I hear that phrase all too often. I don't completely blame the guest because the "50 % off" or "free 5$ gift card" portion of the sign is always so much bigger and prominent than the "when you buy 2,3,4,5" whatever the case maybe.
What I do have a problem with is when a guest picks something up that another guest clearly placed in the wrong spot and demands that price. Example: A 500 dollar pool was placed on an endcap and the label was for a 10 dollar item, it was also the only one on that endcap. The guest demanded to get the pool for 10 bucks. GSTL said I can't do that but I can give you 100 bucks off. Nope that's not good enought. The big cheese is called and says you know what ma'am you can have that 500 dollar pool for 100 bucks. Guest says ok that works. Since when did retail become a business where you can haggle???
I can't stand it when people come to FA and ask me "Hey if I buy two of those (pizzas, popcorn, icee, pretzel, you name it) can I get a discount?"
"Ummmm no you can pay full price for both!" And I know its petty but people who give me shit like that don't get as full of a popcorn. Don't even start with saying oh they won't notice. I know they won't but it makes me feel better haha.