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Still waiting for some actual WHISTLEBLOWING. The water cooler talk that you speak of...guess what, it's water cooler talk in all of the stores already. It doesn't take a genius to see what direction our company is headed in....this is just the beginning folks....

Why would anyone use this website to whistleblow? I assumed it would be hints and "water cooler talk" when I clicked on the title. If it was actual whistleblowing, I'd expect the thread to be purged of details and locked with references to the appropriate people to contact to do some actual (constructive?) whistleblowing.

Valid point, not that we have anything against whistleblowing but this isn't really the best place for it.
Whistleblowing is complicated, difficult, and fraught with legal ramifications.
I wouldn't want anybody to get in trouble for something they posted here.
There are, however, people here who would be happy to help and have contacts/info.
Just PM them but don't go to in depth, Spot grabbed the entire contents of this site once before and I wouldn't want anybody to be caught out if that happened again.
I tried to be a grownup and wait till I wasn't pissed off to write this because it really isn't professional.
Have to admit I'm not doing so well, if this was a cop movie I'd be taking off my gun and badge before I wrote this.

First off you call me a lap dog for the company, well that dog won't hunt as they say.
Just take a look at this thread http://www.thebreakroom.org/showthread.php/4736-So-long-farewell-auf-Wiedersehen-good-night.
As you will see I no longer work for them and have complaints with EEOC and Civil Rights.
I'm about as far left as you can get without falling off the bird,(commie -- get it) and have advocated unionizing the company many times.
So there goes that.

You weren't banned for your 'whistleblowing'.
You were banned after you took umbrage to the fact that we had to edit the letters you posted and started spamming the board.
Then you acted like a doucehnozzle and kept coming back to spam it some more.
If you had just posted the link to the letters once and left it at that we wouldn't have cared.

As to passing info to the company, fuck you.
I don't know if you noticed but they came and took the contents of this site.
FS had to strip the important stuff before they could grab it, email addies and IPs, but they got most everything else.
A shitload of lawyers came down on him and we suspect it was because private company documents got posted here.
Ring any bells?

I'm not banning you right now because I want to see if you can act like a grownup plus I'm trying not to let my emotions govern my actions.
You will be the master of your fate.
Send people's info off to corporate?! Seriously?! First off, I don't want corporate to know who I am any more than anyone else one here. Second...well...Commie pretty well covered everything. I think it's incredibly sad you had to invent a new identity to say what you think. If you really mean it, grow up and stand by your words and post under your real account. Otherwise, it means nothing. Anyone can say stuff anonymously. And I'm going to do with this with what I do with anonymous crap in real life. Ignore it. Without a name, your words mean nothing.
I think that this whole situation is really silly.

I attempted to have a discussion with you, but you decided to keep spamming the forums. To top it off, you decided to start flaming the forum staff. Unfortunately, that level of disrespect will not be tolerated.
lol i'm not the one who posted those letters or 'spammed' your forums like you accuse. idiots. but I am someone who completely supports the person that did.

you moderators are really as dumb as you frequently sound.

Disrespect of the site staff will not be tolerated. This your warning - drop the crap, or be forcibly removed from this forum.
lol i'm not the one who posted those letters or 'spammed' your forums like you accuse. idiots. but I am someone who completely supports the person that did.

Misread it, that's why I shouldn't post when I'm annoyed.
I'm also willing to admit when I'm wrong.
Are you?
i'm glad you're showing your true colors, staticsun. Now everyone can see my point.

just like the immature leaders that spot hires and attracts in the majority of these stores, your only sense of pride is what little power you have.

I bet it hurts that you'll never know my original forum name nor would you ever be able to keep me from posting on these forums as there's too many web proxies to even count in this internet.

with that said, "ban" my newly created forum name, idiot.

just like you told the other person who wrote letters to integrity about standing up to people like yourself, "you won't get anywhere in this world with that attitude."

lol forum moderator power trip and can't even handle freedom of speech, just like spot. hahahahah! idiot.

First of all, if you are going to respond to a post please do not resort to name calling! It is not helpful to making a case persuasive but instead is used to bait emotional responses from the opposition! I find it in bad taste whether you are using it against a moderator or a fellow employee (this goes for anyone in this thread)...

Second, the original thread we are discussing was not edited to protect Target! While we are moderators for this board our strongest interest is protecting OUR teammates and fellow posters! The person who posted the letters is not the same person who wrote the letters to integrity (nor did they have any apparent permission to be posting them from that person)... It was obvious for us at that point to protect the team member who wrote the letters by taking them off the forums! If the thread was read by someone in the store and the original writer was discovered releasing this private information to the internet, they could have gotten into even BIGGER trouble than before. This is what we based our decision upon! It is the same reason we will change a screen name if it includes the real person's name or if someone includes their store number within a post! If we truly wanted to get posters in trouble we wouldn't do these things 😛
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Nobleone, you were scheduled 6-12 and they wouldn't let you leave at 11:45? We do that all the time.
I fully support banning this idiot if he is in fact the integrity retard.

And again I ask what this post contributed outside of baiting nobleone into a more heated argument! I am open to discussion but going forward I expect everyone to be civil!
Yet you removed the posts AFTER you stated your opinion and thanked the opinions that insulted the person standing up for themselves. That's the point. You are hypocrites who act like it's a bad and unethical company from time to time but you tear into people that actually did something about it and defended themselves. Go read the letters to integrity page again. Those insults are wishes that the employee got fired for doing such a thing and was thanked by the majority of the moderators. Can't deny that, it's right there on that specific thread still. That's the point, hypocrites.

I think it's clear enough to the few that actually read and frequent these forums what type of people you truly are. Thus your employment with the worst company in the world.

Just because I am a moderator (which is not a paid position?) does not mean I give up my right to free speech as well! In terms of the original thread, I did not agree in the actions of the team member! If I were LOD and a team member were to tell me they were leaving early because they get paid the same either way (so 6.25 hours with a lunch or 5.75 without a lunch) I would make a call depending on coverage! I do not know all the factors that went into this decision but either way the team member was scheduled to a certain time and left earlier than that! If they do this repeatedly then that is an attendance issue. That was my opinion on the matter and if it was a continual occurrence I thought it should lead to a final warning and termination!

Now bringing up this point does help my stance more than you may have originally intended. Did I think this team member should have been terminated? Yes, I posted that as my opinion HOWEVER we still came to the conclusion that we should protect this team member's anonymity. Removing the content of that thread served as a protective action for that particular team member despite my opinions! You may call that hypocritical (saying we agreed one way but acted the other) however it was not for our benefit, but for the writer of the letters... I would prefer the term unbiased but I suppose you could twist hypocrite if you prefer (either way it was the right thing to do)...

I feel sorry for all of you and there's no way you can prove that you all don't send off peoples IP addresses and personal information to the company regardless of what is or isn't deemed inappropriate.

Our lack of evidence that we do not send IP addresses to corporate does not incriminate us? I feel sorry for your lack of evidence supporting your claim as well... seems to be a draw?

My situation was never like that "letter to integrity" that was posted. When my leaders told me that we are all supposed to take a 30 minute unpaid lunch at 10am regardless of our scheduled leave time, I simply told them no as they asked me to do it on the floor, and they just silently walked away from me. You should have read how the leaders reacted to the person who sent off their opinions of the matter to corporate though. Go to the 'letters to integrity' thread link I posted and take a gander of how everyone of these moderators reacted to the person standing up for themselves while thanking quotes of wishing that person was fired in that same position. That's the point.

I take it personally too as these moderators think I should obviously be fired too as I tell me leaders to take a hike when it comes down to trying to make my paycheck smaller by forcing me to take a lunch at 10am when we're going to be kicked out at 11am or 11:45am anyway. A messed up tactic to save on payroll obviously. Smart, but completely messed up!

This appears to be a different situation as a whole... I do not think someone should take a meal if it is completely unnecessary! Now if you were scheduled until 12:15 and the next person does not come in until 12:15, then the argument is there! If you are working 6-11 (in a state that requires a lunch at 6 hours) then there is no need for a lunch and I would support your opinion!

I don't buy the "we are protecting our team members by deleting the posts in the thread" after everyone of the moderators decides the person should have been fired. Hypocrites. I'm not wrong on that matter at all, commicorvus. Hypocrites.

I'm just calling you all out just like stupid spot should be too. If my store started retaliating against me, which they haven't for such matters, believe me I'll be sending reports to the corporation too and telling them where they can stick it and making sure everyone can read it in attempts to follow my example.

I'm sick of how messed up this world is and I cannot stand hypocrites.

I will let my explanation above stand for this one as well! I can believe one thing personally but still act in a way to protect the writer? If I say I think someone deserves to get hit by a truck but push them out of the way of one in real life, does my opinion make my action less honorable? Does the fact that I saved them mean my opinion has changed? No, if anything it shows good human nature at work!

I am also a struggling individual that has no choice but to work for messed up spot as I have to tackle on 2 jobs just to scrape by in this world. It's not fair in the slightest to be born into a piss poor family watching all the others around me have a free ride through life.

Reading how people are treated on this forum makes me sick as well as some post how leaders and management try to sabotage peoples schedules then pull them into the office giving them final warnings and crap. This should not be tolerated in the least but no one is going to do anything about it.

I wish spot would change for the better and stop being such greedy self centered hypocrites acting like they care when in reality they don't. It's all about the bottom dollar. Government stopped caring a long time ago to. Even outside spot we are all expendable and replaceable as our lives are treated as meaningless existences.

Sometimes I wish I were never born but as I get older I think I'm going to fight for what's right from now on and call out everything and everyone on their crap regardless of the result. What the hell else can we do.

Finally, I can relate to your personal situation and have no real answers that could change your worldview! You see the world in a true Darwinian fashion, which is a bleak and cold hearted perspective! I wish the world was better too!
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People have the right to their opinions.
People have the right to free speech.

Be careful, the two are not one and the same.

The opinions of people on this thread are quite varied and are not likely to be changed.....that's OK.
Instead of all the drama, just agree to disagree and let everyone have their own opinions.

So, if we we all stop with this post, then we all can move forward.
Then you think I should be terminated. Guess what, I haven't been and my case would hold up in an unemployment law suit. Shows what type of person you are to take advantage of lowly team members by shortening their paycheck and wasting their lives with a unpaid 30 minute time out.

Argument isn't there even if one was scheduled from 6am - 12:30pm. That's a complete waste of time and of someone's life as a team member that makes minimum wage for a company that gives 12cent average raises only once a year. That's corrupt and unethical in so many factors as physical labor is at hand.

Like I said, if there is no good reason for a lunch to be taken (you work 6-11:30 and they make you take a meal to save payroll) then I definitely take your side and suggest you work with your leaders or integrity to fix the problem! If however you are scheduled 6-12:30 under (as an example) backroom, and some backroom team members work 4-10:30, and then another works 12:30-9, then I would agree that you should take a lunch at 10am (when there is still coverage) so that you can stay until the late gets there! That is just a single example but either way the schedule is 6-12:30 and follows all legal guidelines? The first scenario is wrong, the second isn't and that is my opinion on the matter! I fail to see how there is wrong logic in that...

You have quite the ego to think you are protecting anyone's jobs on a forum. I doubt anyone believes the cry of "legal ramifications" that this forum faced. I bet it's made up to make your egos swell like this forum actually matters. There's no good human nature if thought the person should be fired anyway. Makes you a hypocrite. That's the whole point. No company would ever win a case against freedom of speech on an internet forum unless actual illegal threats were made, which in this case of the "integrity letters" no illegal threats were posted in any way. Quit making it out like your forum moderation is bigger than it really is. Another form of people of such low caliber to make themselves feel important in this world. I bet you get off on trying to write up people and fire them if you are a leader in a store. That's why I feel sorry for you.

I do not believe that single action saved the writer's job! However, if I were to write a letter to integrity, found out my bosses read it off of the internet (when it was suppose to be anonymous), and my performance was targeted by them because of it, I would be upset at the people who spread it around! I never thought Target was going to sue this person because of freedom of speech, but I know that there can be ramifications for these types of actions at the store level...

You are right, I am a hypocrite... I said I thought the person should be fired but removed a tool that could have assisted in it! I should have left the letter up and tried to find the original store to let them know to read it and see if they can figure out who the team member is! Instead I did the opposite... I suppose that is hypocritical! My actions did not align with my stated beliefs, however I fail to see how this is a negative action?

And yes, I have more bearing assuming you all collect and send off IP addresses while creating the illusion that you do not just to bait people and help the company get more insight on their employees. Specially when you like to post that people should be fired for standing up for themselves in such an unethical situation. If you cannot realize that then I am correct in your true nature as the pathetic immature power driven leaders that work for spot. Once again, you cannot fire or take legal action against someone stating opinions unless it's a legit threat on a web forum. Not even spot can do that and the fact that this forum is still here proves that. They could for legit threats on facebook and such, but not for opinions about the company or what is going on and how people are treated. Get a clue.

Again, the protection was not from legal ramifications from corporate... but from ramifications at the store level from that particular leadership team! You are correct about Target not truly being able to take legal action against this writer however... My concern came from somewhere else! Second, the point has not been made on your claims... I have a negative opinion on a situation, therefore that is evidence that I am sabotaging people with IP addresses? There is either evidence that I do these things or there is evidence that I do not... neither of us have kept anything to prove one way or the other (why would we?) and lack of evidence does not prove anything one way or the other!

Give your "true Darwinian fashion, bleak and cold hearted perspective" to those that were wronged by the corporation and are fighting with the law on their side, as well as to the starving children in 3rd world countries who don't have the luxuries of a comfortable bed, clothing, and a decent meal to eat everyday. "Hi little starving child. You hungry and in pain because of your attitude and perspective in the world. You need more positive thought and positive imagery in order to get food. Just think positive about a Big Mac from Mcdonalds and the world will give you one."

God damn people like you need to get a clue.

Unfortunately the world is cruel... I did not state that a positive outlook would solve those problems, but perhaps the perspective you have taken isn't completely accurate either? Where there are negatives, there are positives as well! I was simply pointing out that the worldview you portrayed in that paragraph simply focused on one aspect of the world, which is the negative one (which DOES exist)... However, it appears you ignore the positive things, which exist as well, which is why we fail to agree on things?
People have the right to their opinions.
People have the right to free speech.

Be careful, the two are not one and the same.

The opinions of people on this thread are quite varied and are not likely to be changed.....that's OK.
Instead of all the drama, just agree to disagree and let everyone have their own opinions.

So, if we we all stop with this post, then we all can move forward.

You are right... I meant to simply have a discussion in this thread, but I think this is going to get argumentative in nature pretty fast! Perhaps it is best to stop! Our opinions are clear at this point, there is no reason to continue to discuss them 🙂
Not to advocate illegal activity, but does anyone else think nobleone needs to smoke a bowl and calm down?
This site would love to take your info. http://www.targetfiling.blogspot.com/
FYI, commie was fired by spot. On the lunch issue, if I was your TL, I would say don't take a lunch, only a break. BUT leave before 6 hours are up & dont go on compliance. I will finish up your stuff.
Now, back to the original topic.
As someone who has had my own battles with depression and issues with having to take jobs below my field can I recommend Zoloft?
This isn't a facetious comment, from your posts it really sounds like you could use counseling and meds.
There are free or low cost options available and I would really suggest it.
Having come pretty close to wrapping my friends and family in a despair blanket, I can say it's really worth doing.

And really, as a mod my job pretty much consists of getting rid of dozens of spam posts for NFL Tshirts and saying hi to the new folks.
Maybe 1% of the time we have to deal with some kind of weirdness (which is shows what good folks we have round here).
The rest of the time I'm the same guy I was before I turned orange.
Never have, never will, toady to Spot.
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I feel sorry for all of you and there's no way you can prove that you all don't send off peoples IP addresses and personal information to the company regardless of what is or isn't deemed inappropriate.

There's no way for you me to prove that I am actually alive. Does that mean that I'm a robot?

Cut me a break, dude. I tried to talk to the OP about posting, but things escalated way too quickly and things got out of hand. There was a right way to go about things, and it is exactly the exact opposite the way things have happened.

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