To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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What? Flow putting on Merch protection? What is that pipe dream? Dysons on the floor with no spider-wraps, razors without keepers, and video games placed on the top of the shelf rather than in the case! 😡
Maybe cause I work electronics and I'm so used to things being properly secured. It drives me mad though like it's not that hard quit being lazy!
To that one team member or actually probably an entire group of you...certain razors absolutely HAVE to be in a locked case. I'm sick of walking down that aisle and seeing them unprotected just sitting on the shelf. Black target means lock that shit up! I will continue to pull them off the shelf and stick them in the HBA stock room with a note until you get the point!

Have you spoken with your AP leader about this?
Ttotm. WTF You'really an hour late for the 3rd time this month. Then you dissappear on lunch for like 50 minutes. Are you trying to get fired ?
TTOETL: You are the worst LOD in the building and I dread the days when I am working and you are on an LOD shift.

Sending Flow home early because they cost too much payroll doesn't magically make the 16 pallets/flats of push disappear. And ambushing them in the breakroom on lunch break by telling them not to clock back in and just go home for the day was really not cool. It seems even the TL was surprised by that.

Also, stop asking every logistics-side TM you see to work a pull! We have our own stuff to deal with...Maybe try using the SALESFLOOR TMs to work product to the SALESFLOOR.
TTOTMs despite all the call outs, the back ups and the LOD telling us we had to leave on time you guys decided to play all night. You took 30 min brakes TOGETHER and heaven knows how long your lunches were. Then you started a basketball game. I heard you call your friend on the walkie and invite him to come back and play. Yes, I went up and got the LOD. Yes, I'm glad she chewed you guys out. I wish she would have fired all of you.
To that one team member or actually probably an entire group of you...certain razors absolutely HAVE to be in a locked case. I'm sick of walking down that aisle and seeing them unprotected just sitting on the shelf. Black target means lock that shit up! I will continue to pull them off the shelf and stick them in the HBA stock room with a note until you get the point!
Why don't you set a good example & spider wrap or box the razors? AP does count the razors. Your store maybe out of razor boxes.
Why don't you set a good example & spider wrap or box the razors? AP does count the razors. Your store maybe out of razor boxes.
I do box them up when I find them. We have enough (once they're in a box you can't fit that many on the peg anyways) but it's mostly they just can't be bothered with it.
I do box them up when I find them. We have enough (once they're in a box you can't fit that many on the peg anyways) but it's mostly they just can't be bothered with it.
Hba flow tm's & back room tm's might need to be trained on how to do it. You could box the razors & then back stock them, as an educational tool & a big hint for the team.
TTOTM who jaywalked and made me miss a green light: You almost made me late to work because I stopped at several other red lights that probably would've been green if it weren't for your traffic violation. Your karma is coming.
Hba flow tm's & back room tm's might need to be trained on how to do it. You could box the razors & then back stock them, as an educational tool & a big hint for the team.

We just spider wrap ours. We have a bigger problem with Crest Strips right now. Spider wrapping those is time consuming.
TTOTM: I know you're new to ad setup, and new in general, but SERIOUSLY! Setting up the new ad signs is NOT that difficult. Read the instructions, fold where it says to, stick it in the label strip in the correct location.

Seriously, NONE of A block was done properly. Someone else was stuck fixing all your mistakes.

I'm kind of glad I'm back to doing ad this coming Sunday.

After three months we caught our idiot, he isn't allowed to work ad set up, only ad take down now..
Hba flow tm's & back room tm's might need to be trained on how to do it. You could box the razors & then back stock them, as an educational tool & a big hint for the team.
I do that constantly they still don't get it. No matter how many times you correct it and let them know what the procedure is they will do what they want. I feel bad for AP at our store cause no one takes them seriously.
To that new etl hr. : get out of your office and help on the floor !!!
1 cashier until 10 am
1 gstl
1 elec tm
2 pog tm
No one else until 11 am !
We are swamped and etl hr barks order to go for back up !
Pog tm is on break , 2nd pog tm is helping a guest
Gstl already on the lane ...
Etl hr is sitting in her office ....she then calls backroom tm to go for backup !
TTOTM thanks for calling out for the second time in a row meaning I have to pull a double tonight. I could have been at home spending time with my girlfriend you asshat.
To that new etl hr. : get out of your office and help on the floor !!!
1 cashier until 10 am
1 gstl
1 elec tm
2 pog tm
No one else until 11 am !
We are swamped and etl hr barks order to go for back up !
Pog tm is on break , 2nd pog tm is helping a guest
Gstl already on the lane ...
Etl hr is sitting in her office ....she then calls backroom tm to go for backup !
Last week I was the only team member scheduled in Hardlines until 1pm. On a regular basis on the weekends I'm the only Hardlines team member on the floor from 8am to 10am. And guess who they always call for backup during that period?!
TTOETL: Screw you. After I left last night, I had started to respect you a little bit more after I thought you stood up to the guests you had me remove for drawing obscene (male genitalia) pictures on the wall in seasonal with a sharpie (admittedly misreported, it turned out to be a crayola marker) when they showed up an hour later to complain. Boy did that go down the dump this afternoon.
So you not only apparently gave them a 5% target coupon as apology, you also told them that I was out of line for doing the very fracking thing you told me to do??? And you then told my boss, the ETL-AP, to coach me and to call the guest and apologise, all without fracking telling her that you were the one who told me to escort them out of the fracking building??? It's a damned good thing (for you) that she's essentially your best friend, because she knows me better than to think that I would approach random guests and tell them to get out of our store for just "doodling on a chalk-board," and wanted to get my side of the story before coaching me. Oh, and don't you think that the three other sales-floor TM's and the APS who were all involved and switched to ch. 4 when I told you what happened and asked you what you wanted me to do will remember, and if asked, likely tell any investigator that you told me to escort them out? 😡

To my ETL: Thank you for knowing me to do my job properly and through the proper channels and not blowing up on me.
TTOETL: Screw you. After I left last night, I had started to respect you a little bit more after I thought you stood up to the guests you had me remove for drawing obscene (male genitalia) pictures on the wall in seasonal with a sharpie (admittedly misreported, it turned out to be a crayola marker) when they showed up an hour later to complain. Boy did that go down the dump this afternoon.
So you not only apparently gave them a 5% target coupon as apology, you also told them that I was out of line for doing the very fracking thing you told me to do??? And you then told my boss, the ETL-AP, to coach me and to call the guest and apologise, all without fracking telling her that you were the one who told me to escort them out of the fracking building??? It's a damned good thing (for you) that she's essentially your best friend, because she knows me better than to think that I would approach random guests and tell them to get out of our store for just "doodling on a chalk-board," and wanted to get my side of the story before coaching me. Oh, and don't you think that the three other sales-floor TM's and the APS who were all involved and switched to ch. 4 when I told you what happened and asked you what you wanted me to do will remember, and if asked, likely tell any investigator that you told me to escort them out? 😡

To my ETL: Thank you for knowing me to do my job properly and through the proper channels and not blowing up on me.
That's awful. Amazing what Team Leads will do for guest loyalty.
So apparently the store massively overspent payroll leading up to a recent visit, which is why flow got sent home on Friday. They also cut all of flow and POG on Saturday (full trailer sitting at the dock and electronics reset is still unfinished). That being said...

TTOSTL: While I don't agree with your decision to cut entire teams from the schedule like that, I can appreciate your willingness to step up and accept the consequences. You asked the BRTL to cut his shift and ended up pulling a closeopen since there was no other keyholder at scheduled 6am. You personally worked out several pallets of leftover freight AND you almost made a bale. All with zero help from TMs!
To that new etl hr. : get out of your office and help on the floor !!!
1 cashier until 10 am
1 gstl
1 elec tm
2 pog tm
No one else until 11 am !
We are swamped and etl hr barks order to go for back up !
Pog tm is on break , 2nd pog tm is helping a guest
Gstl already on the lane ...
Etl hr is sitting in her office ....she then calls backroom tm to go for backup !
that sounds like my last store's HREtl….or any of the etl's
Without the risk of giving my store away...
To that one stl: why did you change the process of guest service so much, right after I finally learned the system and how to run it? Why is it the guest service has to be the one to sort and I have to be the one to do returns after 7pm? I'm not supposed to do guest service unless it means breaks or I am assigned for the shift. Smh. I am almost sorry I was willing to learn.

To that one gsa: you didn't let me go home until 11 when I was was feeling dizzy and very much out of it this the entire shift. I'm tired of you pushing me so hard when I always give you 100%. I like you but I'm sick of it. My health is way more important than this job.
To that one TM: Its a good thing you transferred out because I'm tired of cleaning up the bad training you gave another TM. At least it only takes a couple minutes to correct his misconceptions each time but this shouldn't have happened.
ttosftm: on one hand, I get it, because we all need money, but on the other, fuck you for taking literally every available cashier shift just because you're cashier trained (knowing full damn well there's salesfloor shifts on the swap shift board and 99% of the cashiers aren't crosstrained anywhere else.
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