To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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We do most of the stuff @soyaxo mentioned, but lately we've been way too busy for hourly room checks. We cover phones from 3:30-closing weekdays, and all day on weekends. Hrtm works weekdays until 3:30 only, so she answers phones then. Fitting room will cover her breaks. We're not supposed to count items but we sort of loosely do anyways. And no way could we walk guests to rooms. There's too much going on. AP is very involved with fitting room when they are in the store, as they see it as a good opportunity to prevent theft. And mydevices! Since I typically close, there is always one available. If I'm opening operator, I will borrow from my TL or anyone else who happens to be around and then keep it when they leave/don't need it/whatever. I like to have it to be able to make tags/do rewrap besides helping guests. Using my phone would be an absolute no no at my fitting room. Too many people using their phones to text/watch videos/etc.

I'd rather use the iPod tbh, but I never need it often enough to go through the hassle to track one down. People legit hide them in my store. I hear electronics has 4 or 5 hidden. When the target app became useful, leadership was encouraging target app use. And even before they actually said I could, I was using it. If the guest is helped and bought something here, it doesn't matter how I did it. If the guest has the target app, I show them on their phone.

You can tell if someone's using their phone for personal stuff vs work stuff pretty easily. Scanning barcode? Work. Skulking? Personal use. We don't make tags for anything anymore, though. If things come to us without the orange "as is" sticker, back to guest service it goes. Our rewrap is charged out unless it is complete and looks good enough to not need an orange sticker. TLs say its a waste of time because no one buys the stuff with the sticker.

I'll be more specific about the differences, though.
We have 3 hr tms (one recently quit. It was 4) so usually we have hr in the morning, and closing. They answer phones when they're there unless they're busy with the schedule or something. We don't do closing announcements, period. They sprung phones on us 2 or 3 years ago, then closing announcements last year, but for some reason it's never actually happened on any of the days hr didn't close. Lod or electronics does it. FR almost never has time to zone more than rtw clearance (it's next to the fitting room) . On super lite days they might help fold tables and clean accessories as well. Morning fr tm often has time to do rtw reshop between finishing the stuff from the previous day and the time it gets busy busy. If I'm fr, I'll leave the fr to help a guest on the phone if hl is ignoring me on walkie. A lot of my sl tms aren't as good at the hl stuff, so I do it myself. If it's busy I'll get coverage while I do the errand. So yea, I leave the fr when there's floor coverage.
To all the TMs who knew, whyyyy didn't anyone tell me about those (plural) ETLs who were leaving... After such short stints here? I'm not usually surprised when anyone leaves this store, but this happened so quick. Also, I felt a tiny bit embarrassed asking the first replacement "umm, but who are you?... Like what's your position here?" Then I was all "wait another new etl-blah!?"

I'm out of the loop, guys.
TTOSRTL: It was so much fun having you working softlines with me today. You had me tell you what to work on, and I was surprised that you, not the TL, covered my breaks in the fitting room. I think you prob prefer LOD shifts to working on the salesfloor like the rest of us minions but you gotta admit this was fun.
To those who close: Start making bales. Start making bales. Start making bales.

To that one TL: "98% of the trash is from the morning so I don't see why we should have to make a bale." Wrong. Answer. Try. Again.

Getting real sick of having to make bales because the backroom's busy, leadership's too "busy" or pretends not to see the piles of boxes and the aforementioned "there's only one closer and it's not our trash so whatevs."
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TTOTM: I understand you're trying to be helpful, but every time a guest asks me for help and you're nearby, you try to answer for me. It's kinda annoying. I've been here for 3 years and I think I can handle most things on my own. If I need help, I'll ask you for it.
I'd rather use the iPod tbh, but I never need it often enough to go through the hassle to track one down. People legit hide them in my store. I hear electronics has 4 or 5 hidden. When the target app became useful, leadership was encouraging target app use. And even before they actually said I could, I was using it. If the guest is helped and bought something here, it doesn't matter how I did it. If the guest has the target app, I show them on their phone.

You can tell if someone's using their phone for personal stuff vs work stuff pretty easily. Scanning barcode? Work. Skulking? Personal use. We don't make tags for anything anymore, though. If things come to us without the orange "as is" sticker, back to guest service it goes. Our rewrap is charged out unless it is complete and looks good enough to not need an orange sticker. TLs say its a waste of time because no one buys the stuff with the sticker.

I'll be more specific about the differences, though.
We have 3 hr tms (one recently quit. It was 4) so usually we have hr in the morning, and closing. They answer phones when they're there unless they're busy with the schedule or something. We don't do closing announcements, period. They sprung phones on us 2 or 3 years ago, then closing announcements last year, but for some reason it's never actually happened on any of the days hr didn't close. Lod or electronics does it. FR almost never has time to zone more than rtw clearance (it's next to the fitting room) . On super lite days they might help fold tables and clean accessories as well. Morning fr tm often has time to do rtw reshop between finishing the stuff from the previous day and the time it gets busy busy. If I'm fr, I'll leave the fr to help a guest on the phone if hl is ignoring me on walkie. A lot of my sl tms aren't as good at the hl stuff, so I do it myself. If it's busy I'll get coverage while I do the errand. So yea, I leave the fr when there's floor coverage.
@sher, I got your hl calls for you.
TTOETL: you are the ONLY LOD who ever has evening huddle. Yes, I shouldn't have rolled my eyes after you almost dismissed us, but had more to say. I was training a new tm (for the first time), trying to juggle the fitting room, and making sure everything looked great for the upcoming DTL visit. If you want people to get their work done, let them WORK.

You don't get to complain about a TL accusing you of sitting around not doing anything if that's exactly what you were doing! I would have sympathized more except I was actually busy working...
TTOTM Stop telling all the new softlines tms that you have the "highest seniority" so what you say goes. That could not be farther from the truth. You may have worked here longer than some, but you are the most annoying and the laziest. The new people are more useful than you. You're also not a brand tm and not a trainer, so stop acting like you're top shit; you're just shit.
DTL: "something something receiving backup?"
ETL: "Ha ha, we don't need one because Circle9 never calls in."
Me: "Actually I have before and-" Crowd of overpaid fucks wanders off.

Me: "I need receiving backup because I have none and have you heard about the disaster that was the Friday that I took off?"
ETL: "Ha ha well you never call in but how about you train the space manager?" And then he walks off.

The space manager? The one who is pretty much only here on truck days, usually gets a ride to/from work and has expressed zero interest in receiving? That's it? Every time I come to you with something I walk away with a slightly more intense dislike of you. I want to call in a few times and make a childish point but I need the fucking money too badly. And you'd miss/ignore that point anyways.

Wonder if I'll have better luck with the new ETL-HR on getting something done.
not really a TM but to who ever controls the tv ad looping stuff, FUCKING STOP IT WORTH THE STAR WARS SHIT ITS BEEN A FUCKING YEAR OF IT. like whol shit i get it its star wars but come on enough is enough.
To that one TL: If you think its so easy to get the empty milk crates out of the cooler, wrapped and to receiving, then why is it so hard for you to make sure your team does it before the delivery? Or even just by the cooler door? Or maybe get the market opener (all of them, not just the one PA who works) to show up and help move things around when I let the know the order is here? Just one simple thing and we can all get on with our week without me having to hear you and the driver complaining to me about each other.

P.S: telling me the driver's a "big baby" about this is not going to endear me to your point of view on this.
TTOSLTL, VMTL, PPTL, ETL-SF, and everybody who does POG: After only being given one day of training, its nice that everybody has so much faith in me that I can handle working a week straight of presentation shifts. I hope I can live up to these expectations.
To that one etl, I say no when you ask me to stay because I don't like you and every single time, you ask me at the last damn minute.

To the scheduling powers at be, stop all these 4-5 hour shifts, please. Three 8 hour shifts would be more worth the trip and money (bus fare, laundromat for red & khaki, the time I sit around because the bus's timing means come an hour early and leave an hour after my shift ends) to me.
To the scheduling powers at be, stop all these 4-5 hour shifts, please. Three 8 hour shifts would be more worth the trip and money (bus fare, laundromat for red & khaki, the time I sit around because the bus's timing means come an hour early and leave an hour after my shift ends) to me.
I'm sure whoever does your scheduling would love to give you full shifts, but to provide proper coverage with the hours stores have now, its really not possible. That's kinda just the way it is now.
I'm sure whoever does your scheduling would love to give you full shifts, but to provide proper coverage with the hours stores have now, its really not possible. That's kinda just the way it is now.

This isn't about the women making the schedule (though one of them absolutely abhors me). It's about the powers who decided that two people working back to back 4s is better than one working an 8 one day, and the other working an 8 the next day. If they were doing more overlapping, I'd see the benefit, because at least then we could say it's about having more people on the floor during peak traffic.

They should especially treat people better with regard to scheduling now that they're pretending to care so much about turnover, but that's none of my business *frog and teacup emoji*
To that one backroom team member: Thanks a lot for not doing a bale within the last half hour of your shift when you did nothing; I had to do the bale for you.

To the electronics and p fresh team members: thanks for getting the bale unstuck.
DTL: "something something receiving backup?"
ETL: "Ha ha, we don't need one because Circle9 never calls in."
Me: "Actually I have before and-" Crowd of overpaid fucks wanders off.

Me: "I need receiving backup because I have none and have you heard about the disaster that was the Friday that I took off?"
ETL: "Ha ha well you never call in but how about you train the space manager?" And then he walks off.

The space manager? The one who is pretty much only here on truck days, usually gets a ride to/from work and has expressed zero interest in receiving? That's it? Every time I come to you with something I walk away with a slightly more intense dislike of you. I want to call in a few times and make a childish point but I need the fucking money too badly. And you'd miss/ignore that point anyways.

Wonder if I'll have better luck with the new ETL-HR on getting something done.
My only trained receiving basis are the etl-log and backroom/ instocks tl (the latter only learned so he could sit on his ass all day and say he's covering receiving).

Ttosrtl: you know what's fun? When you say one thing to me and the opposite to the other person but I've got a witness to what you said to me. Plus how does purposely screwing inventory prep help anyone? Aptl is pissed at you now too... I hope you choke on your pink drink you basic little bitch.
TTOTM: You are still relatively new. Stop being so cocky and allow tms like myself with more experience to teach you things, especially if it has anything to do with an area you've never. even. worked. in. You have a great work ethic, I will give you that. But I do as well. I'm not going to push myself so hard at Spot however, because hard work isn't exactly rewarded in the way it should be. I'm not lazy; I will go above and beyond to help coworkers/guests/leadership but there's only so much extra that I'm willing to do.
To that one Team Member.. Funny didn't recall us being wal-mart( I think they wear jeans) it's amazing how certain team members it by with things.. First off it isn't denim week ( that's coming next month I think) and second of all you can't wear jeans period ( khaki ok) but denim c'mon.. I swear if I wore jeans to work my behind would be pulled into the office and I'd be either sent home or asked to purchase another pair of khakis!!
They wear black pants or khakis at Walmart, btw. But most of them wear khakis in my area. I think their cart attendant has more outfit freedom, though.
Oh okay maybe it was a rumor I heard.. The team member wore jeans again ( obviously say nothing because she's still wearing them) I guess it helps when you are also a TL but still ( rules are rules right?) I'll just keep my mouth shut that's the best policy🙂 Keep on walking ..
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