TTOETL-GE: I still have not gotten my review yet. The Friday two weeks ago you told me that you would give me my review, but you didn't get to it that night. You were the LOD, I get it, it's fine we both work tomorrow we'll do it again. But no, you didn't do it then either, even after I brought it up with you. And it was the perfect time too, since my ETL-OPS was working and I had asked if she would sit in on the review so that I can get feedback from her as well as far as my performance goes. Instead of doing my review, you made a lame excuse about having dinner plans and left early for the night. And here we are, almost three weeks later, still no review. We have shared several shifts and I have brought it up with you repeatedly and you have failed to give me the time of day. Now is when I escalate, because I've always known that you were incompetent but this is just ridiculous. I plan on having a long, extensive talk with both the ETL-HR and the STL about the way that you've handled this. The kicker is that it isn't just me, none of the GSAs have gotten their reviews either! Our Sr.GSTL gave the cashier's their reviews almost a month ago, and the sales floor TMs got their almost 2 months ago at this point! How can you justify putting this off for so long?