To that team member on the flow team ,please put a belt to hold your pants ! You are mooning me everytime you bend down ...
To that TM ,stop flirting with the male tls ,it is of poor taste ,and please do your work ! And no ,the guys won't take over the day you have trash duty ....
Stl ,I appreciate you offering me to get trained in the jewelry /accessories area ,but you are sending me in the line of fire ! Only one other Tm is doing that job ,and she likes to have over 30hrs a week,and brags about it !!!!!and she can be mean...
Sales floor TM ,could you actually zone the place at night? And stop flexing everything .... On truck days ,I put one bottle of vitamin on the shelf and remove 8 wrong ones ...
Market TL ,you are doing a lousy job !!!everyone knows it !!!! I found 13 expired boxes of granola bars ( dec 2011) . Stop asking tm to your job ,you had 2 endcaps to do ,fill the cooler with the milk ! I ended up doing 1 endcap and the milk ( by the way working 12 hrs a day doesn't appeal to me !!! But was cornered by the stl ,because you didn't do your job!)
Tm electronic ,go back to your electronic zone and leave me alone ! I know my schedule ,I was supposed to be out by 2.30 pm ,but the ETL told me to stay until done !!!and I was done by 3 pm ....
Wow ,what a week at my target !!!!!