We do most of the stuff @soyaxo mentioned, but lately we've been way too busy for hourly room checks. We cover phones from 3:30-closing weekdays, and all day on weekends. Hrtm works weekdays until 3:30 only, so she answers phones then. Fitting room will cover her breaks. We're not supposed to count items but we sort of loosely do anyways. And no way could we walk guests to rooms. There's too much going on. AP is very involved with fitting room when they are in the store, as they see it as a good opportunity to prevent theft. And mydevices! Since I typically close, there is always one available. If I'm opening operator, I will borrow from my TL or anyone else who happens to be around and then keep it when they leave/don't need it/whatever. I like to have it to be able to make tags/do rewrap besides helping guests. Using my phone would be an absolute no no at my fitting room. Too many people using their phones to text/watch videos/etc.
I'd rather use the iPod tbh, but I never need it often enough to go through the hassle to track one down. People legit hide them in my store. I hear electronics has 4 or 5 hidden. When the target app became useful, leadership was encouraging target app use. And even before they actually said I could, I was using it. If the guest is helped and bought something here, it doesn't matter how I did it. If the guest has the target app, I show them on their phone.
You can tell if someone's using their phone for personal stuff vs work stuff pretty easily. Scanning barcode? Work. Skulking? Personal use. We don't make tags for anything anymore, though. If things come to us without the orange "as is" sticker, back to guest service it goes. Our rewrap is charged out unless it is complete and looks good enough to not need an orange sticker. TLs say its a waste of time because no one buys the stuff with the sticker.
I'll be more specific about the differences, though.
We have 3 hr tms (one recently quit. It was 4) so usually we have hr in the morning, and closing. They answer phones when they're there unless they're busy with the schedule or something. We don't do closing announcements, period. They sprung phones on us 2 or 3 years ago, then closing announcements last year, but for some reason it's never actually happened on any of the days hr didn't close. Lod or electronics does it. FR almost never has time to zone more than rtw clearance (it's next to the fitting room) . On super lite days they might help fold tables and clean accessories as well. Morning fr tm often has time to do rtw reshop between finishing the stuff from the previous day and the time it gets busy busy. If I'm fr, I'll leave the fr to help a guest on the phone if hl is ignoring me on walkie. A lot of my sl tms aren't as good at the hl stuff, so I do it myself. If it's busy I'll get coverage while I do the errand. So yea, I leave the fr when there's floor coverage.