Archived The role of an ETL (slight rant... sorry)

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The role is to have evey other weekend off and then use some of your 10 weeks of vacation to get these weekends off. So you don't work weekends and still have 4 more weeks left. It's all about the almighty vacation days.
So I am writing this post on behalf of my fellow team members: I work at a Super Target that happens to be incredibly busy on a regular occasion (especially in the grocery department), but always understaffed. I'm only a grocery team member (not a team lead of any sort), but it seems that my team is constantly the ones who are responding to the front lane calls.

My question regarding the ETL's is whether or not they have any obligation to the lanes. Grocery is grossly (no pun intended) understaffed, yet the ETL's ignore any calls to to various locations.

There are times where we (the grocery team) are roughly 20 pulls behind, but for some reason the grocery team is the first to respond to anything, even when we avoid it, we're called up.

Are ETL's not responsible to go to the front-lanes ever?

For me its the opposite.

There can be 2 in dry, 2 produce, 3 bakery, 2-3 deli, 1 meat, and 2 each in SB or FA. (With not enough guest traffic to warrant that many at times) and they all have to be called out by department and name to come up to cashier.
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ETL's(if the STL's priorities and expectations are set) should be responding to the lanes, but definitely not the first to respond in case there is an LOD they need to be available for.However, when I am LOD, I will call up all ETL's, TL's, HR TM's, Instocks, Price Change, Plano, SF and if need be I will call my STL out by name and say something along the lines of... "STL _____ I am currently watching the lanes and not getting any responses. I need you to hop on or watch for me so I can hop on." My STL has no problem responding but will definitely light the team up. At the end of the day we HAVE to drive sales. Clearly it is our job to provide a fast checkout, vibe, and drive conversion. If you have a good GE who challenges their peers and STL in a positive and need support kind of a way then you should have no problem.
My store used to have a "backup schedule" that they used throughout the day. Every floor TM not locked to an area that day--Hardlines, Softlines, Grocery, Pricing, Instocks, POG--had to sign up for a 30-min shift sometime between 10:00am and 8:00pm. If any backup calls went off during that time period, they were to be first to respond. It actually worked out nicely on most days. Of course, if you were smart you'd avoid signing up for the 12:00 and 5:00 shifts, when we get the busiest. Any time I worked I'd try to keep track of the people who didn't have to respond during their shift and make sure I called them up later in the day during the times we needed more than one backup.

We've since done away with that schedule, because our STL said "since everyone should be responding every time, we don't need a backup schedule." Good example of theory vs reality, there. In all honesty though, our team is still pretty good about responding...most days.
The past couple of weeks, I have made my life completely stress free in regards to back up. First, I realized I can't control anyone else...nor am I paid to do so. So what I do is call for back up once. I am then covered. If someone responds, wonderful. Then I call out and cancel it, thanking the team anyway, leaving the LOD wondering why in the hell no one responded. If no one responds, and it starts to get worse, all I do is say, "LOD, can I get some support for back up, please?" It's amazing how fast they'll get someone up there when I put it on them! Now some of them are to the point that right after I call for back up, they are on the walkie telling people to respond. Of course if they would tell TMs to come without having to repeat what I say, that would be great. But I've slowly got the LODs trained, and my life is getting a bit easier. Bwahahaha
Ha. No. In my store...

Starbucks/Food Ave normally doesn't have enough coverage to step out, and if they do, they are too busy holding up the counter to help out.

. . . It's a damn miracle our vibe scores are as high as they are.

At least yours are holding up the counter rather than hiding around the corner!
The role is to have evey other weekend off and then use some of your 10 weeks of vacation to get these weekends off. So you don't work weekends and still have 4 more weeks left. It's all about the almighty vacation days.
ETLs and the STL get 10 weeks of vacation a year? Damn, that's like a school teacher. Wish when I request for a one week vacation in April and July I get approved.
10 weeks??? No definitely not that many. The amount of Vacation/personal holidays is based on how long you've been with the company.
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