To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To whoever changed my schedule after it was posted and didn't consult with me, I hate you. And I nearly ended up with an NCNS for it.

Here's what happened: last night I saw a cashier shift on the swap board for tonight. I had originally asked for and gotten the day off, but no longer needed it, so I figured I could survive a cashier shift. So I signed up for it, and told the LOD about it since it was for tonight. Nothing more was said. Tonight, I wandered into the TSC about fifteen minutes before I was scheduled to start, and the LOD for the night comments, "there she is." I looked at him like he was crazy, but didn't say anything.

Before I punched in, I noticed the swap hadn't been signed off on, but it hadn't been denied either. I looked at the breakout, and the original person was still on for cashiering, and my name was under softlines for a shift that started a half hour before the cashier shift I had taken! I have never in my life taken a softlines shift on the swap board, and until Wednesday thought I needed tonight off. So someone added in a shift for me, didn't tell me, and then put it on top of a time period I had already been given the time off approval for! To seal the deal, it was my sixth day, and they never schedule us for more than 5 days in any particular however that shift got assigned to me is anyone's guess.

The original cashier didn't come in tonight....probably assumed that even though the shift hadn't been officially signed off on that she didn't need to come in since my name was up there. So she'll technically probsbly get a NCNS, I was just counted as late (though my LOD excused it, it wasn't changed in the system, so it will look like it when the report is printed off).

In regard to the swap shift, if an LOD didn't sign off on it, it didn't happen.

In regard to the shift you didn't know about, at my store we are responsible for looking at our schedules. While it's nice to inform a TM about a schedule change, it's not mandatory.

Also remember that poop never rolls uphill. My ETL called me at home and asked me to change my schedule and then didn't change the schedule to reflect that request. So guess who was 1/2 hour late to work? Uh, me. Guess who caught poop about it from HR? Uh, me.

How can I possibly be held responsible for a schedule change I was not told about? All it ever said on Friday under my name (up through last night) was "time off." Clearly it was changed in Max, but I don't check that because it's never right, anyway, and was told the printed schedule supersedes it.

So someone is allowed to change the schedule in Max, not change the printed schedule and not tell me and hold me responsible? Seriously?
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If the master schedule is still up, make a copy of the page you are on. The last date it was printed will be on the bottom of the page. If it is still the original edit without the change, use that as your defense.
I went in today to talk to the ETL-HR. She actually snagged me first to let me know when my "official" GSA stuff starts. I told her about last night. She looked it up on her computer, claimed she didn't recognize the number of whoever put it in the system, but said it wasn't anyone who did the original schedule and that I hadn't been dinged for it, because she didn't even know about it and I am fine and called it a "system error."

Odd. And not comforting. But it's all good, apparently.

And as another take away from that conversation:

What do you mean I should thank the ETL-GE for the GSA position?! He was quite confused by that as well and said that I earned it...and before when we talked, you were clearly in that camp. Now I should thank someone for the position? make it sound like you (or someone else) strongly disagreed with it. Maybe I'm reading too much into that statement, but it doesn't sit well....
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To that one TM....look, I don't presume to know your situation or want to tell you how to run your life...but as a single mom trying to support yourself....every day you spend at least half of what you make that day in buying crap that's a "really good deal." You admit that you don't need it, that you have tons of Target bags full of stuff you bought that is just sitting around doing nothing but taking up space.

You have an addiction. Seriously. Step away from the service desk as much as you can when you are not scheduled back there and keep your mitts out of the reshop bins. You do not need it. I hate myself every time I have to ring up your purchases, because I feel like I am feeding this addiction. I feel like I have to get the reshop bins (especially anything with clearance) out of guest services as quickly as possible to get it away from your eyes. It's uncomfortable, to say the least.
Hopefully when the new company takes over, the do a make over of most of its employees. That is, if they are part of the take over.

so target 'mobile' isn't totally going away? They are just changing companies?

Correct. Radio shack is not going to be the vendor / leasee anymore. I can't recall the new company off hand. now have the full story. Last weekend, I took a shift off the swap board for a TM for service desk for NEXT Saturday. But instead of taking the TM off that shift and putting me on, the genius took the TM off last night's softlines schedule and put me on in her place. Wrong day, week, hours and department. So that TM got to work and got sent home because she was no longer on the schedule for the night (incorrectly). We now have me on for her shift next week, and last night is cleared up on my end. Good grief. now have the full story. Last weekend, I took a shift off the swap board for a TM for service desk for NEXT Saturday. But instead of taking the TM off that shift and putting me on, the genius took the TM off last night's softlines schedule and put me on in her place. Wrong day, week, hours and department. So that TM got to work and got sent home because she was no longer on the schedule for the night (incorrectly). We now have me on for her shift next week, and last night is cleared up on my end. Good grief.

So what idjit managed that?
And I assume all the NCNS have been removed?
To that one TM....look, I don't presume to know your situation or want to tell you how to run your life...but as a single mom trying to support yourself....every day you spend at least half of what you make that day in buying crap that's a "really good deal." You admit that you don't need it, that you have tons of Target bags full of stuff you bought that is just sitting around doing nothing but taking up space.

You have an addiction. Seriously. Step away from the service desk as much as you can when you are not scheduled back there and keep your mitts out of the reshop bins. You do not need it. I hate myself every time I have to ring up your purchases, because I feel like I am feeding this addiction. I feel like I have to get the reshop bins (especially anything with clearance) out of guest services as quickly as possible to get it away from your eyes. It's uncomfortable, to say the least.

Maybe subtlety clue your ETL-GE in so they crack down on the reshop-resell process? As I understand, it's against BP/policy to buy stuff straight from reshop; it has to go back out on the floor for a "reasonable amount of time" before a TM can buy it. At our store not only can you not take stuff from the carts to buy, but there is ABSOLUTELY no holding of clearance items. When I was a cashier I got around this by "forgetting" to put that certain item in the cart when I dumped my reshop and nobody minded, but you couldn't visibly hold anything.

Anyway, it won't help that TM's shopping addiction, but it should make service desk work a little less stressful. now have the full story. Last weekend, I took a shift off the swap board for a TM for service desk for NEXT Saturday. But instead of taking the TM off that shift and putting me on, the genius took the TM off last night's softlines schedule and put me on in her place. Wrong day, week, hours and department. So that TM got to work and got sent home because she was no longer on the schedule for the night (incorrectly). We now have me on for her shift next week, and last night is cleared up on my end. Good grief.

So what idjit managed that?
And I assume all the NCNS have been removed?

I think the initials were an HRTM. Well, my late claims to not have counted, the girl who got screwed out of hours did show up, but was sent home, and the other person's hours I took, I have no idea (but since it wasn't signed off on she shouldn't have assumed).
To that one TM....look, I don't presume to know your situation or want to tell you how to run your life...but as a single mom trying to support yourself....every day you spend at least half of what you make that day in buying crap that's a "really good deal." You admit that you don't need it, that you have tons of Target bags full of stuff you bought that is just sitting around doing nothing but taking up space.

You have an addiction. Seriously. Step away from the service desk as much as you can when you are not scheduled back there and keep your mitts out of the reshop bins. You do not need it. I hate myself every time I have to ring up your purchases, because I feel like I am feeding this addiction. I feel like I have to get the reshop bins (especially anything with clearance) out of guest services as quickly as possible to get it away from your eyes. It's uncomfortable, to say the least.

Maybe subtlety clue your ETL-GE in so they crack down on the reshop-resell process? As I understand, it's against BP/policy to buy stuff straight from reshop; it has to go back out on the floor for a "reasonable amount of time" before a TM can buy it. At our store not only can you not take stuff from the carts to buy, but there is ABSOLUTELY no holding of clearance items. When I was a cashier I got around this by "forgetting" to put that certain item in the cart when I dumped my reshop and nobody minded, but you couldn't visibly hold anything.

Anyway, it won't help that TM's shopping addiction, but it should make service desk work a little less stressful.

I would love to do that. Occasionally I'll out things back (you know, after 24 or 48 hours) and then they will start *****ing that "someone" put their stuff back and then start adding snarky notes to their hold items about not touching their stuff.

Going into a new role, I'm holding back a bit, but I may start bringing up the best practice in casual conversation. I'm getting tired of the "everyone does it" crap that will come up.
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To the new guy on flow who obviously has no concept of personal hygiene at all....

We can smell you from 2 isles away and your stench lingers long after you've left. Its giving other tm's headaches and it makes my eyes burn. How you ever made it through the interview is beyond me!
Please earn to use the shower or at the very least deodorant and cologne.

We used to have a TM who had this issue too. None of us really knew how to tell them, so we finally got one of our TLs to kindly mention it. Talk to your leadership, see if they can help. 🙂

Our TL talked to him on Friday but it didn't seem to do any good.. we have resorted to carrying around dryer sheets in our pockets
oh my goodness Eeyore-we are short staffed you know that because you are the one who took the second shift. To come back and demand help with GBI was ridiculous. On top of you we had a no call/no show. You are a seasonal who only made it to permanent because you cried to not only our ETL-SL(who usually has a fairly soft heart and can usually find space if you have potential...obviously you didn't) but to the ETL-GE who gave you a cashier position, I am a veteran please believe me when I say "this is the norm, suck it up" If I can do a decent job of men's and shoes in an hour while covering the fitting room you darn well should be able to get GBI in 5 hours. Our RTW person was sick and she was getting not only RTW (and reshop) done but also Jewelry, Accessories and Sleepwear done.

To to higher up's-please, please, please, just because someone has trained in an area does not mean they can do the job. See above.
to the certain hardline team members, why the F**k do you leave all your trash, cardboard, chargeback etc. in receiving and in the backstock? do i look like your F**king mom? i aint cleaning **** up after you fools. the other day one of you mixed chemicals with food and that $hit leaked all over the food, nice job!
To that other I am tripping over a large piece of clearance furniture you have on hold because you "might" buy it tomorrow night?! This is getting out of hand....
to the certain hardline team members, why the F**k do you leave all your trash, cardboard, chargeback etc. in receiving and in the backstock? do i look like your F**king mom? i aint cleaning **** up after you fools. the other day one of you mixed chemicals with food and that $hit leaked all over the food, nice job!

At my store, they dump it all off on the service desk...from last week:

(HLTM brings up huge cardboard box that held mops at one point):
Me: that goes in the baler.
TM: ok.
Me: other words it doesn't go up here.
TM: but the baler is in back.
Me: exactly. And I can't leave this area to go back there.
TM: well, I'm not going back there.
(TM leaves cart with box in front of service desk and walks off)
to the certain hardline team members, why the F**k do you leave all your trash, cardboard, chargeback etc. in receiving and in the backstock? do i look like your F**king mom? i aint cleaning **** up after you fools. the other day one of you mixed chemicals with food and that $hit leaked all over the food, nice job!

At my store, they dump it all off on the service desk...from last week:

(HLTM brings up huge cardboard box that held mops at one point):
Me: that goes in the baler.
TM: ok.
Me: other words it doesn't go up here.
TM: but the baler is in back.
Me: exactly. And I can't leave this area to go back there.
TM: well, I'm not going back there.
(TM leaves cart with box in front of service desk and walks off)

HLM: walking by GS, I will take care of this box & that hltm for you. sorry about the mess.
gs: thanks
HLM to HLTM: let me show you how to put this box in the baler.
HLTM: ok.
HLM: putting box in baler. HLTM, there is a full cart of cosmetics & hba reshop waiting for you at the usual spot...
To the ETL-HL it is so obvious that you did not grow up in the ghetto, trailer court or barrio.
For that matter any place that would give you any idea of when you are pushing people too far and just how dangerous it can be.
Me I'm a pussy cat and way to old to get into it with you.
Besides I don't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
However there are a couple of people you have pretty much pushed right up to the edge and the only thing keeping them from tearing you new orifices is that they need their jobs.
I hope it doesn't come to that but you haven't shown me that you are willing to learn anything about dealing with people so my next hope is that I'm there to see it.
To all of the various TLs in my store, just because I do not have the time to sit at TSC and chat about my weekend with you does not make me rude or unapproachable. It makes me responsible for my job. Do not run to the ETLHR and tell them you are worried about me because I choose to do my job instead of wasting time with you. Mind your own business and leave me alone.
To the ETL-HL .....there are a couple of people you have pretty much pushed right up to the edge and the only thing keeping them from tearing you new orifices is that they need their jobs.
I hope it doesn't come to that but you haven't shown me that you are willing to learn anything about dealing with people so my next hope is that I'm there to see it.

I'd print up & sell tickets to that rip-fest....
to the certain hardline team members, why the F**k do you leave all your trash, cardboard, chargeback etc. in receiving and in the backstock? do i look like your F**king mom? i aint cleaning **** up after you fools. the other day one of you mixed chemicals with food and that $hit leaked all over the food, nice job!

OMG yes! Reshop constantly comes back in a three-tier with CHEM on top and food on the bottom. Another one that bugs me is people bringing back carts full of cardboard full of plastic and the dreaded styrofoam. Especially when plano is setting stuff like wine glasses? Uuugh.
to the certain hardline team members, why the F**k do you leave all your trash, cardboard, chargeback etc. in receiving and in the backstock? do i look like your F**king mom? i aint cleaning **** up after you fools. the other day one of you mixed chemicals with food and that $hit leaked all over the food, nice job!

OMG yes! Reshop constantly comes back in a three-tier with CHEM on top and food on the bottom. Another one that bugs me is people bringing back carts full of cardboard full of plastic and the dreaded styrofoam. Especially when plano is setting stuff like wine glasses? Uuugh.

that is how we get are backstock in the morning from the flow team, it is ridicules! they will have one thing in the box that holds six items, styrofoam everywhere and what not, i F**king swear i hate that so much! when i was on the flow team i took care of all the cardboard, and they used to send me back merchandise inside the boxes still...idiots, i found a whole un open repack once in the trash
To all of the various TLs in my store, just because I do not have the time to sit at TSC and chat about my weekend with you does not make me rude or unapproachable. It makes me responsible for my job. Do not run to the ETLHR and tell them you are worried about me because I choose to do my job instead of wasting time with you. Mind your own business and leave me alone.

One of the guys I work with almost got written up because one of the ETL's thought he was being rude when he didn't stop to talk to her while he was extremely busy with the pulls in the back. The sad part is she is the ETL-LOG, so she should understand more than anyone that we really don't stop to chat during pulls. And he answered her question, while he was still working....novel concept....
Our ELTLOG is a chatty kathy (not her irl name).

She is incapable of going to another channel when instigating a conversation and proceeds to 'um yeah so if you could um yeah' her way through every pointless communication she can make, all over channel 1. It makes it horrible when you have an urgent LOD/AP need. Plus her voice is um .... something else.
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