Archived the most redcards you've sold?

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I've talked about this before but I used to get tons of credit cards. There were three of us that got a lot of them every shift. We were promised all kinds of prizes. One of us badgered the ETLs every day and made them give her the stuff they promised us. They made fun of her and talked down to her all the time. Probably my biggest complaint since I've worked at Spot is the way cashiers are treated. Because the recognition is mainly over the walkies it wasn't unusual for a cashier to never even realize they had been recognized for getting red cards. Leaders are on the walkies constantly in my store offering prizes and incentives. Most of the time cashiers are not even aware of those prices let alone getting any of them. It makes me so mad! Also cashiers are coached & told they will get less hours or even fired if they don't get them. Our daily goals are ridiculous. For some inexplicable reason we have often had GSAs & GSTMs who are just plain hateful and rude to everyone. When our STL isn't there they let the lines get pretty long which makes it even harder. Sorry! End of rant! Whew!
3 in a shift back in electronics... over 3 years ago, I was about 3 or 4 weeks in with Target. Never happened again, haha.
I was a cashier before the Debit option was created and don't remember ever getting very many with the credit option that only allowed for 10% off the first purchase, but as a GSTL I have been able to get 4 in one day while helping with back up through out the day.

The most I've had from a TM is 10 in an eight hour shift.
The most I've done in a shift is two. That said, I've worked at Target for about 3 months now and have only done about 5 total. I talk to EVERY SINGLE GUEST who doesn't already have one. There's one girl who gets them quite often, but she's soooo pushy and I just can't talk to people like that. The way I see it, you can only do so much. If someone doesn't want the darn thing, they aren't going to get it.
When I am on a register I get redcards often. Averaging it out, it's about one every 50 sales...when I was cashiering all the time I would get about 5 - 6 in a day. Most I ever got was 12. This was one of the reasons they wouldn't let me train in other departments - not that I really wanted to go to another dept, but it would be nice to know in case I had to jump in.

I don't think it's all luck in getting redcards.. It's in the delivery and how you interact with guests. It also helps if you know all the terms of the card and can explain them inside and out.
My record is four. Just reached it yet again today. Heard a cashier in our store got twelve a few months ago, but he's extremely pushy.
My record is one. Haha, i think this whole year I have managed to get 2 or 3. I seldom have to cashier
Before my GSA days, back in electronics I would get about 3 a day, and the most I've every gotten is 9 in one shift.
I've talked about this before but I used to get tons of credit cards. There were three of us that got a lot of them every shift. We were promised all kinds of prizes. One of us badgered the ETLs every day and made them give her the stuff they promised us. They made fun of her and talked down to her all the time. Probably my biggest complaint since I've worked at Spot is the way cashiers are treated. Because the recognition is mainly over the walkies it wasn't unusual for a cashier to never even realize they had been recognized for getting red cards. Leaders are on the walkies constantly in my store offering prizes and incentives. Most of the time cashiers are not even aware of those prices let alone getting any of them. It makes me so mad! Also cashiers are coached & told they will get less hours or even fired if they don't get them. Our daily goals are ridiculous. For some inexplicable reason we have often had GSAs & GSTMs who are just plain hateful and rude to everyone. When our STL isn't there they let the lines get pretty long which makes it even harder. Sorry! End of rant! Whew!
You must work at my store!
My record is three. The most I've seen since I been there is 10 in someones 8 hour shift.
I get most of the stores red cards over at Starbucks. For some reason guests love us over there and are willing to help us out even if they don't want one. My record is 16 but that was when I worked Starbucks open to close cause our store can't keep a sbtm for our lives...

Anyway my conversion is always like obnoxiously high cause theres no prompts at sb. I finished with 700% last week 😛.

Gsa shifts are usually like 3 a day and I only get those by begging people.

Good luck!
Huh, maybe I need to mention the RC thing at Sbux. They should join in on the fun, and I swear 3/4 of my guests don't know they can save 5% there with their RC either!

Oh and 3 or 4 is my record. Our RC queen is transferring.... I feel bad for you that might get her. Be prepared to catch a lot of crap now!
I got two one day earlier this week (got my choice of Food Ave or SB for it)...usually I stop asking after one unless prompted or the GSTL/GSA is around. The week before last I was so close on 5 of them (as in got the application scanned) and then they couldn't complete them for one reason or another. I'm up to 5 for the week, so I'm hoping to make up for that lousy week. They aren't concerned that I'm not green for redcards yet, but it makes me a bit nervous. 2.0 seems awfully high for an individual conversion.

For a ULV store, we've already had two days in double digits this week for redcards.

2.0 is not high at all!! At my store and in our district we do not follow the corporate 2.5 conversion. In order for us to be green, we have to be 4%. I coach and have to put people on CAs for not meeting the expectation. I think it is too high but no one listens! 3.9 or lower doesn't cut the rug in our district.
2.0 is not high at all!! At my store and in our district we do not follow the corporate 2.5 conversion. In order for us to be green, we have to be 4%. I coach and have to put people on CAs for not meeting the expectation. I think it is too high but no one listens! 3.9 or lower doesn't cut the rug in our district.

Wow. I take it your store is high volume? Our district mandate is 3.5, but I'm not sure what our threshold is for green conversion.
I think 5 if I recall. and the person with the "record" I think was a baby faced 17yr old who got like 17 one day over the holiday season.
3, which I know sounds terrible since so many people get so many more!

Personally, I don't find them easily to sell. So many in our store have one, so we're pushing hard for them to have the credit AND debit which is next to impossible.
Back when you got 10% off your first purchase when you opened a Red Card I got 9 in a shift. Back when Patio furniture was a bigger thing at Target I would set up shop in seasonal. I would help the guest pick one out. I would go pull it I would bring them to a register that wasn't opened let them skip the line I would ring them out they signed up for a Red Card I would than help them get items in their car. I would turn down the cash tips they tried to give me as they put them in my pocket. I would return to seasonal start the process all over again. Oh those were the days! my 8-10 hour shifts would fly by, I got a workout, I would get to lead the team in Red Cards for the day and I often ended up with 20-30 extra in tips that I tried to turn down!
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