To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To my team,
“cart attendant there’s a spill in aisle _____” I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was the only person who knew how to clean spills in this store?
“cart attendant there’s a couple of carts on aisle ____” I’m sorry I didn’t know I was the only person who can push carts?
hey cart attendant this, hey cart attendant that….. please I’m only one f**king person. if you can do it you should do it. don’t fucking have me do a job that could easily be done by you?
To my team,
“cart attendant there’s a spill in aisle _____” I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was the only person who knew how to clean spills in this store?
“cart attendant there’s a couple of carts on aisle ____” I’m sorry I didn’t know I was the only person who can push carts?
hey cart attendant this, hey cart attendant that….. please I’m only one f**king person. if you can do it you should do it. don’t fucking have me do a job that could easily be done by you?
Can't leave the spill unattended for liability reasons, and if you try and ask someone to bring you a mop, they have no idea where they are.
Can't leave the spill unattended for liability reasons, and if you try and ask someone to bring you a mop, they have no idea where they are.
and like i said, we're all properly trained to clean up spills. why do you need to call me, someone who's having to pull carts in because it's rush hour, when you can easily clean it. it's more of the fact that they call me for some dumb reasons. i got called to bring a cart over to someone when they were like a couple of steps away from the cart wheel.
To my team,
“cart attendant there’s a spill in aisle _____” I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was the only person who knew how to clean spills in this store?
“cart attendant there’s a couple of carts on aisle ____” I’m sorry I didn’t know I was the only person who can push carts?
hey cart attendant this, hey cart attendant that….. please I’m only one f**king person. if you can do it you should do it. don’t fucking have me do a job that could easily be done by you?

We have a lazy, bossy, and entitled TL in soft lines. She frequently requests spills be cleaned up, but never doing it herself. A month or so ago, she called one out on the walkie while the food ETL and a few food team members were unloading the truck. ETL replied over the walkie "well, get a mop or some towels to clean it up." Silence.
TTOTM I wholeheartedly agree that people need to pay attention when making the schedule and I'm sorry you got scheduled outside of your availability. If you want to know the truth our system does tell them they're scheduling outside your availability and they do it anyways. It sucks that it's now your problem and you have to find someone to take your shift. I'm sorry you have to fix someone else's mistake. Feel free to vent to me anytime! You always help out hardlines when we need it so I'm here for you!
TTOTM I wholeheartedly agree that people need to pay attention when making the schedule and I'm sorry you got scheduled outside of your availability. If you want to know the truth our system does tell them they're scheduling outside your availability and they do it anyways. It sucks that it's now your problem and you have to find someone to take your shift. I'm sorry you have to fix someone else's mistake. Feel free to vent to me anytime! You always help out hardlines when we need it so I'm here for you!
Nope. Outside my availability falls on hr to find coverage and adjust my shift. Like best practice wise.
Nope. Outside my availability falls on hr to find coverage and adjust my shift. Like best practice wise.
They used to do that but for some reason since we got a new ETL they stopped. I think it's bullshit. I want to help him but he says he talked to all the higher ups and they weren't very helpful. Who do you contact after that?
TTOTM I wholeheartedly agree that people need to pay attention when making the schedule and I'm sorry you got scheduled outside of your availability. If you want to know the truth our system does tell them they're scheduling outside your availability and they do it anyways. It sucks that it's now your problem and you have to find someone to take your shift. I'm sorry you have to fix someone else's mistake. Feel free to vent to me anytime! You always help out hardlines when we need it so I'm here for you!
OMG. It's like you're talking to ME. This has happened to me two weeks in a row. My HRTL and HRTM are really, really sweet and they assure me that they will fix it. But now I'm out 4 hours both weeks because of this clusterfuckery. smdh
totm stop pissing on the toilet seat and floor just sit on them they are not dirty.
OMG. It's like you're talking to ME. This has happened to me two weeks in a row. My HRTL and HRTM are really, really sweet and they assure me that they will fix it. But now I'm out 4 hours both weeks because of this clusterfuckery. smdh
This is the second weekend in a row they did this to him. I told him if it happens a third time then just change your availability to where you can't work that day at all. It's really unfair.
@Loki, That's the thing! I'm unavailable to work at all that day and yet I'm still being scheduled. So frustrating.
I went with him to talk to HR and they said if he has to call out cause he can't find someone to take his shift they're not going to hold it against him cause it's not his fault.
To that one team member..who loves to steal my portable printer. WHO ARE YOU JUST FESS UP DAMNIT!..swear I won't be mad 🙂

I have no idea how you passed your interview to get your job, but you need to calm your man-tits whenever there is one guest waiting to be checked out. You throw me out from behind the service desk WHILE I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF HELPING SOMEONE ELSE to back-up cashier for only one guest. You never let me finish my projects cause you're so frantic about nobody having a break. Never mind the fact you either ignore my breaks and lunches until the last minute or force me to take them ungodly early. It's hard to work with you cause you mumble all your instructions and get mad at me when I don't immediately understand what you're trying to say.

And then when I try to clean up your mess, you scold me.

Cause logic.
TTOETL you are a crappy leader. Today was my FDC truck day, meaning I run the team and backstock all of it myself. Plus today I had to train someone how to backstock.
The opening PA called off. So I did both. All I asked of you was to please call the closer in a couple hours early. You didn't do it. You never came around to see if I needed any help. You didn't really even show any gratitude. Hell it was also milk delivery day and I took care of that too.
You're an ass. So glad I'm transferring to another store after this week.
They used to do that but for some reason since we got a new ETL they stopped. I think it's bullshit. I want to help him but he says he talked to all the higher ups and they weren't very helpful. Who do you contact after that?
I've never had to go above my etl-hr. But if I did the etl-ge or stl would be my only choices for this store. If that didn't fix it- hotline.
I've never had to go above my etl-hr. But if I did the etl-ge or stl would be my only choices for this store. If that didn't fix it- hotline.
I told him if he can't find someone call out. It's outside his availability and they can't expect him to work I never thought of having him call the hotline I'll tell him next time I see him.
TTOTM yes I ate all the chick-fil-a nuggets. Sorry not sorry. I got to them first and there wasn't that much to begin with.
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