To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To that one TL: Thanks for calling out for a second day in a row. I hope you had a very, very good reason because people are getting sick of this.

To that one ETL: Thanks for giving my PDA to a vendor while I was on break because you thought I was gone for the day.

To that one TL: It was bad enough when they promoted you to TL. Now SrTL? Great.
one of these at my store. Total power-mad person..
TTwholeleadershipTeam. Get your shit together. Every TL is telling cashiers different rules. How are we supposed to know what to do?! What am I supposed to zone at 9 am? I can only wipe my belt so many times before I need to cut my own head off.
To that one operator, please pull the walkie further away from your mouth. It's frustrating trying to decipher what you're saying. Also, do not read the DPCI number ridiculously fast. It's already hard enough trying to type on the MyDevices without a typo.

To my ETL, thank you for being such an awesome down to earth person. Also for helping out on the lanes the majority of the time and allowing another TM and I to learn how to pull clearances, I know it's not anything major but it's nice to feel useful when needed and also appreciated! You rock and please never leave!

To the BRTL, I'm glad you weren't here today. Compared to all the other TLs, you have the worst attitude and are a jerk. Sincerely TMs
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TTOEntireSalesfloorTeam: Empty flats do not belong in front of the baler. Flats with cardboard on them do not belong in front of the baler. Flats with backstock on them definitely do not belong in front of the baler. Nor do empty flats belong in the middle of the main stockroom aisle. Please, clean up after yourself and slide them underneath the diaper steel, I know you all know that's where we put flats because that's where they've always gone, and that's where both you and I get them from.

Stop being lazy fucks! I am not your nanny. Put your cardboard in the baler, put your plastics and trash in the garbage bag tied to the baler, and return your vehicle to the appropriate location. It's not that difficult. When I have to clear out the baler area every 30-45 minutes of 3 or more vehicles, whether filled with cardboard/trash/backstock/empty, there's a problem.

TTOLeadershipTeam: You need to get your shit together. Hours are at an all-time low and the store is burning to the ground yet you are all still chatting away in TSC ignoring everything else in the store. Overnight isn't coming clean, which leaves a metric fuckton of backstock for the dayside team to clean up, which means that we can't do our job and then we don't come clean, leaving more backstock for Overnight to take care of which just perpetuates the cycle. Even on days where we have 2--3 or more ETLs in the building, on top of the LOD, none of them have deemed it important enough for them to pick up a PDA and start backstocking. We haven't been able to do anything in the past week except backstock, pull, and deal with overnight's corner cutting practices. Nobody has done an Empty Location Audit in weeks. No aisles are getting updated. Our entire world right now is catching up on everything that overnight didn't get to finish, and it's really testing the limits of what I can put up with. Truthfully, my cynical outlook might have something to do with the fact that I'm on day 6 of a 7 straight days of work and a back-to-back-to-back clopen. It took me over an hour and a half to set the line tonight, because the area around the line was just jam packed with pallet upon pallet of freight. I jammed as many pallets as I could into the SFS area, but even then there were a couple of freight pallets left over on the line. Plus we're looking at even further payroll cuts, which is absolutely absurd considering that we are managing to somehow hover at yellow for most of our metrics, but I can guarantee that any further cuts will seriously destroy our metrics.

Tonight we didn't even have a closing cashier. I feel so bad for the closing GSA, cause that fucking sucks.

TTOETL-GE: I still have not gotten my review yet. The Friday two weeks ago you told me that you would give me my review, but you didn't get to it that night. You were the LOD, I get it, it's fine we both work tomorrow we'll do it again. But no, you didn't do it then either, even after I brought it up with you. And it was the perfect time too, since my ETL-OPS was working and I had asked if she would sit in on the review so that I can get feedback from her as well as far as my performance goes. Instead of doing my review, you made a lame excuse about having dinner plans and left early for the night. And here we are, almost three weeks later, still no review. We have shared several shifts and I have brought it up with you repeatedly and you have failed to give me the time of day. Now is when I escalate, because I've always known that you were incompetent but this is just ridiculous. I plan on having a long, extensive talk with both the ETL-HR and the STL about the way that you've handled this. The kicker is that it isn't just me, none of the GSAs have gotten their reviews either! Our Sr.GSTL gave the cashier's their reviews almost a month ago, and the sales floor TMs got their almost 2 months ago at this point! How can you justify putting this off for so long?

TTOETL-GE: I still have not gotten my review yet. The Friday two weeks ago you told me that you would give me my review, but you didn't get to it that night. You were the LOD, I get it, it's fine we both work tomorrow we'll do it again. But no, you didn't do it then either, even after I brought it up with you. And it was the perfect time too, since my ETL-OPS was working and I had asked if she would sit in on the review so that I can get feedback from her as well as far as my performance goes. Instead of doing my review, you made a lame excuse about having dinner plans and left early for the night. And here we are, almost three weeks later, still no review. We have shared several shifts and I have brought it up with you repeatedly and you have failed to give me the time of day. Now is when I escalate, because I've always known that you were incompetent but this is just ridiculous. I plan on having a long, extensive talk with both the ETL-HR and the STL about the way that you've handled this. The kicker is that it isn't just me, none of the GSAs have gotten their reviews either! Our Sr.GSTL gave the cashier's their reviews almost a month ago, and the sales floor TMs got their almost 2 months ago at this point! How can you justify putting this off for so long?
Every year a half dozen regular tm never get a review at my store. Every. Year.
Our Sr.GSTL gave the cashier's their reviews almost a month ago, and the sales floor TMs got their almost 2 months ago at this point! How can you justify putting this off for so long?
Why isn't the GSTL giving you your review?
Why isn't the GSTL giving you your review?

No idea. I had asked him to just give it to me, but he wasn't able to find it. I don't even particularly care who I get the review from because I'm no longer in the front end, and I can't get any useful feedback from either the ETL-GE or the Sr. GSTL. I wish my ETL-OPS or my BRTL would have done the review because I can actually get useful feedback from them.
TTEntireManagementTeam: I realize we are no longer Target, but our registers are still Target and when we put in a change request, it would be nice to get it in a timely manner. I realize you're busy, but we shouldn't have to call FIVE TIMES to get change for the registers!
No idea. I had asked him to just give it to me, but he wasn't able to find it. I don't even particularly care who I get the review from because I'm no longer in the front end, and I can't get any useful feedback from either the ETL-GE or the Sr. GSTL. I wish my ETL-OPS or my BRTL would have done the review because I can actually get useful feedback from them.
Can't find it?! Just take the raise, and ask your TL or etl to have a sit down with you and discuss how you are doing in your new area.
TTOTM: I'll bet you were pissed when you couldn't figure out the unlock code for the Deli myDevice you grabbed! It was so nice of you to rip off the "Deli only" sticker on the back. I hope you get rained on, jerk.
To that one team member: You may not like me for whatever reason, but I like working with you because you actually care about getting things done.

To the multiple ETLs who "worked" earlier today: Seriously, not a single one of you could come to the backroom to unlock the compactor or run the baler while my backroom comrade was pulling the CAFs alone? I walked into a huge fucking mess because of you.
To the multiple ETLs who "worked" earlier today: Seriously, not a single one of you could come to the backroom to unlock the compactor or run the baler while my backroom comrade was pulling the CAFs alone? I walked into a huge fucking mess because of you.
What I love to find is when the ETLs
don't run the compactor. Just overfill the compactor so now it is jammed.
TTOTM: I'll bet you were pissed when you couldn't figure out the unlock code for the Deli myDevice you grabbed! It was so nice of you to rip off the "Deli only" sticker on the back. I hope you get rained on, jerk.
Hope they didn't do it too many times. They'd have erased it...
TTOCA: you're normally a really dry person, you compliment me a lot about giving good advice even though you ask some pretty basic stuff and our relationship is kind of weird; but I was nearly crying when you came up to the service desk and said to me with a straight face. 'I am about 5 minutes from self identifying as a woman to be able to clean up the god damn womens restroom!'
TTOLeadershipTeam: First of all, good job losing my Final paperwork. Works for me! Second, nice try with the new coaching, but your dates are wrong, and you claim I NCNS'ed, but my phone records say differently. And those funeral days you swore wouldn't count? Yeah, i have that in writing. So I'm not signing shit.
TTOTPS: I don't know what you said to the guest on the phone that you took a call from, but she was a raging bitch for the first two calls, and whatever you said to her made her feel the need to call back a little while later and apologise to me, so... Thank you for saying whatever you said to her!


Speaking of which... To that one GSA/GSTL: That extension you sent me/Our Electronics TM to send a call to was the AP TV office.. Not Starbucks.. The Electronics TM left the boat to come to the fitting room because we thought the phone was messing up.. This was quite interesting to be honest LOL.. I feel like this guest was extremely confused.
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