules by letting the people they LIKE get off "Scott-free" while people they don't like get job threats, CA's, constant harassing meetings in the office, you name it. My BIGGEST complaint is there is NO TRANSPARENCY as to what WILL and what WILL NOT get you a CA. For example, a year or two there was something IN WRITING and WELL communicated about certain things that were "the expectation" on performance. You needed this performance to be meeting expectation, that performance to get promoted, etc, etc, then, all of a sudden, what used to be considered a high enough standard to get PROMOTED, all of a sudden, WITHOUT Written OR Verbal notice, suddenly became a Correction Action level of performance!!!!! THAT is what I'm talking about, when you have something IN writing and that ALL knew WAS considered the "standard" necessary to be "meets expectations" or "promotion degree of profiency" WITHOUT ANYYYYYY notice, sudden became a Corrective Action degree of performance issue, HOW?

Of course I don't know what the **** is going on at Target anymore. I got fired a few weeks before black friday.
you'd have to be psycho (popgroove) for you to be someone who agrees with naters. Everyone here knows what's going on, the reality is that MOST people have faced some type of harassment or DISCRIMINATION in the workplace. Most people have had a supervisor or manage or TL or ETL or HR or STL who ABUSED their power by THREATENING them or making them BEG for their job or constantly HOUNDING them about EVERYTHING (you arrived ONE minute late, or left ONE minute early or you took a thirty ONE minute lunch or whatever insignificant issue that can think of to harass you about if they don't like you) As it pertains to this topic of Corrective Action - it's not really a "right or wrong" discussion, we all know that it's not right to No Call No Show, the bigger issue is admitting and recognizing that supervisors and managers ABUSE the rules by letting the people they LIKE get off "Scott-free" while people they don't like get job threats, CA's, constant harassing meetings in the office, you name it. My BIGGEST complaint is there is NO TRANSPARENCY as to what WILL and what WILL NOT get you a CA. For example, a year or two there was something IN WRITING and WELL communicated about certain things that were "the expectation" on performance. You needed this performance to be meeting expectation, that performance to get promoted, etc, etc, then, all of a sudden, what used to be considered a high enough standard to get PROMOTED, all of a sudden, WITHOUT Written OR Verbal notice, suddenly became a Correction Action level of performance!!!!! THAT is what I'm talking about, when you have something IN writing and that ALL knew WAS considered the "standard" necessary to be "meets expectations" or "promotion degree of profiency" WITHOUT ANYYYYYY notice, sudden became a Corrective Action degree of performance issue, HOW?

Ok... So here is the point I am going to make now... The problem is that this person cannot promote for 6 months because of the NCNS (which we weren't aware was going to put them on auto-CA)... We are upset because this person is losing out on the promotion because IF this policy had been in writing the act would not have been committed OR because it was not in writing the act should only result in a coaching? Guess what? It takes A WHOLE LOT MORE than staying off of CA to get promoted to TL... I can tell you right now, that even if the NCNS resulted in a simple coaching instead, it would have still held them back! You realize that the leadership team votes if someone can go to interviews right? Its not a simple process and I know someone would say "This person can't even show up for a shift, why would we promote them?" Whether it results in a final, CA, or coaching doesn't really matter... And to act like "if they knew it was auto-CA they wouldn't have done it" is not logical either... You shouldn't NCNS because its the rule and you are trying to lead by example, not because the punishment is more severe than a coaching!
Very well said Rock Lobster! What I mean by that is that it's IMPOSSIBLE to GET PROMOTED at TARGET! You have to KISS every TL, ETL, STL, HR's backsides and BE PERFECT for YEARS on end, all the while getting NOTHING an hour! We ALL KNOW to NOT "NCNS", that is NOT the point, the point is that the HAS to be LENIENCY sometimes. ESPECIALLY if someone has been with the company for YEARS and NEVER did anything wroing, but NOW they NEED a transfer or to DEmote or PROmote and they can't over ONE mistake. We all agree you should try to be the best employee you can, but we also have to recognize that TARGET and it's MGMT makes TONS of mistakes and abuses and discriminations and harassments and biases and WHEN is TARGET and it's MGMT going to get THEIR Corrective Action? The answer? UNIONS! =)
Very well said Rock Lobster! What I mean by that is that it's IMPOSSIBLE to GET PROMOTED at TARGET! You have to KISS every TL, ETL, STL, HR's backsides and BE PERFECT for YEARS on end, all the while getting NOTHING an hour! We ALL KNOW to NOT "NCNS", that is NOT the point, the point is that the HAS to be LENIENCY sometimes. ESPECIALLY if someone has been with the company for YEARS and NEVER did anything wroing, but NOW they NEED a transfer or to DEmote or PROmote and they can't over ONE mistake. We all agree you should try to be the best employee you can, but we also have to recognize that TARGET and it's MGMT makes TONS of mistakes and abuses and discriminations and harassments and biases and WHEN is TARGET and it's MGMT going to get THEIR Corrective Action? The answer? UNIONS! =)

There is leniency with this though... CA is not the end of the world, this person will be off of CA in 6 months and free to do as they want with transfers and promotions! I honestly believe it is not that bad, and you are starting some sort of movement over something that is really simple and not that huge of a concern! This person didn't get their ability to promote taken away FOREVER over one mistake, but simply is getting delayed because they didn't show up to a shift... Its pretty simple, just don't make the same mistake again in 6 months and its all good to go!

Also, it is not impossible to promote at Target... People don't understand that Target is looking at multiple things when choosing a leader, and being knowledgeable is only one category of that! You have to show them that you can personify what they want as a leader to be able to promote, and its their company and their choice what they want you to be like! I promoted this last year, and I can tell you my knowledge didn't play a very large role in my promotion, and I didn't have to "kiss every TL, ETL, HR's backside" to do it... Did i relate well with all of my current peers? Hell yes, because that is part of being a leader! You have to build partnerships, accept feedback when you get it, and tailor your messages the right way to move up in this company... not demand and pout when it doesn't go your way!
Very well said Rock Lobster! What I mean by that is that it's IMPOSSIBLE to GET PROMOTED at TARGET! You have to KISS every TL, ETL, STL, HR's backsides and BE PERFECT for YEARS on end, all the while getting NOTHING an hour! We ALL KNOW to NOT "NCNS", that is NOT the point, the point is that the HAS to be LENIENCY sometimes. ESPECIALLY if someone has been with the company for YEARS and NEVER did anything wroing, but NOW they NEED a transfer or to DEmote or PROmote and they can't over ONE mistake. We all agree you should try to be the best employee you can, but we also have to recognize that TARGET and it's MGMT makes TONS of mistakes and abuses and discriminations and harassments and biases and WHEN is TARGET and it's MGMT going to get THEIR Corrective Action? The answer? UNIONS! =)

This is complete b.s. I have been a very vocal critic of specific actions and leadership in my store since I've worked there and I was promoted from TM to GSA to TL. My store appreciates honesty. They are definitely not "fair and consistent" with the policy because they believe it's okay to make a mistake every once in awhile. However, you smell like a troll. Chill out with the union stuff.
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This is complete b.s. I have been a very vocal critic of specific actions and leadership in my store since I've worked there. My store appreciates honesty. They are definitely not "fair and consistent" with the policy because they believe it's okay to make a mistake every once in awhile. However, you smell like a troll. Chill out with the union stuff.

So that's what that smell is........
I suggest we all invoke our right to silence. This argument is going nowhere fast. In this thread there are valid points on both sides, however, there is a difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict. What we have here is dysfunctional since it seems that repeating ourselves like a broken record will persuade the other side to change views. It is obvious that there are strong convictions or views on this subject and I can't say that I agree or disagree with them. I am trying to take the high road and say we should all move on and not keep quibbling about this.

Please and thank you.

I think it's a reflection on how our country functions, which is a shame. Meaning, whether it's religion or politics or whatever people have strong beliefs about, it always seems like the word "compromise" doesn't exist. No one seems to be willing to bend and find an agreeable middle ground.
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I suggest we all invoke our right to silence. This argument is going nowhere fast. In this thread there are valid points on both sides, however, there is a difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict. What we have here is dysfunctional since it seems that repeating ourselves like a broken record will persuade the other side to change views. It is obvious that there are strong convictions or views on this subject and I can't say that I agree or disagree with them. I am trying to take the high road and say we should all move on and not keep quibbling about this.

Please and thank you.


It doesn't makealot of sense to be silent, no improvements can be made if people aren't willing to be mature enough to recognize the other people's points of view and try to find a common ground and compromise. The basics of this conversation are about No Call No Shows. I think we all AGREE that doing a NCNS is NOT acceptable. Where the conflict seems to exist is that some feel that the rules of how/when a person can be given Corrective Action should be more Transparent. In this case, the question is whether a 1st NCNS should cause a 6 month corrective action period for a first offense. It would be my contention that the 1st event should be a verbal warning. 2nd offense, especially in a certain period of time (one month, 6 months, a year) should leave to a Written Corrective Action. And a 3rd offense should be a Final Warning. However the official policy is 3rd time causes termination.
I guess I see the point, then again, you'd have to be crazy to steal nowadays with cameras all over you. As soon as you have even one incident with the drawer being off you'd be very much scrutinized. When I worked at Walmart, the Cashier Manager stole 10's of THOUSANDS of dollars before they finally caught him after YEARS of stealing money! But I still think it's right to tell people in advance (if your drawer is off by more than X $ you will get a verbal or written, etc. When I worked at Walgreens, the cashiers had to count down their own drawers, then the manager would count the drawer to make sure they came up with the same number. Back to this topic, I just really can't stand when supervisors and manager collect lots of data and have lots of meeting about the employee and then with no notice, yank them into very stressful meetings without any notice, and any chance for the employee to recollect their side of the story. Whether it was a punch correction last week or a tardy last month or whatever blindsided attack they come up with. It really comes across as if managers and supervisors ENJOY threatening to fire employees. We all know humans are imperfect, and humans with power have a huge difficulty not abusing that power. It's my experience that MORE managers and supervisors ABUSE the power they are given then do not. Thanks for listening =)
Gotta disagree on this one. If a cashier knows "how far off their drawer can be before CA", that's giving them a green light as to how much can be skimmed before they get caught.
If they're consistantly "off", AP can review to determine whether it's gross error or theft. I told my cashiers that drawer counts were audited every day to instill a little fear in them to be accurate & precise. Those who didn't care were the ones termed for theft & they always though they wouldn't get caught. *shakes head*
It is with sad heart as I post this thread, but I feel I should share this. On this upcoming Wednesday I will be putting my dog (that I have had since I was 10 years old, now am 23) to sleep. She has become very ill and I have made this decision that it will be better to put her down rather than to prolong her life when in pain. This relates to Target on the subject of calling out. I am scheduled for a closing shift on Wednesday, but feel that I might be way too upset and heartbroken to come in. Would this be a good reason to call out, because this is a death in the "family"?
I'd call out, I love my dogs and when they (inevitably) die, I will be heartbroken.

Family (even if they're "just" dogs) >>>>> any job. Hell, I'll probably spend a week in bed when my dogs die.
Yes it's a perfectly valid reason to call out. If you get written up for that your ETL's/STL is a ****.

I'd call out, I love my dogs and when they (inevitably) die, I will be heartbroken.

Family (even if they're "just" dogs) >>>>> any job. Hell, I'll probably spend a week in bed when my dogs die.

That's exactly what I did when my first dog was put to sleep when I was 14. 🙁
Thanks for your advice. Again I love my dogs. And luckily I know my ETL-Log will understand because I remember he was quite concerned when his own dog was ill and ended up passing away. I just hope I get to talk to him when I call, and not the ETL for hardlines, because sad to say her level of sympathy/empathy is very very very low! If she does end up answering, I will hang up and just call back hope to get someone else who is actually relatable to human emotion.
When I had my dog put down I had no intentions of going to work that day or even a few days but after sitting around and being upset I went in to take my mind off of it. So yes that is a perfectly valid reason for calling in.
I would call out I love my animals...and as a Tl I would understand if a tm called out but I would say I'm not feeling good just I case the etl doesn't have a heart. Most do at my store but you never know

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