To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Would you prefer the word moist?


TTO(BR)TM: Having a designated SFS team now does not exempt you from picking an FF if I ask you to pick one. Cleaning up behind Overnight's incompetence left me unavailable at that moment to pick it myself. "Nah, you guys are SFS. You guys got all that now." is the last thing you should have said...
To the ETL-SL LOD that I closed with tonight, thank you for recognizing that I got RedCards while I was forbidden from calling Guest First.
You're Welcome.
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To the Monday thru Friday backroom person: you are a crybaby and immature. I've never seen a baby boomer as immature as you are. You leave early without telling me why and then I call you out on it by saying "I predicted that". And then you go tell the boss about it and you purposely stay at Target an extra hour after you clocked it to whine about it? How old are you?

But I also want to thank you for squealing on me because I spilled the beans on everything. Well not exactly. I was tempted to rat on the n bomb veteran guy for saying the n-word but I didn't. However, I did squeal on him for leaving an hour on Saturdays and Sundays. I told the boss that he had been scheduled to leave at 630pm but would leave at 530pm. Thankfully, the turd is no longer helping me on Saturday and Sunday because he doesn't want to work that late. Boo hoo. I also called out the morning backroom team and how they need to do their fair share and not just stand around doing nothing for the last 30 minutes of their shift. I don't really care if that veteran guy gets pissed. He deserves to get shit for that. If you are scheduled to leave at 63pm, you stay until 630pm. Unless you are close to 40 hours or are injured/sick or have a personal or family emergency, you stay until 630pm. I don't give a shit if you're tired.
TTOSrTL: You are a great example of a leader. You lead by example, set clear expectations, finish tasks in what seems like no time at all, and have a genuine interest in your team. No one has a single bad thing to say about you and the way the team looks up to you speaks volumes about your character and leadership.
I always look forward to working with you, especially when you're LOD. You don't micromanage or sweat the small stuff. You're very personable, and I like your sarcastic and dry humor.
You're definitely my favorite team lead.

I know you are new and trying really hard to be more of a peer than a boss, but you need to figure out where to draw the line.

When a TM screws up due to laziness and incompetence, he needs to be talked to about it. But instead you just blamed it on the guest and refused to even find out which TM was responsible.
TTO (TPS turning TL)- You flat out told me that you couldn't wait until you had the ability to write me up, and then said that I'd better watch my back. Listen, if you didn't catch anything on the freaking CAMERAS during the entire time you've worked at the store, then chances are you aren't going to find anything in person. Also, you're the Backroom TL soon. That literally has no bearing on my life. What are you going to do, write me up for coming into the back and grabbing a CAF? GTFO, bro.
To that one "special" team member,

You've tried to one-up me constantly, told me that the things I liked were stupid, and barely get your own stuff done. And I've told you to leave me alone multiple times.

You're the reason I left the Flow Team.

Vaffanculo, Idiota.

Sincerely, Me.
TTOTM that quit by leaving a note on guest service: Fuck you. Seriously. I don't care what your bloody reasons are, you don't quit like that and especially not when you have a shit ton of closing cart attendant shifts. Not only that, but you left us with one closing cashier on a SATURDAY, because I had to do your job.

TTOTM who decided to not come in today because "they didn't feel like it": Fuck you too. Grow the fuck up. I've ranted about you in the past and really wish I could say it all to your face.
I'm going to end up abusing this thread.

TTOTM, you are perhaps the mostair-headed nut I've ever met. You need reminders how to run the register and freeze when something comes up, yet you wonder why I'm not totally stoked to go through your checklane. Or why when you try to come up to the service desk to "help," I kindly ask you to let me handle whatever is going on by myself. You usually cause more issues than you solve.
ttom- Today I went by the service desk to get to the flexible fulfillment holding area....You were just standing there behind the register not a guest in sight...I couldn't fgure out why you were messing with the register...then I saw. You had your phone propped up on the keyboard of the register....where you thought no one could see...Hmm dear..there is a camera right above you ...just saying
TTOTM - We were having such a good, genuine conversation when I mentioned that there are automated machines in the mall where you can sell a cell phone, and that it makes it so easy for thieves.

Then you just had express your disappointment that Obama made such machines legal...

I died a little inside when I realized that you 100% believed it was a true statement.
TTOSrTL: You are a great example of a leader. You lead by example, set clear expectations, finish tasks in what seems like no time at all, and have a genuine interest in your team. No one has a single bad thing to say about you and the way the team looks up to you speaks volumes about your character and leadership.
I always look forward to working with you, especially when you're LOD. You don't micromanage or sweat the small stuff. You're very personable, and I like your sarcastic and dry humor.
You're definitely my favorite team lead.

OK, how did this person EVER become a TL (and a SrTL to boot)??!! While I think these attributes are amazing and inspiring in a TL, Target seems to think that they are sure signs of the devil! I hope this person can find a workplace where his/her skills will truly be appreciated. Because Target is NOT that place!
TTOSrTL: You are a great example of a leader. You lead by example, set clear expectations, finish tasks in what seems like no time at all, and have a genuine interest in your team. No one has a single bad thing to say about you and the way the team looks up to you speaks volumes about your character and leadership.
I always look forward to working with you, especially when you're LOD. You don't micromanage or sweat the small stuff. You're very personable, and I like your sarcastic and dry humor.
You're definitely my favorite team lead.
You've perfectly described the SrTL that leads my team. Could be an awesome STL but can't even be an ETL because of the 4-year degree requirement. Target wastes talent, skill and knowledge with rigid requirements like that. Just realized - neither Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs would qualify for ETL.
TTOETL: You called me a tattle-tale because I asked you to speak to the Backroom Team about their behavior. I explained, with pictures backing up my point, that every time I backstock my cosmetics, they switch the clips and expect me to push it AGAIN the next day. I told her that I didn't appreciate getting told recently that I'm not productive when the reason behind my lack of productivity is that I am constantly re-doing work I've already done just because other teams refuse to do their jobs. After what seemed like a productive conversation, she ended our talk with, "I just wish you'd stop being such a tattle-tale. Just focus on yourself."

I AM focusing on myself. I'm focusing on how I am getting shit on because the Backroom team isn't being held accountable.

Fuck you and your big mouth. I'd really like to give you a piece of my mind, but you're not worth the breath I'd spend doing it. Stay the fuck out of my way, that's my only advice to you.
TTOTM I don't have to tell you anything about my personal life. Yes I got married but nobody knows about it not even my parents and I want to keep it that way for a while. You have a big mouth so you'll be the last person I tell. Now stop nagging me.
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