To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To whoever made the most recent schedule, how do you schedule so few people on MDW IN NEW JERSEY! MDW is so big here. Yes lots of people are going to the beach, but they all need swimsuits and maxi dresses and sandals and shorts! And they'll need stuff from the other parts of the store too! Like, we won't be busy the entire day, but to schedule as if no one will be in town shopping is nuts. Next year let's just close the store for the whole weekend. That's a good idea. Team members like beach weekends too... I think

Is this a Jersey thing? 'Cause my store did the exact same thing. I was on register 95% of my shift instead of working cosmetics, and our poor softlines team wasn't a team at all. It was just the woman working the fitting room and one other girl trying desperately to do everything else herself.
I was always told that SUBT 999 will create mistakes since you telling the PDA that something was already in that location. I was told it would be like a "ghost" in that location. Then again, how can it be a ghost when an item is in said location. I just wish the back stocking process was less stressful and time consuming. I hate pulling back stock during the CAF batch hours. That's probably my biggest pet peeve at target.
I was always told that SUBT 999 will create mistakes since you telling the PDA that something was already in that location. I was told it would be like a "ghost" in that location. Then again, how can it be a ghost when an item is in said location. I just wish the back stocking process was less stressful and time consuming. I hate pulling back stock during the CAF batch hours. That's probably my biggest pet peeve at target.

Whoever told you that is full of crap. If anything, it would be a baffle because you're pulling 9,999 non-existent units. BUT IT'S NOT because baffles are only "found" when pulling a batch, not when using SUBT. Because errors are not reported for SUBT pulls, SUBT9999 is actually best practice for resetting the accumulator.

Go on Workbench and search for the guide for resetting the accumulator, then print it out and show it to your TL, ETL, and everyone else who's saying otherwise.

As others have said in other threads, if you need to SUBT9999 that often, there are more problems in your store than how items are being backstocked during the CAF hours. Are you sure every item is being pushed to capacity in all locations? Is the instocks team able to scan accurately? The only time you should need to use SUBT9999 is when a POG is killed or a capacity is incorrect.
Well I'm gonna use SUBT999 with STO until my last day. I don't give a shit what anyone says. Usually the ones that say "don't do it that way" have no idea what they're talking about. I always use SUBT999 during the caf batch hours because I refuse to pull back stock and that's what will happen if I only use STO.
I have never stowed 1st when subt 9999ing and it always works just fine. You've been misinformed Jack. But, you don't give a shit what anyone says so carry on.
You do not need to STO before using SUBT 9999. You can locate it into the location directly from subtract because it will always ask you if you pulled all and when you hit no it will locate that item. It does not cause location accuracy issues to do it this way and saves time for everyone.
You do have to sto it first if you're using a mydevice.
Is this a Jersey thing? 'Cause my store did the exact same thing. I was on register 95% of my shift instead of working cosmetics, and our poor softlines team wasn't a team at all. It was just the woman working the fitting room and one other girl trying desperately to do everything else herself.

I don't think it is completely haha. I assume coastal states were worse in general because everyone here was prepping for either beach weekends or beach day trips. Town I live in was actually a ghost town (everyone went down the shore) but Target was somehow still popping. Probably pool/bbq people. We did have more than 1 person on the floor, though. It just wasn't enough. We should've had every sl member on the schedule. The people can't buy the stuff that's balled up in unsorted carts. They ask me if there's any in the back and I say no it's all out... Then they say oh and walk by my 7 unsorted carts lol.
Jill of All Trades, post: 193091, member: 9574"]TTOETL: Yes we are both female, I'm older than you and have been married for years. You can safely assume I have had sex. You cannot safely assume that I am willing to offer tips and tricks for your new relationship.

The solution is to charge for each piece of advice.
After all you had to learn them the hard way.
I did that once. But, I did help that tm in the end.
This was less personal issues and more veering into politics/state of the world. Nothing like when a coworker starts talking about the media and the impending collapse of America/The world/??? at that point I was kind of glad my break was almost over.

Its a shame because otherwise they're not a bad person but their world view? We've got some incompatibilities there.
This was less personal issues and more veering into politics/state of the world. Nothing like when a coworker starts talking about the media and the impending collapse of America/The world/??? at that point I was kind of glad my break was almost over.

Its a shame because otherwise they're not a bad person but their world view? We've got some incompatibilities there.
Jack in the chat room does the same thing.
Why would a backroom team member be using a mydevice?
Because there are no pdas and heaven forbid they learn to read a pick label or use a scanner to find a location or share...and since only a handful of other tms are in when they start, if even, there are just so many mydevices surely we don't need them all. And half the team splits off to backstock once they complete the first row of push. So like 9 people are in the backroom, trying to backstock with only 7pdas available or less.

Ours are about to get locked up if I have to track down the pfresh one again....
TTOTM: I know you're new to ad setup, and new in general, but SERIOUSLY! Setting up the new ad signs is NOT that difficult. Read the instructions, fold where it says to, stick it in the label strip in the correct location.

Seriously, NONE of A block was done properly. Someone else was stuck fixing all your mistakes.

I'm kind of glad I'm back to doing ad this coming Sunday.
TTOTM: I know you're new to ad setup, and new in general, but SERIOUSLY! Setting up the new ad signs is NOT that difficult. Read the instructions, fold where it says to, stick it in the label strip in the correct location.

Seriously, NONE of A block was done properly. Someone else was stuck fixing all your mistakes.

I'm kind of glad I'm back to doing ad this coming Sunday.
My useless PA is required to set the pfresh valley cause he works Sunday open. Every week he manages to completely screw up the dozen or so signs. He's been doing this for over a year now. How can you not even manage to notice you are not consistent over that amount of time? He's got to work twice as hard to screw it up that badly...
To leadership: The visitors are in the store and you are giving them the tour of the salesfloor. There is still GM truck to be pushed and flow is kind of shorthanded today. Now is not the time to pull me and another TM to go fill the front endcaps you didn't get to. Just let me finish my carts and switch over in controlled manner instead of this flailing around bullshit.

To the visitors: How the hell you people think instocks isn't a mess is beyond me. But maybe that's because I know how the sausage is made.
To that one team member or actually probably an entire group of you...certain razors absolutely HAVE to be in a locked case. I'm sick of walking down that aisle and seeing them unprotected just sitting on the shelf. Black target means lock that shit up! I will continue to pull them off the shelf and stick them in the HBA stock room with a note until you get the point!
To that one team member or actually probably an entire group of you...certain razors absolutely HAVE to be in a locked case. I'm sick of walking down that aisle and seeing them unprotected just sitting on the shelf. Black target means lock that shit up! I will continue to pull them off the shelf and stick them in the HBA stock room with a note until you get the point!
What? Flow putting on Merch protection? What is that pipe dream? Dysons on the floor with no spider-wraps, razors without keepers, and video games placed on the top of the shelf rather than in the case! 😡
What? Flow putting on Merch protection? What is that pipe dream? Dysons on the floor with no spider-wraps, razors without keepers, and video games placed on the top of the shelf rather than in the case! 😡

When we only had an AP TL he did a contest every week for the flow team as to how many items could be put in keepers or cases.
People would mark down their numbers and at the end of the week he would give gift cards (back when we could give gift cards).
Since it was every week and the cards were $20 the flow team worked hard at getting stuff done.
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