To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOTL: Please, try to write me up for taking my lunch leaving electronics without coverage today. Not my fault that YOU, Mr. SrTL LOD, in an effort to "save payroll" sent the E/C opener home early making it impossible for me to not hit compliance if I waited until the next person arrived. If the ETL-HR doesn't laugh that CCA out of his office, I'm sure the labor board will. Given what happened the last time you tried to CCA someone for utter bull dinky, I think I should bring a comfy chair and some popcorn to the meeting you demanded with me, you, my ETL, and the ETL-HR.
i hit compliance once because the way they scheduled us cart attendants was weird. like they would schedule the next person on my fifth. they told me to go a couple of minutes before just so that i don't hit it, but it got so busy that they had be pushing carts up until my 5th which made me go in compliance. first time too. they still do the scheduling like that which pisses me off.
To every bloody cashier who keeps bitching about how they "don't feel like working" and how the GSA won't let them leave early.

Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

Oh, you poor thing with your 5hr cashier shift, after having the last two days off, and the next several days off to go camping.

Please. Take my shifts for a week, or basically anyone elses. Then we'll see how you act.
To the new Cart Attendant who as soon as his trainer left, managed to hit the automatic doors because you didn't steer your line into the cart doors, you instead stopped to talk to a girl as they walked in and held the turtle button:

I bet she was impressed with his mad skillz.
ETL in training: Always look inside the box for electronic returns.

Guest bought an Xbox One in cash in electronics, returned it an hour later. ETL in training did the return and didn't look inside the box. Someone did later. There was the guest's old Xbox. With nothing else inside.

RIP roughly $400 I think
To the new Cart Attendant who as soon as his trainer left, managed to hit the automatic doors because you didn't steer your line into the cart doors, you instead stopped to talk to a girl as they walked in and held the turtle button:

I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on the Breakroom.
TTOTM, (Barbie cashier, part II)

You realize that when I put my headphones on while I'm on my break, I dont want to talk to you?

On the bright side, the look on your face when I did tell you I was listening to satanic death rock was absolutely priceless.

I wasnt even listening to music either. I just wanted to ignore you.

You're a cunt. All you do is sweep the damn backroom when we NEED you to help us backstock the truck freight and what the floor didn't push....I mean since we are so damn understaffed all..

You get away with avoiding coolers, pushing various tasks onto me (When I have to stack pallets, pull/BS the coolers, wave what you cannot get..) when you are just as able bodied to get shit done.

You gladly shove people out of their seats so you can sit next to your "buds" even when you are 10 minutes late for break (We have beaurocratic O/N breaks). I mean fuck, the only reason you're back there is because theres only 2 people who haven't bitched at the ETL about being in backroom...I guess they'll take what they can get..


tl;dr: TTOTM is a cunt.
To those team members: 10 plus 5 PERCENT does not equal 15 percent. Please stop telling guests that they can save 15 percent if they sign up for a REDcard!

TTOTM: Please, PLEASE quit telling guests that they can save 15% off their total if they apply and then tell them you'll take $25 off a $100 order. That's not 15%.

Forgive me, I was a math nerd in my former life.
YES!!!!! And 5% for RxRewards + 5% for the RedCard does not = 10%!!!!
TTOTM - Thanks for not checking if the product has a 2nd location. I really appreciate that my team has to backstock and re-pull the same item. You see it and say it is backstock. You then notice my facial expression when I decide to challenge you to it. You do not like that. Afterwards, we begin a round of Mortal Kombat, where I finish the conversation with a Fatality, oops I have to keep it best practice, Friendship.
TTOTM: as a sales floor tm pushing re shop in Men's, please take notice of the 6 shippers and what product is in there. I watched you put a couple of things in the wrong spot, so kindly mentioned the shippers. This is why I like to do reshop, but with a big truck push today I didn't have time.

Actually, to most of my team.

I love you guys. Yeah, the bad apples can go away, but you're all the ones that make going to work fun.

TTOTM who actually zones swim appropriately, thank you for doing a job that everyone else cannot

TTOTM who has worked at Target for 10 years. Do not tell me when to take my lunch, you take yours first if you're so concerned. Also, I know how price change works, I'm not stupid, I've done it for almost a year. You are not better than me because you chose to make a career out of this place without being a TL. I'm young but I'm much smarter than you.

TTOTM who has to talk over everyone and yell over the walkie...please stop. I don't want to hear your high pitched screechy voice
I should probably clarify: they didn't stick them right in the middle but on the end of the barcode. So half the labels are perfectly scannable. The rest are useless. Its the special kind of mistake that really frustrates me.
To all those damn cashiers:

Cashier #1: Look, I get it. You're on meds that are making you apathetic n' shit, but constantly leaving early (or not showing up) and leaving us with one cashier when it's busy as fuck just ain't cool. If you're not able to work, don't show up and let us know so we can at least fill the gap.

Cashier #2: You were hired what, 2 weeks ago, and already have 3 NCNSs (today being the third, thanks for that by the way)? See ya! You're soooo outta here.

Cashier #3: You're cool, hardly ever call out, and never complain. I like you. I wish you hadn't called out tonight, but I don't hold it against ya. Get better sir!

Due to you three, I got dragged in for an 8 hour closer on my only day off in two weeks.


I'd do it again though... $$$!
this is my last post as a TM (I recently removed myself from Target...guaranteed 40 hours in a Monday through Friday an office. My body loves it)

To the ETL's and STL....thank you so much for the kind words but I hope to never, ever have to work retail again.

To the entire team....this store was the best to work for and from experience as a guest in quite a few of the metro area is the best to shop in. Sure, there were the idjuts and slackers but overall....AWESOME team!!
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