Archived Things You Wish Your Store's Breakroom Had

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I wish ours had team members that cleaned up after themselves. If your hot pocket explodes in the microwave don't be a douche, clean it up. Take your stuff home at night.Don't buy a weeks worth of groceries and keep them in the fridge. We have a great break room, ping pong table, tv with cable and dvd player, WII and playstation. Also a foosball table, a hot/cold water dispenser, 3 microwaves, 2 refrigerators and a pizza oven. Our HR team keeps the place really clean and keep the team fed! They put butcher paper on half of the tables with crayons so we could doodle. But like I said there are some real pigs that work in our store and have no idea how to clean up after themselves.

what the fuck

what type of a store do you work at where you have a wii.
We used to have a futon in ours until it got so smelly from TMs crashing on it between shifts.
We have an old arcade game console that doesn't work & we use the microwave until the crud inside gets too hardened to chisel out.
We have a TV with a poor signal & a fridge missing most of the shelves so TMs have to stack their lunches & hope they can dig them out.
There's a table off to the side that they throw QMOS stuff on (cue Marie Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake...").
We used to have a futon in ours until it got so smelly from TMs crashing on it between shifts.
We have an old arcade game console that doesn't work & we use the microwave until the crud inside gets too hardened to chisel out.
We have a TV with a poor signal & a fridge missing most of the shelves so TMs have to stack their lunches & hope they can dig them out.
There's a table off to the side that they throw QMOS stuff on (cue Marie Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake...").
Your STL let's your consumables team set out qmos product?

Yeah...I'd suggest they stop doing that. Our DTL caught us doing that and pretty much threatened to term the entire consumables team if he caught us doing it again. Against best practice, apparently. Is that true? No idea.

Now, for disclosure, I used to do that all the time with pastries and bread, until I caught flow team and one member of POG filling shopping bags with it ten minutes after I dropped it off. That present went right out the window. If it isn't going into the freezer for donation, it goes right into the compactor.

On topic: a Keurig would be nice, but I don't trust some of our TMs.
I think I'm one of the few team members that takes their breaks and lunches at food avenue. I remember how some people were crying over team members doing that but I don't care. If you're on your lunch, I don't think Target can legally ask you to leave food avenue since you are on your own time. If you are a guest at the store and are offended by my presence while I'm on my break or lunch minding my own business then screw you hippie. That's your problem.
Trust me you don't want a couch. Quite a few team members lack basic hygiene skills. we have some of the stacking mesh patio chairs in the tv area. you can wipe those down and get rid of the B.O.
Trust me you don't want a couch. Quite a few team members lack basic hygiene skills. we have some of the stacking mesh patio chairs in the tv area. you can wipe those down and get rid of the B.O.

My previous employer had a futon in the breakroom... Until I took a nap on it between shifts (I had a double shift, and was coming off an early morning clopen). Because I was working in the garden shop for my second shift, I was wearing shorts. When I woke up, I felt something on my legs...

It was fleas.
Trust me you don't want a couch. Quite a few team members lack basic hygiene skills. we have some of the stacking mesh patio chairs in the tv area. you can wipe those down and get rid of the B.O.

My previous employer had a futon in the breakroom... Until I took a nap on it between shifts (I had a double shift, and was coming off an early morning clopen). Because I was working in the garden shop for my second shift, I was wearing shorts. When I woke up, I felt something on my legs...

It was fleas.

I see your fleas and raise you maggots. Not that they were on me I have yet to sit on this thing in the time I have been here. Just not going to happen. Even though I know that the little guys were cleaned off long ago.
I wish my store had a freaking hot plate. I want tea.

We have a really nice Keurig machine in our breakroom. It does Tea (Hot and Cold), Coffee (Normal and Iced) and hot chocolate. It's wonderful!

A clean floor

If you're a morning TM, talk to your SFT, housekeeping should be cleaning it daily. If you work later in the day, talk to your ETL-HR/ HRTL and have the cart attendant go clean it. Spot is serious about keeping a break room clean.
or tell other tms that use it to clean it. I don't think its fair that the CA has to clean tm only areas
Everyone in my store is so hot and gross because of the temperature Spot insists on keeping our store, that if we had a couch or futon or something, there is no way I would go anywhere near that thing. Not to mention the amount of food probably spilled on it, etc. There is just no way. Thankfully our break room is no where near big enough for that.
We have a sofa in our breakroom. There are third world countries that could be fed with the food between the cushions.
At the store I worked at they had a DVD player, a Wii, about fifteen channels (actually got to watch the World Cup one year, it got noisy enough that you could hear it in the store) and a ping pong table.
Also three fridges, two microwaves, and a toaster.
Oh as for my store we have a futon, round tables, a wii, dish satellite with a wall mounted flat screen tv, 3 microwaves, 4 slice toaster, qmos pfresh at least twice a week, and a coffee maker.

well, we did have the futon until someone really fat(no offense) sat on it.

As for the flow team taking up all the room, they guys usually just stand around outside near the door and chat while the softline ladies sat on outside benches, most of the others go out for lunch so we dont take up all the room
I wish my breakroom had a toaster oven so we weren't limited to microwaveable food. Also, some recliners and a couch would be nice.
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