Archived TL Rules for Outside work relations?

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Got it. Yea, my store from the dating guide, has some stay always going on, have gone on. My question was purely like hanging out, eating, etc. but good to know. Thank you all!!
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Some stores just don't give a damn about the rules, don't ask don't tell.
Our TPS and HR have dated people in the store. The ETLs are aware of it, the STL is aware of it.
It doesn't matter as long as they do it outside of work.
I have happened to run into TL's before at various bars, clubs, etc (By Accident). We usually have fun (They are the same age as me and view me as a peer, since before they were even TLs they were my Friends).

We just don't talk about it at work. I don't think my store is that strict about it, besides the no relationships in the same Work Center deal (which should just be obvious).
I'm fairly sure my STL knows about who hangs out with who at my store. She's never said anything and we're smart enough to not let it conflict so it's never been an issue. She probably didn't know about the ETL that boinked a TM or two, though.
ASANTS. My store doesn't really care about friendships outside of work, just romantic relationships. I'm AP and hang out with a few TMs from my store (in fact I live with two, one of whom is also AP). I also go out regularly with one of our Senior TLs. I don't really broadcast any of this, but the ETLs all know and are fine with it. The only time I've ever seen anyone at our store get in trouble is when the ETL-GE went out partying with several team members, including cashiers. She was also secretly dating the ETL-Rx (this was before the CVS takeover). She is no longer with the company.
My store was ok with people hanging out after work, but relationships between AP and anyone else was explicitly forbidden.
A TPS was fired two years ago for dating a Softlines team member, and last summer a TPS and a HLTL were both given CA's for being too cozy with each other.
At my store, we go by the standard "Elementary School Candy Rule" where if a TL hangs out with one TM, they have to hang out with ALL the TMs simultaneously.

And, of course, if there's candy involved, that's even better!
Since you aren't their direct supervisor the handbook says this okay.

As long as you aren't a TL in HR or AP

Oh, I know. I was simply telling the OP my personal situation. My store's super lax. TLs friends with TMs, hanging out, dating, hooking up, etc.
REVIVING THIS FROM THE DEAD. Okay long story short forbidden relationship *RED RELATIONSHIP* as I type this occurring at my home and head of house is naive, stupid, all the synonyms in the book. I showed my picture book to the head and didn't like the outcome or answer. I'm slowly building my picture book, but who do I need to show to disperse of this mess.
Its ASANTS but you aren't supposed to hang with the people immediately above you.
Agreed, some of our TLs hang out with TMs and our TPS hangs out with a lot of people outside of work.

Be smart about it, do it but don't post about it on social media or anything like that. I don't blast my personal life out there for my store to stalk me.
What no #targetstyle posts on twitter to impress others? 😉
Its ASANTS but you aren't supposed to hang with the people immediately above you.
If I reveal more it'll reveal my home but how does that saying go, 3rd times the charm? And it's more than hanging.
REVIVING THIS FROM THE DEAD. Okay long story short forbidden relationship *RED RELATIONSHIP* as I type this occurring at my home and head of house is naive, stupid, all the synonyms in the book. I showed my picture book to the head and didn't like the outcome or answer. I'm slowly building my picture book, but who do I need to show to disperse of this mess.
No no relationship occurring, need help diffusing and higher level isn't helping. Help?
They're adults capable of making their own decisions. Warn of the potential consequences then drop it.
They're adults capable of making their own decisions. Warn of the potential consequences then drop it.
It's effecting us in the entirety negatively and it needs to stop. I'd go into details but like I said I'd give myself away.
REVIVING THIS FROM THE DEAD. Okay long story short forbidden relationship *RED RELATIONSHIP* as I type this occurring at my home and head of house is naive, stupid, all the synonyms in the book. I showed my picture book to the head and didn't like the outcome or answer. I'm slowly building my picture book, but who do I need to show to disperse of this mess.

@IcePeasant, did what you reveal paint you in diffenernt "light"? I ask because when people see their "Superiors" in a setting outside of work, some will show a lack of respect for said authority.
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