To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TOTTM: OMG shut the fuck up you act like your the only one with major problems at work, we all have problems and people wouldn't call you on stuff or think ever post is about work if you didn't bitch about every thing on Facebook. I hope you do find another job so we dont have to hear you bitch about every little thing. Maybe then we can get a cool GSA instead of your bitchy ass.
TTOSrTL: Saying over the walkie we have a Code Yellow when it was only a 'Code Wolley', seriously. We just went over the codes literally two days ago. Please learn what they are. You are not setting a good example as a TL. Get it together.
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TTOETL you are the only ETL I have ever seen NOT get on a register during code ones but have the nerve to nag everyone else about it. Even the DTL gets on when we get backed up so quit your bitching you're part of the problem.
TTOTM who was complaining that the ETL-LOG was intentionally trying to make you miserable by not turning on the fan at the end of the unload line... There is no secret switch or password to turn it on! See that plug dangling above your head? Just fucking plug it in and voila, the fan is on!
ttotm: I have put up with your complaining for years and years. I have put up with your whiny, nagging voice...the way you are so quick to throw everyone under the bus. The way that you are only working one half weekend per month...while IF I don't put in time off requests...I get scheduled every single FULL weekend . I have even somehow managed over the years to put up with you making it sound like you are the only person who works hard in the entire logistics are guilty of doing everything that you complain about other people doing . I hope and pray that while you are on vacation your realize that the world doesn't revolve around you...everyone isn't out to get you...and if you are going to complain about someone doing something wrong First, make sure they are actually guilty...Second make sure you are not guilty of doing the same thing. I am a nice guy...just don't know how much more I can take.
To that one team member: you are way too cool for school. Seriously. Stop acting like you're so perfect and amazing and a team lead. No, you're a team member, you have no authority over anybody. I don't give a shit who you think you are. You singled me me out tonight because I don't worship you. And, in return, your ETL doesn't say anything to me even if he jokes around with all the TMS in the front end, but not me. I really saw all of this tonight. You are not special.

To all the team members tonight but my good friend: including the gsa. I don't know what happened to you. You were so sympathetic and genuine with me the first six months that I started here. But, the GSA position if you can call it that has gotten to your head. Now you only talk to certain people and when I tried to repair things with you tonight, you faked me out. To the others, fuck your fake clique. Seriously. Go to steak n shake without my friend and i, like I give a shit. Don't ask everybody else after work while we are standing there. Oh my god, you guys are so cool! Gtfo.

I thought I had a great team. Alas, all the good ones left and it really hurts.

I'm done with this place. I enjoyed it so much now I have never felt more indifferent and apathetic.
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To backroom upper management at the crap pit that I work: please train backroom day team members properly. I have been working with a backroom team member the past 2 weekends and he still doesn't know how to use SUBT or pull FF. He has been at Target since May and there are just no excuses for this. I get it that he started out as an early morning backroom team member and standards are obviously lower for early morning backroom since all they do is pull the giant batches in the morning and backstock but come on. You are better than this. A backroom team member not knowing what SUBT is like a salesfloor team member not knowing what a call button is. Just no excuse for this but then again I work at a shitty store where training is minimal so not that surprising.

And some other things, I feel sorry for backroom team members when I leave. Because they will get the joy of working my shifts. They will have the joy of staying till almost 10pm on Tuesday pulling 20 pallets of clearance. They will have the joy of working with a Monday thru Friday backroom opener who refuses to answer backroom calls on the walkie to pull items from the back for guests which means you are going to be on the grocery side probably all the way in the bakery freezer and will have to walk all the way over to the GM side of the stockroom to pull an item for a guest because this lazy Monday thru Fridayer refuses to do their share. You are also going to make some bales since the Monday thru Fridayer won't make them. You are going to have fun printing off backroom location labels and using the crown since the Monday thru Fridayer refuses to learn how to do them. You are going to love basically doing the work of 2 people even though there will be another person in the backroom. You are going to love pulling a full flat of chemicals at 12pm that the dumbasses in the early morning team just backstocked at 1130am and here's something that will make you mad: 95 percent of the stuff on that flat will come back as backstock.

On second thought, I don't feel sorry or bad. You early morning backroom team members at the pit I work at deserve far worse. I hope my departure makes things very hard for you at Target. And yes I can't stand you guys.

I hope you enjoy having your nights and weekends taken from you. I hope you enjoy having your afternoons and evenings taken from you too as well.
TTOTM: I am swamped back with phone calls and waiting on the constant stream of guests wanting to try on cloths. I need for you guys at Guest Service to do the damned overhead page for once! You have to have heard me call over the walkie multiple times about phone calls when you were pestering me to page so-and-so to the front of the building!
To that one TL: Why did you only have one person scheduled for the backroom from 1-6 on our busiest day? I'm sure the LODs didn't like spending the afternoon (only after the CAFs rolled over the 3rd straight hour) in the backroom helping me pull the CAFs. That day was the most stressful day I ever had at Target.

To that one Pfresh TM: Thank you for helping me pull the CAFs. I'm sure Saturday was hectic for you after a massive food truck, and I appreciate the help. 🙂
TTOTM: I don't get why you were disappointed you were scheduled a late closing shift and missed the evening CAFs. You said you're used to coming in earlier, but all you do is complain about having to push them.
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(I'm doing a preemptive strike) To Tuesday night price change aka the worst night for price change in the backroom: fuck you 😀
TTOGSTL: You sound like a used car salesman when you're pushing REDcards. Kudos to you for getting several in a day but if I were a guest in your lane, I would definitely complain about your pushiness. It's aggravating.
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