To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOM; do your fucking job. do. your. fucking. job. i am here from opening until mid day getting carts, doing bathrooms and doing trash, but as soon as you get here, almost 30 minutes late sometimes because you'd rather chill in the break room, you start bossing me around telling me to go do the trash and go do bathrooms. im sorry once you clock in that's your responsibility just as much as it is mine. I DON'T CARE IF YOU DONT LIKE DOING IT. I DON'T REALLY FUCKING CARE AT ALL. It is your job. You were hired to do this. Do your job. We all do it except you. I don't understand how you have children and can barely clean a bathroom. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU'RE MARRIED AND CAN BARELY TAKE OUT THE TRASH BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DISGUSTED BY IT. I don't understand how you live.

TTOM; Hi, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were my boss? You're a GSTM, not my boss. Don't boss me around? I'm taking a five from being outside in the hot sun. I'm talking to a team member asking them if I can leave my water with them because you apparently have a problem with me leaving my water at GS even though no one else not even the LODs or the ETLs care because that's the closest thing to the carts and the door. You're not my boss. Don't act like it.
I went to the other store in town to squeeze a few more uses out of my discount card before it stops working. The cashier comments as I present my card, asking me what store I work at and in what position. I divulge. He looks at me like I'm Jesus and says he's always wanted to be GSA. Almost instinctively, I yelled out "NO. NO YOU DO NOT. YOU WILL DIE." He gave me a weird look for the rest of the transaction but I hope I saved him.
Ttotm: Please dont yell into the walkie. I'm begging you. It takes me so long to get the volume perfect so I can hear the whisperers and the normal volume people and you're just crushing my fragile ears.
No kidding. Our APS tends to be very quiet on channel 6, so I have the volume nearly at full, with an earpiece no less, then the intern basically yells into the walkie without regard as to what's going on.
To those TMs from that other store, glad you called us before sending that guest over for that car seat, but next time ask them how soon they'll be coming before you do that. Asking me to hold a 50% clearance item for 2 days after you already made me go grab it ((and it was kinda heavy, too!) off the shelf is annoying. Of course we vibed it, but I would've just said no if I'd known the lady wasn't coming same day.

Stop putting food in the to be defected bin at the service desk! Food goes to market! Because of what you did, everything in the bin had to be trashed, even if it just needed to be repackaged.

To That Other Team Member:

Look, I know you're new but you have to follow proper ESIM disposal rules. Getting pissy with me because I had to stop you from cleaning up a chemical spill you are not trained to do doesn't help you.
TTOOperator: I know you are trying to elicit a response from salesfloor when a call comes in. However, playing call button and appending "second request" "third request" to your announcements is condescending and annoying, especially when I've told you at least two times that I have three guests waiting for me that were here before the call came in. Thanks to you, I now got coached on answering phone calls in a timely manner despite being physically unable to. Oh, and if you're going to announce second and third requests, please ACTUALLY PROVIDE a first request instead of jumping straight to second.
TTOTM: You've spent 24 hours in electronics on three of our slowest days of the week. You did not do any salesplanners, scored horribly on attachments, and the zone and the areas you did a 4x4 on look terrible.

Yesterday was my first shift in electronics and I finished six salesplanners, got a great 4x4 done in domestics, filled the end caps, and was 4-2 on attachments. You know those salesplanners need to be done this week as our workload in toys next week is just as heavy. Granted, the existing end caps look decently filled and I noticed you stocked and secured Bose speakers to the end cap now that we have tethers again. What on earth were you doing with the rest of your time during those three days?
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TTOTM: You've spent 24 hours in electronics on three of our slowest days of the week. You did not do any salesplanners, scored horribly on attachments, and the zone and the areas you did a 4x4 on look terrible.

Yesterday was my first shift in electronics and I finished six salesplanners, got a great 4x4 done in domestics, filled the end caps, and was 4-2 on attachments. You know those salesplanners need to be done this week as our workload in toys next week is just as heavy. Granted, the existing end caps look decently filled and I noticed you stocked and secured Bose speakers to the end cap now that we have tethers again. What on earth were you doing with the rest of your time during those three days?
Ttotm please look for Bob and Lisa also target mobile is taking over electronics
To that one TM, maybe you should try discussing issues in my department WITH ME, instead of calling our STL directly over first. Bitch. How bout you just be a good, respectful little TM (who is not so little might I add).
maybe they didn't discuss it with you because they knew you'd call them a fat bitch instead of being respectful? just a thought
ttoTEMPORARYgsa: you moved from hr to starbucks tl and are just a stopgap measure until we get a new gsa. i have the most knowledge of guest service of any cashier that wasn't originally at guest service before we moved it. other TMs ask me for help constantly and i pick up slack all the time. even my ETLs and the gstl know that i'm great there and put me there as much as possible, and hr has me closing all the time because i get the job done while still being nice to literally everybody, including you! so whatever your reason is for hating me and being condescending, get over it and realize that you need someone experienced in guest service if you don't want a backup. also, i know how to operate on a regular lane seeing as how that's what i was originally trained for. when there are three or four cashiers standing around because there are no guests and i decide to collect reshops because, you know, i'm trying to earn the money they give me and they're overflowing, DO NOT come over and tell me to get back on a lane. this is how the front lanes operate. this is how my actual bosses tell me to act. so i suggest you get with the program, otherwise there will be some serious discussions with my ETL about my negative work environment.

p.s. when a cashier knows more than you about guest service, you're doing it wrong. go away and don't come back.
maybe they didn't discuss it with you because they knew you'd call them a fat bitch instead of being respectful? just a thought
Well, since this is an anonymous forum that literally nobody I work with knows I'm using, I would say I didn't call her a fat bitch. Ya know, since it was on the internet....on a rant thread....not in real life. But I'm sorry if the description "fat bitch" hit a little too close to home for you. (Ps. Find the quote where I say "fat bitch"...I'll wait...give up yet?)
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p.s. when a cashier knows more than you about guest service, you're doing it wrong. go away and don't come back.
Yet they are being promoted....and you are not. Attitude? Most likely. Favoritism? Yes. They hate you? Possibilty.
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