To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To that one TL: Sorry (but not really) that I pointed out the zone in one of your departments is kind of terribad and making my job harder when I have to try and fix it. Not very sorry either that another TM has been pointing this out in another of your departments too. I look forward to having to repeat this conversation in the next couple of weeks.

To the rest of the floor: Could you people at least pretend a little harder to care about things being in the right areas in something close to the right quantities.
"Loki, post: 202070, member: 13912"]TTOTM who told me "You can't be a teacher if you have your nose pierced." I never asked for your opinion, mind your own business, and don't hate cause you will be stuck at Target for the rest of your life and I won't.

My daughter has her tounge pierced and a wide variety of tattoos.
That did not stop the school where she did her student teaching from hiring her as soon as she graduated.
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You call me a bitch multiple times a day and all I can say back to it is that "I love you too," and then make some dirty joke later to get back at you.

You and I make a fantastic, dirty, funny team.
To the new closing cart attendant, hey, I know you're new and all but please for the love of god do the CRC check and salvage and toss at night because now I have to do it in the morning and deal with having to rush putting everything to the back AND deal with carts. also please fucking clean up the parking lot at night. like i said, i know you're new, but please we all trained you (and we're going to obviously keep training you because it was a mess this morning). i even quizzed you before i left because i know it's hard the first time. I'm sorry bud, but I don't see you staying much longer with us.
To that one team member: Take care of yourself and get well. I hope you're not working tomorrow, but if you are scheduled, PLEASE call out.

To that one LOD and hardlines team member: Thank you so much for helping zone the last few aisles in dry after I took over for the pfresh closer who went home ill.

To PA #2 and whoever's been working in pfresh: Tonight, I filled a three tier and more full of rotten produce and expired product dated 2-7 July. Why are you all not deep culling in the mornings and evenings? I understand missing a few things here and there, but c'mon-- it should not be this bad! I wish the LODs would stick me in pfresh once in awhile instead of delegating me to dry all the time now.
PA #2, I thought pfresh would be fine in your hands while the team lead is away and I am on my restricted schedule.
I thought wrong.
He's old he doesn't know what it is to be hip...only how to break one. That was mean, but I laughed.
I don't think "people of a certain age" realize that tattoos and piercings aren't as "taboo" as they once were. I've seen many teachers/coaches/principals/CEOs who have them.
To all the tms /tl/ etl and stl : when I direct a call to you , pick up the damn phone !
I am so tired of being ignored and have angry guests on the phone !
To add on to this: if the front end is repeatedly calling for somebody to make an announcement over the PA, don't everybody run to TSC. It's cool, I'll just drop what I'm doing on the other side of the store and head over there...only to find out our HR-TM has been in the office the whole time but doesn't have a walkie.

But hey, now I know how to use the store's PA. Learn something new every day!
TTOETL: Congrats on your promotion to ETL-TMSC!

That's not a real position? Then what the hell are you? Because the ETL-Salesfloor surely cannot go the entire day without actually setting foot on the salesfloor...

Why aren't you answering LOD calls when your TM and TLs ask for you?
Why do we never see you out on the floor when you are LOD?
Hello? He..llo?

Shut up so I can respond.
Stop telling me things I already know - I have worked your position before.
Don't complain about working on a Holiday as if you are the only one
Just because I'm GSTL doesn't mean I know nothing about salesfloor. I was you once.
if i am scheduled for backroom I expect to work backroom.

To those team members: 10 plus 5 PERCENT does not equal 15 percent. Please stop telling guests that they can save 15 percent if they sign up for a REDcard!

TTOTM: Please, PLEASE quit telling guests that they can save 15% off their total if they apply and then tell them you'll take $25 off a $100 order. That's not 15%.

Forgive me, I was a math nerd in my former life.
To those team members: 10 plus 5 PERCENT does not equal 15 percent. Please stop telling guests that they can save 15 percent if they sign up for a REDcard!

TTOTM: Please, PLEASE quit telling guests that they can save 15% off their total if they apply and then tell them you'll take $25 off a $100 order. That's not 15%.

Forgive me, I was a math nerd in my former life.

I mean, it is 14.5% so they're not far off.
I mean, it is 14.5% so they're not far off.
Yes, but that's only if the application is approved. If not, they're stuck with 10%. Not quite fair to the guest.

Is your dtl allowing this, if not that is giving unauthorized discounts, which almost always lead to getting fired.
I don't know if the DTL knows/is allowing it, but it's been that way since I started about 4 months ago. We offer 10% off just for applying (only until we reach goal) and if the application is approved then they get the extra 5%. This is how my store reaches goal weekly.
TTOTL: Please, try to write me up for taking my lunch leaving electronics without coverage today. Not my fault that YOU, Mr. SrTL LOD, in an effort to "save payroll" sent the E/C opener home early making it impossible for me to not hit compliance if I waited until the next person arrived. If the ETL-HR doesn't laugh that CCA out of his office, I'm sure the labor board will. Given what happened the last time you tried to CCA someone for utter bull dinky, I think I should bring a comfy chair and some popcorn to the meeting you demanded with me, you, my ETL, and the ETL-HR.
To ALL THE ETLs: We just got this new feature on the walkie that's called CHANNELS 2, 3, AND 4. Here's how it works. If you ever find yourself talking to someone on the walkie about a topic that no one else in the store would give a shit about, MOVE to one of those channels and continue your discussion there.
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