To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Scram - this forum's founder - met his wife thru Target 😉
We were in the same orientation group. I thought she was beautiful she said she never paid me any attention. She walked past the boat a lot and one day I just started talking to her and could tell she was like "God leave me alone." But I was persistent. I tried to take my breaks when she did lunches when she did I went full stalker but not really mode. Then I asked her out and I guess she had a good time cause after that we were together pretty much 24/7.
To my team (management, team members, etc) I want to enjoy my days off. I understand that you need people, but I want to enjoy my days off. I haven't had a real day off for two weeks working two jobs and all. I'm sorry but maybe you should be more hard on your team and the people that call out constantly. I'm always the first person you call, I'm always the first person that says yes but not anymore. I want to fucking enjoy my day off. Sorry buds.
TTOTM: I don't care if you put your 2 weeks in. I can't really blame you. But at least have the decency to call in if you're not going to show up for your final shifts.
To that one team member that backstocked a heavy case of Apples on the top shelf in the cooler: Fuck you, why would you even do that.
Usually cause I'm out of room and can move it down before I need to get replenishment. But sometimes it was to piss off the old man...We have two step ladders in our produce cooler so it's no big deal.
What if, instead of "backup cashiers to the front lanes," we had "backup team members to unload and sort the FDC truck."

I'm looking at you, cashiers.
They won't let anyone leave the front end. We're already short staffed and we have to call you doing the food truck to back up the lanes. So, keep looking at us, but we'll still be standing here. Sorry, sorta. 😉
To that one former team member: I was surprised to see you in the store after I got off work today. I enjoyed catching up with you and I wish you all the best with your new job and new chapter in life.
What if, instead of "backup cashiers to the front lanes," we had "backup team members to unload and sort the FDC truck."

I'm looking at you, cashiers.
Oh, I wish. That's the only reason I'm envious of the cashiers, you only need to stay focused on checking out guests and getting redcards. Going for backup gets really annoying. I feel like a yo-yo that's about to break 😵
To my ETL and TLs: If I worked as hard as you all do, I'd probably be fired by now.

When Flow leaves boxes on the floor, I like to leave it and see how long it takes for someone to move it.

Longest was a box of sunscreen sitting about a foot outside of an entrance to the backroom...sat there for 5 days before the ETL-LOG told someone to pick it up.

Its terrible but I do this with carts of reshop all the time. Unless an LOD left their printer in it. Finder's keepers and all that. But pallets where people could wreck themselves (like the one half-hidden by racks in the girl's clothing department) is a bit much. You bet your ass I make sure somebody knows what mess I just picked up though.
Oh, I wish. That's the only reason I'm envious of the cashiers, you only need to stay focused on checking out guests and getting redcards. Going for backup gets really annoying. I feel like a yo-yo that's about to break 😵

Not in my store. On the rare occasions we aren't backed up, we end up deep zoning accessories, or doing reshop in women's clothing (ready to wear). Plus we stock all candy at the lanes every week. I believe other stores don't have the cashiers do the candy, but we do.
ttotm- you passed your interviews to be a team lead...I don't know how but you did. I will add that you walking around telling everyone that IF you want a promotion with Target all you have to do is ask...isn't very reassuring. You are dipsy as hell, you stand around and talk all the damn time... and flirt with certain guys....

ttosrtl- When you walk in the backroom and you see that Iam the only one working and getting things done....don't sit there and add more on my plate. You walked right by your buddies standing around come find me to tell me to do something else. I was suppose to leave in 15 min...they were scheduled to leave after should had went to them and told them they needed to stop goofing off...

ttogsa-People like you make me literally make my stomach hurt kinda sick. YOU sit there in the breakroom and talk about how you cant stand fat people...and how if they don't like being fat then they should work out etc...but you don't want to see or hear it. You didn't realize that they lady sitting behind you happened to be overweight...I could tell by the look on her face that your words of stupidity bothered her...but don't worry I apologized for you and told her not to pay any mind to some uppity, narrow minded person like yourself...This isn't the first time you have been overheard doing this. Grow up and treat people with the diginity and respect they deserve..You have a bitchy resting face but you don't hear ppl going around talking about that do you ? You don't have to put down others to feel better about yourself. of these days some fat person is going to sit on you and fart in your face...I hope I am there to see it .
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Even though I work pretty clean while completing my daily routines, does not mean I want to clean up your mess every single day. Trash, defectives, item not on file, missing labels, MIRS. etc. I showed or taught you the routines, so you could be independent opposite of myself. Please take care of it with best practice, thanks.

15 minute break does not mean 25 minutes. 30 minute break does not mean close to an hour. I've asked you nicely. How would you feel if I did the same to you?

Please stop treating me like I don't know anything, tell me to do something else, or refuse to answer the walkie when I call. When I "accidentally" mishandle communication, my head goes on a stick.

Stop it man, you're not funny when you queston my work ethic/style. I don't understand it. When you are being serious, I still can't tell. That's why I don't like talking to you too much. Sorry.
To that one SrTL: If you ever get promoted to ETL, I hope you stay at my store. You're one of the few leaders that legitimately respects us lowly TMs and understands the problems I run into every time I work.

To that other SrTL: If I type how I really feel about you, I'm going to regret it because there are other people from my store on here.
To the veteran backroom guy that drops the n bomb: shut the fuck up. You are so annoying. No one wants to hear you joke about pedophiles and Middle Easterners. I was glad when one of the ETLs in the break room told you to shut up. Please get fired.
To that one cashier,

You are a ditz. Almost like one of the Barbie dolls you ring up every day. You have the same goddamn spiel for every guest in the same weird monotone voice of yours, and your personality is so plastic that you make Regina George look sincere.

And you wonder why I'll wait in line for an extra five minutes in someone else's line rather than jump over to yours.

P.S., I love how you'll try to talk to me when I obviously have my music headphones in. I'll keep pretending not to hear you.
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