Archived Things You Wish Your Store's Breakroom Had

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We have bar style seating that was added when we got PFresh but the seats themselves are crap and a lawsuit waiting to happen.

A couple of years ago, someone wrote "where all the big girls at?" on the front of one of our toasters.
LMAO, putting Qmos'd items, even if expired, is considered theft? I always left donuts, or gave some out to my team for helping me zone dry.. (I am a PA).

I have often been called upon as well to shuttle snacks to huddle, to at least maybe help morale in the slightest bit, I would put bakery items in the Breakroom. Apple Fritters anyone?
Sounds like the whole "bringing QMOS'd items to the break room" thing is determined on a store-by-store basis. My STL, DTL, and Steritech Auditor don't have a problem with it.
Yea, we get that apple fritter bread and the yellow bananas etc in the breakroom sometimes. I love when there are bananas. I can never just buy a banana on the floor because they're never edible yet. Always the greenest of green bananas.
A magic force field so STL, ETLs and GSTLs cant see me lol

But then they might sit in your lap.

Oh, that's right most of them wouldn't actually lower themselves to eat in the breakroom.
The etls in my store, love to sit in the breakroom....and it makes it so uncomfortable for everyone else.

Actually our ETL LOG always ate in the breakroom but he was old school and it made him closer to the crew.
A magic force field so STL, ETLs and GSTLs cant see me lol

But then they might sit in your lap.

Oh, that's right most of them wouldn't actually lower themselves to eat in the breakroom.

Typically they only come in the breakroom to
a) see if I can do something for them
b) see if I can do something for them
c) see if I finished that task they tracked me down on my last break to ask me to do lol
A charging station would be cool.

At my store it would come with no less than 7 cashiers and softlines TMs huddled around it texting while they charged their phone.

My store's sales floor team is fairly decent at cleaning up their messes. Same with the guest service TMs, electronics, and pharmacy.

The flow team and cashiers are absolutely terrible at cleaning up.
A charging station would be cool.

When Superstorm Sandy tore up NJ our store was out of power for three weeks and so was I.
Of course, they stayed open even though we barely had enough generator juice to keep the registers running.
It was great fun trying to build displays in the dark and going home to house with a tree in the garage and no power.

They brought in a super generator after 4 days of that.
They were cool enough to put in all kinds of plug bars in the breakroom for folks to charge their phones.
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Couch in the break room?

We can't even keep our tables clean.

:gags: at the thought of a couch in the break room.
Against my better judgement i've taken 30 min power naps on our couch, laying down completely.
A charging station would be cool.
Ha good luck not having TM steal the charger or cables. Just bring your own charger and throw it in the locker when not using it. But yeah you could also try to convince HR to requisition one of those GE usb chargers with 2 usb slots and some cables.

I would just like the fridges not to smell. I know HR doesn't like cleaning the fridges because they are too far gone same with the coat rack, i swear some coats are from people that no longer work at target.
Id be happy with a working remote for our tv...its a westinghouse 32" and only one remote works, and its the remote with no battery cover, and the batteries cant stay put even with tape. Id say get a new tv put ul if one gets returned. Hell we had a big fiasco witha tv yesterday not having screws. We coulda upgraded to a 50" 😛
Ours is cold, uncomfortable, and has a tv blaring nonsense all day . Thrre is no place warm and quiet . Our whole store is ice cold. There are piggy tms who always leave food dumped in the sink. Even our Starbucks is ice cold, but at least it is quiet and clean and the tms are very nice.
How about one warm quiet corner with one cozy chair?
These are my only complaints about my job and tms. Otherwise, it truly is a fun place to work. Hope they keep me on. This job has really improved my life.
We have 2 fridges, four microwaves, one toaster, a regular coffeemaker, a hot/cold water filtration machine(expensive!) and a ping pong table. My fantasy would be having a sushi chef in the breakroom to make rolls for you on your break! I would settle for some of that sweet, sweet QMOSed bakery stuff!
A Keurig
A DVD player that doesn't skip every 2 minutes
Clean chairs
We have a keurig, but no DVD player (just shitty daytime TV). Chairs can be cleaned by leaning them forward.

My wish: replace the tables/chairs with coffee tables and couches. Of course this wouldn't work, those couches would be destroyed by crumbs and spills in the first month.
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