Archived Time Clock WTD says 0.00?

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Jan 23, 2013
I recently was hired by Target as a 3rd shift Flow Team Member and was told I could view my hours worked so far through the time clock. Whenever I clock in or out it says at the end of my name "WTD 0.00", I know this means "Week to Date" but I'm confused about the zeroes. Is is saying I haven't worked any hours? Also if possible could anyone tell me how 3rd shift are given their checks? Thank you in advance.

Did you have a *MP* on the clock when you punched? It means a Missing Punch and your hours won't add up for those days until it is resolved.
Did you have a *MP* on the clock when you punched? It means a Missing Punch and your hours won't add up for those days until it is resolved.

No I don't have a missing punch or anything. I worked this past Friday and just got off this morning.
The time clock does not update hours worked until ~6am, so if you work an overnight shift your hours for that day will not show in the time clock until the following day at ~6am.
The time clock does not update hours worked until ~6am, so if you work an overnight shift your hours for that day will not show in the time clock until the following day at ~6am.

So I am guessing this past Friday was part of a different pay period which is why it still said zero this morning, and should show today's hours on my next punch in which is Thursday night? I apologize for being such a noob.
Sunday at 00:00 will always start a new pay period and reset the wtd hours worked. Hours that you worked today should show after 6am tomorrow morning, so they should be there for you Thursday night.
Sunday at 00:00 will always start a new pay period and reset the wtd hours worked. Hours that you worked today should show after 6am tomorrow morning, so they should be there for you Thursday night.

THANK YOU very much!
But sometimes the time clocks simply do. not. work. when it comes to displaying your WTD hours, so don't worry too much if it seems like it isn't quite right--it will almost certainly catch up. This is especially the case when you are working overnight shifts! The WTD display will often be a day behind in the hours calculation when you punch in at 10pm (or whenever), but the system recalculates in the early AM. It should display the correct total by the time you punch out/in for your lunch break, and certainly by the time you leave in the morning.
OP, don't worry about it. The thing doesn't update right away, and even after it updates, it's probably broken anyways. If you're concerned about your WTD worked hours, go on eHR. MAX Self Service is more reliable than the time clock.
OP, don't worry about it. The thing doesn't update right away, and even after it updates, it's probably broken anyways. If you're concerned about your WTD worked hours, go on eHR. MAX Self Service is more reliable than the time clock.

Unfortunately I can't get into my account on eHR no matter how many times I have reset the password.
use the red phone in the breakroom at the store.

That's where I've been changing my password, even tried unlocking my account which it said it did. Waited 20 minutes as suggested and tried logging in again to no avail.
usually less than takes 2 minutes or less. try again, if doesnt work, hang on the line & help desk will help you.
usually less than takes 2 minutes or less. try again, if doesnt work, hang on the line & help desk will help you.

Thank you very much for all the help, I finally got in. I left the first two zeroes out of my team member number and left the letters of the temporary password lowercase and it let me in! Thanks again for all the help.
Ours is NEVER correct. I've never, ever looked at "WTD" and seen the amount of hours that I have indeed worked week to date, even trying to take away today, etc. No amount of logic makes sense out of it.
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