To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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is this dry market or pfresh they aren't fifoing in
Dry market, pfresh, HBA, everywhere. I think the exact words were "nobody has time to take what's on the shelf off to put the new stuff in the back" 😵 We've brought all kinds of outdates to various ETLs & SrTLs attention & basically received the same response...
To our DC visitors this morning: Were you idiots trying to get run over this morning? The four of you seemed determined to park your asses in the unload's higher traffic areas and chat among yourselves about who knows what. When I was coming at you all with 7+ feet of FDC pallet I'm not sure you understood what was going to happen. Or when I had to point out you were standing right on a corner of the racetrack where 80% of flow was going to barrel through real soon.

We don't come over to the DC and dick around in the trailers you're loading so kindly return the favor and stay out of the way next time.

To that one TM: Yes, there is a boxcutter in this bathroom I am using. Yes, I can give it to you when I'm finished. No, I don't understand why this was a thing that happened.
Dry market, pfresh, HBA, everywhere. I think the exact words were "nobody has time to take what's on the shelf off to put the new stuff in the back" 😵 We've brought all kinds of outdates to various ETLs & SrTLs attention & basically received the same response...

If you have a MyDevice, start adding expiration dates to random consumable items. When those items drop in the SDA and the P-Fresh opener has to deal with them, maybe something will happen. The keyword being maybe, of course.
If you have a MyDevice, start adding expiration dates to random consumable items. When those items drop in the SDA and the P-Fresh opener has to deal with them, maybe something will happen. The keyword being maybe, of course.
POG team did that when we went through groceries. Anything for the remainder of the year we short dated.
If you have a MyDevice, start adding expiration dates to random consumable items. When those items drop in the SDA and the P-Fresh opener has to deal with them, maybe something will happen. The keyword being maybe, of course.
I have no clue what you just said, but it would never happen anyway. We are lucky to get a walkie, there's no way in hell I'd be able to get my hands on a my device. Lol!
To that one TM, maybe you should try discussing issues in my department WITH ME, instead of calling our STL directly over first. Bitch. How bout you just be a good, respectful little TM (who is not so little might I add).
TTOTM: How do you still not know that when you are picking SFS orders, the items are automatically deducted from the count!!! Zero on hand means that there will be zero after you take it for your batch.

Your "genius" idea to check the OH count of every item before looking for it has completely fucked our fulfillment percentage.
TTOGSTL: A guest flat out came up to you and told you that I was extremely pleasant and helpful, and that I clearly knew my job extremely well, and you still turned to me and gave me a lecture about not letting her know about the guest survey.

TTOTL: When you found out that I didn't get recognition for my guest compliment, you stole my walkie and recognized me loudly and obnoxiously. Thank you and I love you!
TTOTM: Thank you for being patient with me when I helped out with Softlines reshop this morning. I understand that with hours being cut it's difficult to take on all that work, and I appreciate you helping with any questions I had.

TTOLOD: Thank you for bringing me coffee while I was in Softlines. It made it easier for me to get through my shift.
TToTMs: Thank you for you guys' amazing job on the line last night. Got that truck unloaded at an awesome pace.
To that one LOD: Holy crap its like you're purposely trying to turn your old team against you. I know we're probably doing a few things wrong and struggling a little but a) we're understaffed like hell right now and b) no need to come swooping in and screw with our TL's plans and c) I'm pretty sure I ignored 90% of what you wanted me to do today and did my own thing.

To the DC: If you're going to send up a metric assload of ramen, the least you could do is palletize it yourselves or something. Not like I"m asking you to do the same with the ~600 cases of toys transition you shoved on today's truck. Just all this ramen that I bet you already had on a pallet that you then broke down and sent to us piecemeal. Or something.
To the DC: If you're going to send up a metric assload of ramen, the least you could do is palletize it yourselves or something. Not like I"m asking you to do the same with the ~600 cases of toys transition you shoved on today's truck. Just all this ramen that I bet you already had on a pallet that you then broke down and sent to us piecemeal. Or something.
I can definitely imagine some guy at the DC cackling like a madman as he throws each package onto the conveyor.

But really, I'm sure if they had the option of loading a full pallet, they would have done it. It would be just as annoying to load it piece by piece as it would be to unload it.
Awesome job today! I really had my doubts about you when you first started, but now I think you're going to make a great ETL-LOG.
TTOTM: You maybe LOD. But you are horrible at setting the example:

LOD: Hey other TL! Make sure Hardlines aren't talking and doing their zones! When they talk. They are too distracted, and work doesn't get done!
Other TL: Okay! Yes ma'am!
LOD: (five minutes later is talking to another TL and joking around.)

I was in the aisle next to them during this whole interaction. I facepalmed so hard.
TTOTM: To that one LOD who fussed at me about the condition of the food aisle in Infant Gondolas... I fixed it two hours ago. To say I didn't is just rude. Also that is the most visited place in all of Infants. If you want to be upset at someone. Be upset at the ones who messed it up. I had two hours left of work. I certainly could fix it again before leaving. Don't act like that it's not fixable or maintainable. Trust me. I'm always over here. While you are nowhere to be seen except when it comes to surprise visits. Also I had 3 other areas you wanted me to cover. You even told me to handle Gondolas first. So yes, I haven't been there in a while. But you want all of this done before close? I can do it. Just allow me to do my job or come and help... that would be a great option too.

I hate that aisle. Babies, like full sized people, eat everyday! And all of their options are in a single aisle, so for them to assume that the zone should last hours when there's only 1 or 2 sl people on the floor is just crazy. How can we maintain that aisle and do everything else? My stl freaks out about that aisle all the time.

Speaking of which, to that stl: yea totally gonna finish this area's tables then go back to the area I folded first, go re-clean the floor in shoes and hit the gondola in 30 minutes. Oh and I'll respond to backup calls too.
To every team member: Before you send a guest to another store to pickup a product, remember that the on hand number on mydevices is usually inaccurate. If it says 2 on hand, odds are they don't have it. Say this to the guest and suggest that they call the store to try to put it on hold. I've had too many guests come up to me saying they were told we had something when in fact we didn't, and we had to hand out a bunch of apology coupons.

Also, if you're helping a guest on the phone and they're wondering if we have something in stock, don't just look at th on hand number. Put the phone down and check the shelf to see how much you physically have. I've had team members tell guests we had items in stock when we didn't.
To every team member: Before you send a guest to another store to pickup a product, remember that the on hand number on mydevices is usually inaccurate. If it says 2 on hand, odds are they don't have it. Say this to the guest and suggest that they call the store to try to put it on hold. I've had too many guests come up to me saying they were told we had something when in fact we didn't, and we had to hand out a bunch of apology coupons.

Also, if you're helping a guest on the phone and they're wondering if we have something in stock, don't just look at th on hand number. Put the phone down and check the shelf to see how much you physically have. I've had team members tell guests we had items in stock when we didn't.
I do a visual, every time.
Weekend after fucking weekend it's the same backroom people WHO CAN NEVER GET THE CAFS DONE I'M TIRED OF BEING THE DEFAULT BACKROOM TM.

To that lazy etl hr : why did you schedule me on a day I am unavailable ? I agreed to cover one shift on that day ,just once ! Don't assume my availability changed forever ,especially when an etl told you NOT to put me on that day ! I only did her favor after someone suddenly quit !
Will I ever cover any shift outside my availability again ? Will I ever stay past my scheduled Time again ?
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