Archived The Fine Line Between GSA and GSTL

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Cel that list is pretty accurate, but at my store you have to add:
-photo. There is either always a problem or a guest who needs help. And most people in the store either refuse to learn or deny knowing anything, so you're stuck dealing with it for at least a half hour or longer.
-zone saver spot.
-zone and put away dollar spot strays. Because while the GSTM is supposed to do this, they either cannot honestly get to it, or will do a work slow down if they get to a point where they may have to do it. For fun, for a couple of weeks flow was dumping their dollar spot boxes off on us to unload for them as well. After about two weeks of this hell, I closed with the ETL-LOG who saw me stressing out over having half of the stuff to put away at 7pm, and I still hadn't even gotten to my own stuff. She took away the flat and promised that would never be dumped on us again. So as of now, zoning and strays almost seems like a vacation there. (Right.)
Yeah, I just forgot the dollar spot things, we get the same crap at my store as well. Usually we have an older guy who does the spotty push, but if he's on vacation or calls out they just leave carts near the bathing suits in softlines and expect us to do it.

We just have the photo kiosk, which we mostly ignore until some old lady who doesn't know what USB is needs 9,001 photos printed in 3 different sizes.
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Ours is basically the photo kiosk...with occasional internet orders in on the ones behind the counter. But about half of our guests refuse to do it themselves.

I had a guest today make me do her address change announcement cards. It took a half hour to walk her through that process (while praying things didn't blow up on the lanes in the meantime). And how did this entire conversation start out? With her calling me a "derelict." Seriously. And that was within 10 minutes of me clocking in. Had I known that was going to be the high point of my night, I would have ran screaming into the night right then and there.
Speaking of spotty push this week (our first mytime generated schedule week), our old guy never showed up front, not sure if he called out or was assigned somewhere else (I know they're trying to do FDC push same day now too), but it took us until Tuesday night to finish pushing one spot from Monday morning. I know, I opened monday and closed tuesday. Part of the problem was the heaping tub of candy they dumped on us. It was mostly needed product, but with no more than 2 cashiers except for maybe an hour a day, it still took almost 2 days for that to get pushed out too.
Which position is easier....which position is most difficult
The easiest position is the one that you like to do the most.
The most difficult position is the one you hate.

Think about a cashier I'd hate working in the backroom, but I love cashiering. Yes, it has its moments, but I enjoy it.

When trying to decide which job is easier.....first choose the department with "the easy jobs"......then look to see how well the store runs.
Or, if you have a jury of 12 people.....who is the most expendable?
Honestly, it depends on your TL's. My STL wanted me to be a GSA so I can become a GSTL because she thinks I have good leadership abilities. Obviously a GSTL has more responsibility and power over a GSA, but a GSA does in fact get a lot of the GSTL's responsibilities (in my store at least). Both of my GSTL's told me that when they aren't there, I am in charge of leading and supervising the front end. I have to do cash office like the GSTL's do, I have to worry about getting REDcards, I have to make sure the front end is brand, I have to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing. The difference is mainly that a GSTL can coach, do PDD's, interviews, firing, etc. My point here is that every store has different expectations for their GSA. All of my ETL's and my STL expect me to lead just like my GSTL.
A GSA's success really depends on their work ethic and the support of their leadership. This is a position that really needs to be backed by leadership if they expect them to perform the way they intended. I've had some great GSA's and some that only lasted a month or two. It all depends on their GSTLs and above.
My store is weird. Most of the Leadership are totally on board and consider GSA's as Leadership, but I do always have to be careful with what I say and do so as not to overstep my bounds.
Both of the stores I've been to have treated GSAs as TL, even going as far as to say that they can coach TMs it just can't be documented. I've noticed this does tend to give the GSAs a healthy amount of leverage to use with cashiers which helps their performance and development.
At my store, GSAs could have conversations about performance with cashiers, (and we were encouraged to do so) but we couldn't pull them into the office and do it, or document it. If, after multiple conversations about the same issue, the problem wasn't resolved, then it got escalated to the GSTL who officially coached them.
It is definitely a fine line... It all depends on your tone I think. my former GSAs would speak to us about Redcards, little things we did at register in a very upbeat "friendly reminder" sort of manner.
The way I see it:

GSA- Extreme team trainer, with all of the front end team members being the trainee's.
GSTL- Team Leader. Coachings, long term performance tracking, reviews, CCA, final's, interviews, other administrative duties, etc.
My old store treated GSAs exactly like GSTLs. Our job was 99% the same, for wayyyy less money. It was a headache and I feel bad for anyone who can put up with it for longer than a few months. I only did it for 6 or 7 months and it honestly felt like years.
I'm new to the GSA position but I've been given a lot of authority and support. I'm waiting for something out of my control to happen and be "talked" to about it because that's what happened in the past when the presentation workload went crazy and I was working at double capacity and still only getting done 12 hour workloads in an 8 hour shift. Our store is very supportive, but at the same time completely unreasonable in their expectations. So far I've gotten really positive feedback and I REALLY love the position, I enjoy micromanaging and obsess over the break schedule as well as helping out the entire front end.

But at my store we are encouraged to take on a leadership position, I've already had to talk to a cashier because she was supposed to have a new team member shadow her, and she took it upon herself to take her break and leave without telling me or the other GSA that I happened to have an overlap with. So I was encouraged to talk to her and it was really uncomfortable because I genuinely do not like confronting people for things they've messed up on or have done wrong because for the most part I believe people try their hardest. But it was an important lesson for me since, even though I'm not a TL, I get to coach people.
What is the starting pay for a GSTL? There has been talk again in my store about whether or not I'm interested in moving up. I've made it clear, that if I can skip being a GSA, and go straight to a GSTL, I would like to move up. With people being shuffled around right now, there's a good chance I'll either be promoted, or encouraged to apply.

My main concern is money though. I make $10 an hour (minimum wage) and I want to take the position for at least a dollar more an hour. Do you think they will just laugh in my face trying to negotiate that? Or is that still way lower than a new GSTL pay?
What is the starting pay for a GSTL? There has been talk again in my store about whether or not I'm interested in moving up. I've made it clear, that if I can skip being a GSA, and go straight to a GSTL, I would like to move up. With people being shuffled around right now, there's a good chance I'll either be promoted, or encouraged to apply.

My main concern is money though. I make $10 an hour (minimum wage) and I want to take the position for at least a dollar more an hour. Do you think they will just laugh in my face trying to negotiate that? Or is that still way lower than a new GSTL pay?

GSTL would be at least a $2 raise for you. Possibly more depending on how badly they need a GSTL.
@Firefox Nice! I'm glad I asked. I was trying to do some research to find what the pay was like. The glass door said anywhere from $11- $17. I would totally take the position for $12 starting out. We'll see what happens. I don't know how bad they need one.
Is there a guide to closing the registers? I'll be closing GSA for the first time and as usual I've had zero training. I've covered breaks and lunches but I've never been scheduled as GSA.

It's not too difficult, it just takes a while. Closing registers are super easy, but if you have self checkouts then it is more difficult.

Basically, you should aim to start closing down registers half an hour to an hour before closing time. To start closing registers, you go K4 - GSTL -> K8 - Start Closing Procedures. This will close all unused registers. If you don't have supervisor access, then you will need to have the LOD print out a SpeedID and give you his pin so that you can close the registers. This might take a minute or two depending on how many registers were used that day, and once it's done it will print out a slip. That slip will list how many start funds you need, and what registers need to be closed. DO NOT LOSE THIS LIST. At this point, you need to walkie the LOD and tell them how many bundles you need. At my store, we usually needed between 20 and 25 bundles plus the self checkout start funds. Soon after that your LOD should come up with this red turd of a cart that has your start funds and the bags for the closing funds. There should be 2 drawers. The top one is where the start funds are kept, and the bottom one is a "drop". It'll have a locked door and a shoot above the door so that you can just drop the closed bag into the locked drawer without opening it. There is a key on your GSTL keys that gives you access to the drawers, it should be the same key as the change fund that is on one of the check lanes. From here, it's just going to each register and closing it. Since you're doing this while the store is still open, you should leave at least 2-4 lanes open and at least 1-2 Service Desk registers open. By this time both Starbucks and Food Ave are probably closed, so I usually start with them. To close a register, you stay on the login page (don't log in yet) and hit K5 - Close Register -> Type in TM# and pin. Then the drawer should pop open, and you remove all of the paper money from the register. If the register is short on a particular coin, there should be an option to add it on this screen (K8 I believe) and it will add one roll of that type of coin. Remember to only add one roll as opposed to the two for change requests. Put the money into the bag marked with that register number. For example, Register 79 (Lane 9) will go into the bag marked either "Lane 9" or "Register 79". You should be able to see the register number on either the top left or top right of the screen. Lift the plastic tray and remove any coupons, stray bills, rebate checks, etc. Next you take a start bundle from the turd cart, break the seal, and place the bills into the appropriate slots. Then you can close the drawer. If you didn't ask for any coins on the previous screen, it should prompt asking if you needed to add any coins. Then you just rinse and repeat. You should also be removing any coupons and sales audit slips/tax exemption slips from the registers as you go along. At my store, we had a large bin for coupons and a small pencil box for sales audit slips. You also need to remove the change fund from wherever it is kept.

The only exception to this process are the Service Desk and the Pharmacy registers. (NOTE: I haven't been a GSA since the CVS pharmacy takeover, so I don't know what the procedure is for Pharmacy anymore.) On these registers, you just remove all funds and you do not place a start fund inside of them. This is done in the morning by the opener the next day.

After the store closes, you can close the remaining registers. At closing time, I'll have my cashiers zone the check lanes/bullseye's playground/card wall/endcaps in order to get things looking good while I close the remaining registers. Once you've finished closing everything and you have all of your bags ready, you walkie the LOD and you bring the money to the CO for them to process it. Make sure that you bring everything with you, which includes coupons/audit slips, change fund, the bags, and the closing slip that you printed out earlier. This usually just consists of you naming off all of the bags so that they are all accounted for. Before you call for the LOD, you need to be absolutely sure that you have all of the bags. If you leave a bag, even an empty one, out at the end of the night both the LOD and yourself could be put on an immediate final. Whether you get a final or just a CA depends on the store. Usually if you are both still in the CO when it is discovered that you are missing a bag, the LOD will just send you back out to find it. If it's discovered after the CO is armed, however... You'll be up shit creek without a paddle.

I won't go into closing Self Checkouts since they have like 20 steps, you should be able to partner with your LOD to get close them at the end of the night if you have them.

Our resident GSA/GSTL's @GSAhole @Retail Girl @Flabbergasted @Nauzhror, let me know if I missed anything. It's been a few months since I closed the front lanes.
It's not too difficult, it just takes a while. Closing registers are super easy, but if you have self checkouts then it is more difficult.

Basically, you should aim to start closing down registers half an hour to an hour before closing time. To start closing registers, you go K4 - GSTL -> K8 - Start Closing Procedures. This will close all unused registers. If you don't have supervisor access, then you will need to have the LOD print out a SpeedID and give you his pin so that you can close the registers. This might take a minute or two depending on how many registers were used that day, and once it's done it will print out a slip. That slip will list how many start funds you need, and what registers need to be closed. DO NOT LOSE THIS LIST. At this point, you need to walkie the LOD and tell them how many bundles you need. At my store, we usually needed between 20 and 25 bundles plus the self checkout start funds. Soon after that your LOD should come up with this red turd of a cart that has your start funds and the bags for the closing funds. There should be 2 drawers. The top one is where the start funds are kept, and the bottom one is a "drop". It'll have a locked door and a shoot above the door so that you can just drop the closed bag into the locked drawer without opening it. There is a key on your GSTL keys that gives you access to the drawers, it should be the same key as the change fund that is on one of the check lanes. From here, it's just going to each register and closing it. Since you're doing this while the store is still open, you should leave at least 2-4 lanes open and at least 1-2 Service Desk registers open. By this time both Starbucks and Food Ave are probably closed, so I usually start with them. To close a register, you stay on the login page (don't log in yet) and hit K5 - Close Register -> Type in TM# and pin. Then the drawer should pop open, and you remove all of the paper money from the register. If the register is short on a particular coin, there should be an option to add it on this screen (K8 I believe) and it will add one roll of that type of coin. Remember to only add one roll as opposed to the two for change requests. Put the money into the bag marked with that register number. For example, Register 79 (Lane 9) will go into the bag marked either "Lane 9" or "Register 79". You should be able to see the register number on either the top left or top right of the screen. Lift the plastic tray and remove any coupons, stray bills, rebate checks, etc. Next you take a start bundle from the turd cart, break the seal, and place the bills into the appropriate slots. Then you can close the drawer. If you didn't ask for any coins on the previous screen, it should prompt asking if you needed to add any coins. Then you just rinse and repeat. You should also be removing any coupons and sales audit slips/tax exemption slips from the registers as you go along. At my store, we had a large bin for coupons and a small pencil box for sales audit slips. You also need to remove the change fund from wherever it is kept.

The only exception to this process are the Service Desk and the Pharmacy registers. (NOTE: I haven't been a GSA since the CVS pharmacy takeover, so I don't know what the procedure is for Pharmacy anymore.) On these registers, you just remove all funds and you do not place a start fund inside of them. This is done in the morning by the opener the next day.

After the store closes, you can close the remaining registers. At closing time, I'll have my cashiers zone the check lanes/bullseye's playground/card wall/endcaps in order to get things looking good while I close the remaining registers. Once you've finished closing everything and you have all of your bags ready, you walkie the LOD and you bring the money to the CO for them to process it. Make sure that you bring everything with you, which includes coupons/audit slips, change fund, the bags, and the closing slip that you printed out earlier. This usually just consists of you naming off all of the bags so that they are all accounted for. Before you call for the LOD, you need to be absolutely sure that you have all of the bags. If you leave a bag, even an empty one, out at the end of the night both the LOD and yourself could be put on an immediate final. Whether you get a final or just a CA depends on the store. Usually if you are both still in the CO when it is discovered that you are missing a bag, the LOD will just send you back out to find it. If it's discovered after the CO is armed, however... You'll be up shit creek without a paddle.

I won't go into closing Self Checkouts since they have like 20 steps, you should be able to partner with your LOD to get close them at the end of the night if you have them.

Our resident GSA/GSTL's @GSAhole @Retail Girl @Flabbergasted @Nauzhror, let me know if I missed anything. It's been a few months since I closed the front lanes.

time needed depends on speed and lod's. i give my lod's 2 hours notice before i need it and if they don't have it i make them meet me in the co and grab it myself. they just need to open the safe.

as to whats funded/not, that's store specific.

is there any reason a gsa doesn't have supervisor access?

as to the closing list, if you lose it, just go to any closed register. there's a button for see what's closed. k3, reprint checklist.

cash office/money is a final, but its a lot less stress free than you think. i called the auditor because of a screwup. "its that the worst that happened? we expected a lot worse than that.."
time needed depends on speed and lod's. i give my lod's 2 hours notice before i need it and if they don't have it i make them meet me in the co and grab it myself. they just need to open the safe.

as to whats funded/not, that's store specific.

is there any reason a gsa doesn't have supervisor access?

as to the closing list, if you lose it, just go to any closed register. there's a button for see what's closed. k3, reprint checklist.

cash office/money is a final, but its a lot less stress free than you think. i called the auditor because of a screwup. "its that the worst that happened? we expected a lot worse than that.."

Definitely. It's also not too uncommon to have a new GSA without supervisor permissions, it took my leadership a good 3 weeks before I got my access. Definitely another ASANTS thing, but knowing Target tendencies it wouldn't surprise me. I'm aware that you can reprint the checklist, it's just that our Sr. GSTL made it very clear that he wants us to keep the original for the CO. Why, I don't know.
Definitely. It's also not too uncommon to have a new GSA without supervisor permissions, it took my leadership a good 3 weeks before I got my access

Yep. I remember waiting a full month from the start of taking on GSA responsibilities to actually getting keyed in for it. But that was mainly because leadership didn't really want to promote me and was pretty much forced into it because they had no one else who could / wanted to do the job. I used the LOD's speed ID most of the time to close registers.
Yep. I remember waiting a full month from the start of taking on GSA responsibilities to actually getting keyed in for it. But that was mainly because leadership didn't really want to promote me and was pretty much forced into it because they had no one else who could / wanted to do the job. I used the LOD's speed ID most of the time to close registers.

I'm not sure what the deal with mine was, and I don't think it was them trying to scam a couple of bucks. My ETL-HR said that I was keyed and it should have just been a simple change of permissions in the POS, but the option for supervisor access was never available. I think in the end she had to mySupport the issue.

What is funny though is that with new TM's who don't have ringing permissions yet, there was the option to give them Supervisor permissions.
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