To that one guest

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@COninja But technically you're not supposed to do that. I read that in the cashier manual.
Duh, I don't care. Too many people are in la la land and I won't let their laziness tank my speed score. If I have to suspend 1 of 50 transactions to keep me green, I will. It's grading me on MY speed, not theirs. I am not waiting for someone to count out $4.61 in change for three items when I know that invisible clock is counting down. I have never been coached for hitting suspend.
@COninja meh maybe I just don't care enough to suspend it. I know the ETLs look at those scores, but the large majority of my scores are green. So if 1 in 50 guests cause me to go to red, idgaf. The front end isn't my main work center anyway.
I think the timer needs to stop one a guest swipes their card after that it's their turn, let them be slow. If they want to stand there and stare in la la land let them. Or the timer needs to stop one we hit Total or something. Timing us after we have already scanned all the guests items is stupid. If they want it fast let them swipe their card then I can hit the buttons on the keypad and get them out of my line while they stand there flapping their jaws on their phone or controlling their satan baby.
I think the timer needs to stop one a guest swipes their card after that it's their turn, let them be slow. If they want to stand there and stare in la la land let them. Or the timer needs to stop one we hit Total or something. Timing us after we have already scanned all the guests items is stupid. If they want it fast let them swipe their card then I can hit the buttons on the keypad and get them out of my line while they stand there flapping their jaws on their phone or controlling their satan baby.

I agree the stupid timer should stop after I hit total, hate waiting for the slow old people to dig outh their money through their blackhole of a purse 😛
We don't care about speed scores unless you're drunk or high all the time. Then we use the speed scores to coach you out of existence because we can't do drug tests unless there's an accident.
We don't care about speed scores unless you're drunk or high all the time. Then we use the speed scores to coach you out of existence because we can't do drug tests unless there's an accident.

I thought that they can do tests when they believe there is good cause? My store's DFW policy says that there are 3 times they can test, pre-employment, with cause, and after an accident. Perhaps your HR doesn't want to deal with it unless they have to.
They *can* do tests, but they won't. I threatened to call the police when one of our TMs left the store so drunk he couldn't walk straight. The HR TL drove him home because he has some issues he's dealing with.

Yeah, like he's a drunk! That's certainly an issue to deal with.
Yup, it was very helpful seeing as how the GSA and LOD were too busy to actually help me out. Plus I stole it so I could study it at home. 😉
I wish we still used it. The manual is no longer best practice, just shadowing now.
This is part TTOG and part TTOTM.

TTOG: I don't know if you're new to WIC or something, but it clearly says the quantity and which items to get. I know it doesn't specify the brands, but you should know that it's the store brand. I can't spend 30 minutes helping you find everything.

To that LOD: I dare you to tell me to "pick up the pace" one more time. I helped a guest for 30 minutes find the items she needed, and I zoned through 10 aisles in one hour. I wish I had that extra half hour to finish it, but I didn't. So if you think you can do my job better, be my guest and I'll work elsewhere.
To that one Guest.... Please,please tell me when you are using re-usable bags. I am not I repeat not a mind reader! I start bagging the groceries and the guest says oh I have re-usable bags ( grumbles) oh okay ( takes items out of bags) or another good one is when I start putting the groceries in the bag and the guest says oh put in this gigantic trash bin! Seriously?? GRRRRRRR
To that one Guest.... Please,please tell me when you are using re-usable bags. I am not I repeat not a mind reader! I start bagging the groceries and the guest says oh I have re-usable bags ( grumbles) oh okay ( takes items out of bags) or another good one is when I start putting the groceries in the bag and the guest says oh put in this gigantic trash bin! Seriously?? GRRRRRRR
Just last week, a guest came up on her phone and I started bagging groceries. Right as I finish filling one bag up, she takes out a reusable bag and I have to take all of the items out of the plastic bag and hand them to her. And then she took out half a dozen coupons after I finished bagging everything.
Cashiers have to ask if people have reusable bags here because our county has a plastic bag ordinance. No plastic bags, and charge 10 cents per paper bag, and the county has secret shoppers and will fine the store if they don't charge the guest for every bag!
Cashiers have to ask if people have reusable bags here because our county has a plastic bag ordinance. No plastic bags, and charge 10 cents per paper bag, and the county has secret shoppers and will fine the store if they don't charge the guest for every bag!
Washington DC does the same thing. Not sure about the secret shoppers part though.
TTOG who is actually a TM who came through my checkout lane when the light was off: WHY!?! I talked you on the floor and expressed how angry I was that no one else was responding to calls for back up. You heard the call go off on the walkie again and told me to "stay strong" as I hurried off. I was almost free from the checklanes until you came to me with your $300 worth of groceries. I GOT STUCK THERE FOR 45 MINUTES AFTER YOU LEFT WITH A SMILE PLASTERED ON YOUR STUPID FACE. I hope Karma repays you in the form of a cashier shift.
TTOG who is actually a TM who came through my checkout lane when the light was off: WHY!?! I talked you on the floor and expressed how angry I was that no one else was responding to calls for back up. You heard the call go off on the walkie again and told me to "stay strong" as I hurried off. I was almost free from the checklanes until you came to me with your $300 worth of groceries. I GOT STUCK THERE FOR 45 MINUTES AFTER YOU LEFT WITH A SMILE PLASTERED ON YOUR STUPID FACE. I hope Karma repays you in the form of a cashier shift.
I assume this person never goes for backup.
TTOG: crying about the fact that you couldn't get any of that Lilly Pulitzer shit last Sunday because you had to go to church, are you for real? You're committing one of the seven deadly sins: greed. There are kids starving in Africa and you think it's the worst thing in the world to not have some thing designer. Who gives a flying fuck?
TTOG that called: No, we don't have the board game Jeopardy. Despite that, you were persistent on speaking to a manager. Why would we hide Jeopardy from you?

Oh, and I heard you when you told someone near you "he doesn't know what he's talking about." Sorry you didn't get your way, but I know exactly what I'm talking about.
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TTOG: Next time you bring 2 full carts of items to my register, show me your coupons beforehand.
It's so much more fun to see the face when you turn off your light and dump all the stuff you just rang on the belt so you check their coupons. I'd say 90% of the time, after the first four coupons don't match anything they've got, they mutter and walk away.
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