TTOTL: I made the mistake of saying I hate the word "fart." Now, you mention it every time I speak to you, and even make "fart noises" when around.
You're a vile human being.
TTOSrTL: You are a great example of a leader. You lead by example, set clear expectations, finish tasks in what seems like no time at all, and have a genuine interest in your team. No one has a single bad thing to say about you and the way the team looks up to you speaks volumes about your character and leadership.
I always look forward to working with you, especially when you're LOD. You don't micromanage or sweat the small stuff. You're very personable, and I like your sarcastic and dry humor.
You're definitely my favorite team lead.
You've perfectly described the SrTL that leads my team. Could be an awesome STL but can't even be an ETL because of the 4-year degree requirement. Target wastes talent, skill and knowledge with rigid requirements like that. Just realized - neither Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs would qualify for ETL.TTOSrTL: You are a great example of a leader. You lead by example, set clear expectations, finish tasks in what seems like no time at all, and have a genuine interest in your team. No one has a single bad thing to say about you and the way the team looks up to you speaks volumes about your character and leadership.
I always look forward to working with you, especially when you're LOD. You don't micromanage or sweat the small stuff. You're very personable, and I like your sarcastic and dry humor.
You're definitely my favorite team lead.
TTOTM I don't have to tell you anything about my personal life. Yes I got married but nobody knows about it not even my parents and I want to keep it that way for a while. You have a big mouth so you'll be the last person I tell. Now stop nagging me.