To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To our new DTL: Nice idea to actually get a MyDevice and see if cosmetics is actually getting researched to see if leadership is actually maintaining the store and not just rushing to zone it ahead of time for your visit.

Granted last week was a beautiful research and we've been getting our product in so I'm glad to have impressed you despite not being there.
To that one transfer team member: NO. If you throw something out, you must QMOS it. Assuming the numbers will get straightened out during inventory, just to save yourself a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. My verbal coaching was polite, but the next one is going to be very direct. I strive for accuracy in all departments, and that kind of fuckery will quickly get you to 0-hour-a-week status quickly.
To that one transfer team member: NO. If you throw something out, you must QMOS it. Assuming the numbers will get straightened out during inventory, just to save yourself a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. My verbal coaching was polite, but the next one is going to be very direct. I strive for accuracy in all departments, and that kind of fuckery will quickly get you to 0-hour-a-week status quickly.
Fuckery. Such a great word 🙂
To that one transfer team member: NO. If you throw something out, you must QMOS it. Assuming the numbers will get straightened out during inventory, just to save yourself a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. My verbal coaching was polite, but the next one is going to be very direct. I strive for accuracy in all departments, and that kind of fuckery will quickly get you to 0-hour-a-week status quickly.

To that TM. "Really dude? Nice way to make everyone who works with you hate you real damn fast."
To the backroom team member that backstocked a box of ding dongs and a box of twinkies under the DPCI of the box of twinkies, what were you thinking? Are you so lazy that you can't tell the obvious difference between a ding dong and a twinkie? Ridiculous but not surprising. You morning backroom team members are pathetically lazy. You don't even look at your PDA screens when you use STO to backstock. You just scan, hear the beep, scan it into the location, and press the number for quantity and you're done.

For the crime of being a lazy dumbass, you will get the Colin Farrell In Bruges face palm gif.
To that one BR TM: How many times must I tell you to put flex fulfillment's into hold? If an order doesn't get put into hold, we get dinged on it when it becomes late, and the guest never gets notified to pick up their order.

Oh yeah, and quit leaving your keys in the wave when you go on break. One day I'm going to laugh when you lose them.
To that ETL SF/GE: Fuck you and go back where you came. I don't need you micromanaging and critiquing me every time you have two seconds. I'd rather you just sit in the office all day on the computer and never even respond to walkie.

To that one SrGSTL: Why don't you drive fucking red cards you fat bitch instead of sitting offstage all day bitching that we haven't reached 10 RC by noon. And the next time we do exceed goal before shift change how about some, IDK, appreciation instead of saying "Oh well then we should be able to get 15....20...25...". So then can we get at least a fucking Gift Card or a party? Shit I'm tired of getting bitched at because we haven't reached double corporates goal on RC.

To two of our lovely softlines team.: Those nasty ass attitudes you got are gonna get you either cussed the Fuck out or a knuckle sandwich one day I'm not feeling good. You have been warned.
To that one're a cashier. Stop telling me what to do, especially with the same tone as a manager. And stop calling me "hun."
To that one softlines TL: I realize your team is very easily distracted and needs to have their tasks broken down hour by hour, but we don't all need that when you're TLOD. Personally, I find it very patronizing. Please stop.

To that one ETL: I am not a miracle worker. Between all the back-up calls, ad take-down, and the fact that I was in another area for half of my shift, there was no way I was going to get all of A zoned to perfection by the end of the night.
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TTOTM: When pushing in market it is not necessary to plop your ass on the floor like you're at a picnic. Get the fuck up!

Lol I do that. The constant bending over and crouching get so exhausting when pregnant. My stomach hurts if I bend over, like I feel like I'm crushing the baby trying to get to the lowest shelf.
Be careful FlowChick nothing is worth risking self or kiddo. It's easy to overdo out of habit.

I don't think they understand. I'm so desperate to get out of flow. I'm usually the one taking things off the pallet in hba to separate into carts. I always chuckle a little bit when I'm stocking the fem/birth control aisle because it's super ironic. Haha.

But yea that's probably why I get so hot too. Its like a workout while pregnant.
TTOTM: When pushing in market it is not necessary to plop your ass on the floor like you're at a picnic. Get the fuck up!
We had a flow guy who did this everywhere...even when we switched to 8am process for awhile. He'd be sitting in the racetrack while guests tried not to hit him...
To that signing team member-I love you, but would it have killed you to throw out the bundles of crap from years long gone by? I mean what are the chances of it ever being needed again......?
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