Archived The Sign Said!

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Sometimes I wonder if Target has those signs put on incorrectly so that people come in to buy other stuff. When the 1.99 rib discrepancy came up over the summer I honored it - it was our typical scammers getting the deals..As I was honoring the cheap price I was also thinking to myself - hope you choke on the bones. Bye now, have a nice day with a smile on my face.
Now that our thing is "not saying No" it just seems like total Bull sh*t to even look to see if there is really a sign we have to honor it even if the guest is lying. I see no point in even asking someone to look for the sign!
I'm a Softlines TM at my store, and every Sunday another TM and I come in and put up the whole ad for Softlines. One Sunday morning, the GSA walkied me and asked me if there was a sign in Infants for $10 Cherokee dresses. Having helped set that area, I knew there was no sign for $10 ANYTHING in that section, and I told her as such. She sent the guest back to meet me and show me where the sign was. Well, wouldn't you know, it wasn't there! The guest kept claiming that the sign was there earlier and OF COURSE it wasn't there anymore, but she definitely saw it! "By earlier, do you mean earlier today?" I asked her. "Of course!" said the guest. "Why wouldn't it be today?" "Well," I replied. "That's interesting because my co-worker and I are the ones who put up the sale signs for this department every Sunday morning, and we received no such signs to put up."

The guest, of course, still insisted that the sign had been there. The dress she was trying to get for $10? A brand new $20 Easter dress that had just come out. In no universe would that dress be on sale for 50% off of the original price anytime before Easter.
"Easter apparel" is bogo 50% off this week... Unless sales are different across the country, so maybe that confused her? No one ever sees the bogo part of those signs. Just that big ass 50%
"Easter apparel" is bogo 50% off this week... Unless sales are different across the country, so maybe that confused her? No one ever sees the bogo part of those signs. Just that big ass 50%

What I've noticed is that guest can only read numbers and that's about it. "Oh it's 50% off!" Yeah but you need to buy two and only the lower price one is off.
I can't stand back up cashiering because somehow I always get these kind of guests. I've told my team and operator that if a guest misread the sign don't bother vibing and giving in to the guest. If they can't bother reading a sign then that's their own fault. We lose more money giving a discount on one item than two.

I Still can't believe I'm not on a final yet :/
I don't vibe that either. I say oh I understand, I can't see the bogo part from far away either (this is true because my eyes suck). Then I blame target for making tricky signs and say I'm sorry about the confusion. They take it well when I say it like that.
What I've noticed is that guest can only read numbers and that's about it. "Oh it's 50% off!" Yeah but you need to buy two and only the lower price one is off.
I can't stand back up cashiering because somehow I always get these kind of guests. I've told my team and operator that if a guest misread the sign don't bother vibing and giving in to the guest. If they can't bother reading a sign then that's their own fault. We lose more money giving a discount on one item than two.

I Still can't believe I'm not on a final yet :/
Well, numbers are universal across all languages. Maybe she doesn't know English? Lol.
If it was one guest than yeah maybe they can't read English. When we get multiple price checks from the cashiers than its because people refuse to read the not so small print on a 7x11 sign.
This actually happened a week or two before all the Easter stuff went BOGO. There were no signs anywhere near the dresses. That lady was just trying to get something for nothing.

So far with the BOGO deals, all the guests I've helped read the sign, but were still mad that they had to buy something at regular price before getting something for half off. Yeah, that's how BOGO works, and we can't just give away the entire store.
This actually happened a week or two before all the Easter stuff went BOGO. There were no signs anywhere near the dresses. That lady was just trying to get something for nothing.

So far with the BOGO deals, all the guests I've helped read the sign, but were still mad that they had to buy something at regular price before getting something for half off. Yeah, that's how BOGO works, and we can't just give away the entire store.
I had worked at Kohls the year before I started at Target and every time they had a BOGO (buy one; get one) sale there were always several people coming up and wanting to buy just one and get it half off. Uh, no, that's not how that works🙄.
I work in a community with a huge immigrant population, mostly eastern European or Middle Eastern (so not even the alphabets are similar). They tend to be the most politest and, when told that it isn't 50%, they're buy one get one 50%, accept they just misread the sign and move on. It's the all american soccer moms who insist NO IT'S 50% THE SIGN SAID so imo it has nothing to do with not being able to read english well or at all.

Anyways I had someone call me a f-cking moron because "the sign said" she should get a $5 gift card with some diapers when price inquiry and infant hardlines said she needed two. She even went back to grab it and slinked back embarrassed. My GSTL honestly looked like she was about to punch her for swearing at us.
Vibe,Vibe,Vibe I loathe that word. I know in my heart ( let's just say for example they buy 2 tides and you know they bought the wrong tides) and they think emphasis on think they are supposed to get a gift card but they come running to the guest service saying I bought these tides and again you know in your heart they are incorrect but oh let's " vibe" for the guest because etl said so it's so annoying...... I really hate vibe and I really hate how guests can't read the signs!
I'm sick of "the sign said" BS. Most are either vague, or the guest uses the vagueness to their advantage to get something half off. People are sneaky. I have found that there are more people trying to rip the store off rather than there being false advertising . That sign....I do not think you know what it means.

I'm sick of guests bullying cashiers to get what they want. We work a near minimum wage job, and you have a rich ass husband. How, in any way, are you being tricked? Lied to? Ask and you shall recieve. Most of us are willing to help and vibe for you-but most times to make you happy! Not being you make us feel like shit. You attract more bees with honey, anyway.

Most of us will never have enough money to go on vacation out of state, let alone abroad. So, give us a break.
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I am so sick of those text coupons, that $10 grocery one just about killed me last week. No, it isn't going to pop up automatically. You either need to have that ad coupon or just text the damn word. It's 2015, pretty much everyone has a phone on them 24/7, please read the sign and just do it.

Also, that 30% clearance one in shoes also hurts my soul.
I had to be "THAT GUEST" yesterday. Mom called and asked me to buy and drop off 6 standard pillows for her new bedroom after work. I was in check-out and they were priced at $4.04. I mentioned the "The Sign Said $3.88". (You know THE BIG HONKIN SIGN THAT HOVERS THE PILLOW BIN.) Well obviously they forgot to change it along with the other Easter signage still scattered throughout the store. Cashier was not happy. Then of course I show my 10%, I felt like I was doing something wrong. As I was walking out I went back to make sure I was correct, and actually it was $3.83! NO, I didn't go back and demand 5 more cents off. Mom was happy with her pillows....
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I had to be "THAT GUEST" yesterday. Mom called and asked me to buy and drop off 6 standard pillows for her new bedroom after work. I was in check-out and they were priced at $4.04. I mentioned the "The Sign Said $3.88". (You know THE BIG HONKIN SIGN THAT HOVERS THE PILLOW BIN.) Well obviously they forgot to change it along with the other Easter signage still scattered throughout the store. Cashier was not happy. Then of course I show my 10%, I felt like I was doing something wrong. As I was walking out I went back to make sure I was correct, and actually it was $3.83! NO, I didn't go back and demand 5 more cents off. Mom was happy with her pillows....

My ETL-AP doesn't permit our TMs doing Guest Price Challenges. She says any GCP tied to a TM discount will result in corrective action. But your store may be different.
I had to be "THAT GUEST" yesterday. Mom called and asked me to buy and drop off 6 standard pillows for her new bedroom after work. I was in check-out and they were priced at $4.04. I mentioned the "The Sign Said $3.88". (You know THE BIG HONKIN SIGN THAT HOVERS THE PILLOW BIN.) Well obviously they forgot to change it along with the other Easter signage still scattered throughout the store. Cashier was not happy. Then of course I show my 10%, I felt like I was doing something wrong. As I was walking out I went back to make sure I was correct, and actually it was $3.83! NO, I didn't go back and demand 5 more cents off. Mom was happy with her pillows....
All that for .86? But you didn't demand the additional .27. Yeh, you were that guest.
My husband tried that. I told him "You're THAT guest." & explained what it meant. Whenever he tries it again, I tell him not to be THAT guest.
I'll let TMs know when something is signed wrong or zoned wrong but I'm not gonna kvetch over chump change, no matter HOW poorly spot pays us.
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My ETL-AP doesn't permit our TMs doing Guest Price Challenges. She says any GCP tied to a TM discount will result in corrective action. But your store may be different.
our store does not allow it either. yea I admit at times maybe I misread a sign but to say "yes change it for the guest no questions asked" and than say "oh you are a TM.. learn how to read" that hypocrisy is such bullshit!
The GCP is for our guests. We get "different" perks. Like a measly 10% discount, an annual raise of approximately pennies, & who can forget the 549 account!! All that expired food in the break room totes makes up for our lousy wage!!!!!!
Like each Cherokee dress is 50% off. Oy. No, the deal was if you bought 2 the second is 50% off. Reading comprehension helps.
Him - The sign said the pants were 19.99 and they are ringing up regular price.
Me - were they on a clearance rack.
Him - no they were on a shelf.
Me - they were on sale? (Scan it on myDevice) they aren't coming up on sale
Him - it was clearly marked
Me - I will call someone from the dept.-----------
softlines comes up to look at item. They talk about where the pants were. She comes back up with the signs. One side of the shelves said 19.99. The other side said 34.99.
Him - I don't see why you can't give them to me for the 19.99?
Me (to myself) why don't we just let you have everything in your cart for nothing. That makes about just as much sense as your comment.

She shows him the signs again. Clearly different pants. Different styles. Different material and color.
Me - do you still want them sir or should I remove the item.
Him - no, I will take them

Me (to myself) why did you waste our time if you were going to take them anyway?

I hate people.
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