That's what I don't understand. How can a sr TL be closing LOD, when they have to take a lunch?
All of our SrTLs do closing LOD shifts on their own. They obviously can't leave the building and they leave their Walkie on to listen out for calls/issues. It's just a half hour and generally fine. Of course, the fact that they can't leave the building makes the entire thing illegal, and I expect Spot will one day be sued over it (and lose, badly) but until that day comes, that's how it will be.
As for me, I've been known to skip breaks when I haven't really had a choice. There are times, after fitting in all of the cashier and guest service breaks and lunches, that there simply is only one half hour slot left, and that works out to my lunch. Taking a break isn't possible...and occasionally it gets scheduled but squeezed out when cashiers take 20 (or more) minutes to take their break. There are also times when I manage to work it in, but the LOD asks me not to take it then since they are running huddle, or it is otherwise inconvenient to them to respond to the lanes. If that is the only time I have on the schedule, then that means I don't go. Or I will be planning to go, and we end up getting busy (or worse, need carts) and again, if I miss that slot, I'm out of luck.
The LODs make it incredibly clear that it isn't convenient for them for me to take breaks. I've been standing my ground a bit more on this, but it isn't always worth the stress. Or how about the night that my guest service person went home sick, and only the LOD and I knew guest services? Obviously my break wasn't happening that night, either.
Of course the LODs don't officially encourage this and will generally tell me I have to take my breaks, but their words, actions, and demeanor suggest otherwise. And since they are too busy with other stuff to notice, then I do what I need to do to keep things rolling for my team.