Archived Things a GSTL would say

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Mr. Front End
Jul 27, 2015
Hi guys, so I've been a GSA for about a month and everything is going okay however I have one issue. My ETL GE says I'm not very "present" on the walkie and apart from the usual "Our red card goal for today is..." she's right, I'm not very present. What are some things a GSTL should say over the walkie?
Lol, my ETL always said the same thing to me too. He wanted me to do a super cheerful morning announcement about Redcards when I opened ( and I had to come up with idiotic names to correspond with the day of the week, like Magnificent Monday or Wacky was sooo embarrassing) and I'd have to do random announcements about them during the day, stating excitedly what our goal was, where we were at, and what out dumbass game was for the day and what kind of prizes we were getting. It sounded like some creepy game show that nobody would ever want to be on. I tried to get away with not doing it as much as I could, but he called me out on it a lot.

I see people on here complaining about GSTLs/gsa's talking crazy about redcards over the me, nobody wants to. You have to.
I called my ETLs out on trying to get me to say it over the walkie. I'm like guys, my cashiers don't have walkies, this is a useless thing to do. I'll call out their reds to you, cause you don't know they happened, but I'm not going to get us any extras by calling out that bullshit.
I would say recognize any sales floor tms who come up to back-up cashier. Or sometimes they will just recognize the team in general like "hardlines, softlines, thank you for all your quick responses tonight." If we are really hurting for Red Cards, they will specifically ask the sales floor for help by having them talk up the red card to any guest they may interact with. Our GSTL pretty much always has something to say 😉
As a gstl the only time I use the walkie is for calling non existent backup trying to find someone to cover my lunch and trying to call the backroom to bring up a flex. Only time I mention red cards is when the etl GE works because she feels like the entire team actually gives a damn.
We have one that is constantly on walkie all day "guys we need a back up to the lanes" "wait no we are ok" "wait yes 2 people please" "LOD did anyone call in? Because so in so is ten seconds late I don't see them"
One thing I did was call out the reshop every half hour or so. We would pull the reshop from guest services and line it up behind our first check lane, so every once in I while I'd head over and call out "Just a heads up team, we have 2 carts of reshop for Softlines, 1 for Market, 2 for Domestics, 1 for Toys, and 1 for HBA."
people at my store keep coming up to me when I have GSA shifts and telling me how glad they are that I'm the closing GSA that night, but they refuse to tell me why. I have a strong suspicion that it's because I'm not constantly on the walkie all night long. I'll announce a REDcard here or there, but otherwise... I got better things to do.
people at my store keep coming up to me when I have GSA shifts and telling me how glad they are that I'm the closing GSA that night, but they refuse to tell me why. I have a strong suspicion that it's because I'm not constantly on the walkie all night long. I'll announce a REDcard here or there, but otherwise... I got better things to do.
The sales floor appreciates you.
Hi guys, so I've been a GSA for about a month and everything is going okay however I have one issue. My ETL GE says I'm not very "present" on the walkie and apart from the usual "Our red card goal for today is..." she's right, I'm not very present. What are some things a GSTL should say over the walkie?
If you were at my store, the only thing you'd have to worry about saying is calling for back-ups. After all, you don't get a lot of opportunities to yell about Red Cards when you don't have any fucking cashiers.

The sales floor appreciates you.

So does the backroom because they won't let us hide on channel 3 anymore.
If you were at my store, the only thing you'd have to worry about saying is calling for back-ups. After all, you don't get a lot of opportunities to yell about Red Cards when you don't have any fucking cashiers.

So does the backroom because they won't let us hide on channel 3 anymore.

At my store, All BR/SFS team members are on Channel 2. Lord, it is blissful. Being on Channel 1 is cancer, and having a safe place where I can sing to my coworkers over the walkie is a truly special thing.
Hi guys, so I've been a GSA for about a month and everything is going okay however I have one issue. My ETL GE says I'm not very "present" on the walkie and apart from the usual "Our red card goal for today is..." she's right, I'm not very present. What are some things a GSTL should say over the walkie?
There's always calling out reshop and recognizing people for helping out the front end. Do you get customers who come up to GS to tell you about a positive experience they had? Call that out, especially if it came from the salesfloor.

Blissful silence
Fixed. I feel like a dick about it occasionally but sometimes they go on too long about this stuff. Especially since as others have said, the cashiers don't hear any of this.
Our GSA/GSTLs are required to yell about RedCards all day every day. We miss call buttons because we can't hear them.
Fixed. I feel like a dick about it occasionally but sometimes they go on too long about this stuff. Especially since as others have said, the cashiers don't hear any of this.

I only do that if it's someone who's extremely loud. If I'm helping a guest, I turn down the volume so they don't have to hear that crap.
Especially since as others have said, the cashiers don't hear any of this.
if I do call out a REDcard, I usually make sure I'm casually walking by the cashier who got it at the time, especially if it's someone who rarely manages to get one. there's no point in announcing them if it isn't raising someone's morale. if I don't announce it, I still try to go up to the cashier and personally recognize and thank them. and I always thank team members over the walkie who respond for backup, and make sure to thank them again when they get back off the lanes. I'm the one who gets the pleasure of having the LOD stay off my ass, but they're doing all the hard work. but my store seems to have a really healthy recognition culture. our team is awesome.
if I do call out a REDcard, I usually make sure I'm casually walking by the cashier who got it at the time, especially if it's someone who rarely manages to get one. there's no point in announcing them if it isn't raising someone's morale. if I don't announce it, I still try to go up to the cashier and personally recognize and thank them. and I always thank team members over the walkie who respond for backup, and make sure to thank them again when they get back off the lanes. I'm the one who gets the pleasure of having the LOD stay off my ass, but they're doing all the hard work. but my store seems to have a really healthy recognition culture. our team is awesome.
most cashiers are embarrassed by it. i was especially when they did it in the earshot of the guest. dude i don't want the person i signed up for a redcard think i did it just for me. i did nothing shady. i explained the benefits and they felt it was good for them. but a guest hearing all the recognition as they're walking out? now they think i just signed them up for a commission/perks and i lied to them
Everytime the RedCard stuff starts either recognition or prodding TMs to "make sure you are asking every guest if they want to save 5%" I turn down my walkie, especially if I am around guests. It's so embarrassing.
I have an earpiece for the radio. Guests can't hear anything.

I used this when I was a GSA, but it's not useful at all in the Backroom. It would just get ripped out of my ear from handling boxes, going up and down ladders, and such.
I used this when I was a GSA, but it's not useful at all in the Backroom. It would just get ripped out of my ear from handling boxes, going up and down ladders, and such.
Wear the cable under your shirt or behind your back, is a suggestion.
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