Archived The Sign Said!

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I just didn't like the gsa implying that I was lying. I wanted to look at her and say why the hell would I stand here and lie...and risk my job of over 18 years for 4.00? However, I do realize that the service desk has to deal with a lot of I didn't make a big deal out of it .
I just didn't like the gsa implying that I was lying. I wanted to look at her and say why the hell would I stand here and lie...and risk my job of over 18 years for 4.00? However, I do realize that the service desk has to deal with a lot of I didn't make a big deal out of it .
there is NO excuse for the GSA to imply you are lying.
No there wasn't an excuse for her to imply I was lying...but I learned a long time ago to choose my battles. I just tossed it up to her having a bad day. However, if it ever happened again then that would be another story .
this doesn't have to do with a sign but once i had a couple who wanted a discount on some curtains because the package was "already opened", i kindly explained that the orange sticker with the words "as is" and new cheaper price was the discount.

also, i hate when people try to scam you by putting clearance stickers on other things. uh no if i type the number in and it comes up as "up and up wipes" and you're trying to buy fake fingernails i'm not having it. i had one customer do this to me and i caught her. she doesn't come to my lane anymore.

and i also hate when people argue a price over about 6 cents, it's a pain doing "price challenge" if they bought 10 of the same products. sometimes instead of doing price challenge i'll add a target coupon for however much, it's what one of my gstls does.
also, i hate when people try to scam you by putting clearance stickers on other things. uh no if i type the number in and it comes up as "up and up wipes" and you're trying to buy fake fingernails i'm not having it. i had one customer do this to me and i caught her. she doesn't come to my lane anymore.
I once had a guest peel the barcodes from HBA travel items and she placed them on top of other barcodes. She put a $1.99 barcode over a $20 pack of Bounty, and did the same with other more expensive items. She was even stupid enough to come back and attempt it again.
I just don't care anymore. If the price adjustment is less than $20 it's our policy to "vibe it out" without even getting a GSA involved. I've had management approve $70 price adjustments on vacuum cleaners because they didn't want to bother checking the sign or worry about the guest leaving a negative survey. It's even worse at GS- I've gotten reprimanded twice for not overriding no receipt returns on electronics.
I hate guests who don't even bother reading the one spot. It clearly says One or 3 but they assume everything is dollar. Oh this isn't a dollar?? I point to the sign one or three....... Sheesh people need to read!
I had a dispute with a guest this weekend.

Guest: "But the sign said these frozen vegetables are 5 for a dollar!"

Me: "No lady, it says 5 for $5 and they're one dollar each."

I'm really amazed by people's lack of reading comprehension.
I hate guests who don't even bother reading the one spot. It clearly says One or 3 but they assume everything is dollar. Oh this isn't a dollar?? I point to the sign one or three....... Sheesh people need to read!

I had a guest at GS swear up and down that there was a big sign saying "3 for a dollar!" near the items she picked out. So we walked over to one spot and she pointed to the "1 or 3" sign.
I just don't care anymore. If the price adjustment is less than $20 it's our policy to "vibe it out" without even getting a GSA involved. I've had management approve $70 price adjustments on vacuum cleaners because they didn't want to bother checking the sign or worry about the guest leaving a negative survey. It's even worse at GS- I've gotten reprimanded twice for not overriding no receipt returns on electronics.

This. If the guest wants it. Give it to them. My ETL put it to me this way...unless I am giving away $100 bills out of the drawer, they will never come ask me, "why did you do that" but they will come after me and ask, "why did you say no?" They are so afraid of the negative doesn't matter what it is...just do it. But I just double checked my paygrade...first, I don't get paid enough to care. And second, if I just go in with the attitude that the guest gets whatever they want, my day is a heck of a lot less stressful!
Yesterday I had a woman say the ad for pet food was BOGO 50% off. I scanned it with the my device and pulled up the ad, which was 50% off dental treats. She insisted "that's not what the sign said." Yeah, okay lady.

I didn't give it to her cos eff that.
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Yesterday I had a woman say the ad for pet food was BOGO 50% off. I scanned it with the my device and pulled up the ad, which was 50% off dental treats. She insisted "that's not what the sign said." Yeah, okay lady.

I didn't give it to her cos eff that.
Ohhh god, those. I've taken to keeping a copy of the sign up front.
Yesterday I had a woman say the ad for pet food was BOGO 50% off. I scanned it with the my device and pulled up the ad, which was 50% off dental treats. She insisted "that's not what the sign said." Yeah, okay lady.

I didn't give it to her cos eff that.
We had this issue all last week at my store. Any time I saw someone come up with 2 large bags of dog food I knew I was about to deal with an idiot. Luckily at my store pets is right next to the checklanes so it only took me 30 seconds to walk them over and show them the sign and prove them wrong.
I had a dispute with a guest this weekend.

Guest: "But the sign said these frozen vegetables are 5 for a dollar!"

Me: "No lady, it says 5 for $5 and they're one dollar each."

I'm really amazed by people's lack of reading comprehension.
i offer to walk to the sign and read it. so many oh it was next to items, didn't read the sign. we get a lot of less pissed of guests when we take the time to walk over and read and show them they're wrong. doesn't always happen, but its my chance to help our guests but remain profitable.
The sign said "1.99" for the spiral ham I want it for 1.99. What a whole ham for less than 2 dollars are you nuts ??? They can never see the "lb" on the far far far right of the price I hate these signs.
The sign said "1.99" for the spiral ham I want it for 1.99. What a whole ham for less than 2 dollars are you nuts ??? They can never see the "lb" on the far far far right of the price I hate these signs.
We've had the same issue with packages of baby back ribs. It's always the same damned woman who comes in at lease once a day to try and scam us. Seriously, why would you want to buy meat at such a low price where there has to be something terribly wrong with it to make it that cheap?
We've had the same issue with packages of baby back ribs. It's always the same damned woman who comes in at lease once a day to try and scam us. Seriously, why would you want to buy meat at such a low price where there has to be something terribly wrong with it to make it that cheap?

That's when you say "I have to wait for the 3D printer to finish before I can put more out."
We've honored scale labels that are incorrect for the item (part sale prices on weighted meats, wrong type of ham, etc) and old signs up, but we've never given away meat for the price per lb. when people have tried to pull that stunt. Who would honestly think that one of those spiral hams would be $1.99? An idiot or a scammer. Or I guess a child. It's people like that who give retail workers headaches.
We've honored scale labels that are incorrect for the item (part sale prices on weighted meats, wrong type of ham, etc) and old signs up, but we've never given away meat for the price per lb. when people have tried to pull that stunt. Who would honestly think that one of those spiral hams would be $1.99? An idiot or a scammer. Or I guess a child. It's people like that who give retail workers headaches.

I saw the $1.99 price on our hams today. The P-fresh guy printed a new 3x3 for it and it didn't say $1.99 lb, it said $1.99 regular $2.99. IDK how he fixed it, but I hope someone took a magic marker to it.

I don't care if it's not brand to use a marker on a sign, we won't sell an entire ham for $1.99.
Yeah, I once wrote "lbs" on the sign after a dumbass complained about getting a ham for $2. No one cared.

Ever wonder why hams have that mesh handle on them? That guest found out after I swung and chucked it at her. Okay... that was only in my daydream.
Just change it...never question the guest ..get gstl override ..its not my money being given away ..
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