To that one Team Member - II

So the damn truck unload goes right through our area
This sounds like a nightmare! We're also next to receiving, but truck unloads at Bay 1 and we're by Bay 3 so we don't cross work spaces. If anything I'm usually muttering about their stuff impeding on our space, not vice versa lol.
This sounds like a nightmare! We're also next to receiving, but truck unloads at Bay 1 and we're by Bay 3 so we don't cross work spaces. If anything I'm usually muttering about their stuff impeding on our space, not vice versa lol.

Usually we make it work, our backroom is small for our volume really small. They are usually done unloading by the time we have stuff to pack and they have gotten better at getting truck cleaned up by that time. It's a big game of Tetris a lot of the time. When stack a pallet to go out a lot of the time we have nowhere to move it. So it just gets shuffled around until UPS shows up.
STOP overstocking feminine hygiene products. I have defects every single day because when YOU overstock them, they burst open. NO woman I know is going to buy an open box of pads. I am seriously sick of taking the hit for your inability to count.
Arg, I hate overstocks! It's not just feminine care products, although you're right that no one will buy a package of this product if it's opened. Part of why this bugs me so much is that packages falling off shelves and pegs end up being damaged way too often. Shoving in one more box or one more bottle can wreck the product or the zone-free pusher things. Lazy TMs make me crazy.
Not to mention those that overstock the heavy shit, so in addition to wrecked merch you add in the risk of a guest or TM getting something dropped on their toes or their head as it teeters on the edge of a shelf. C'mon, people. You get paid the same for backstocking, just do your damn jobs properly.
When people are in they take it. Many times the store is understaffed and reshop calls get crickets

The only person who can call out reshop is the TL or ETL. If we are overrun with a particular department, we tell our SETL who tells their TL. It works well. Sometimes when I have something obnoxious, I'll ask an OPU person to drop it off (like a kiddie pool).

Hey, on the one had thanks for leaving me that list of high volume selling items you said we didn't have last night so I could audit them this morning. That is what we want you to do. But, ummmm....face masks with 112 on hand delivered yesterday? Maybe try checking the Uboat in receiving where we keep all the other excess face masks first? We had a few boxes of them there and some more on the floor with the rest of the masks that you somehow managed not to find. At no point when you were busying INFing them 6 times in the same night did you think to maybe check in with a lead even? Good Lord Almighty.

This is why we have the rule you whine about that only designated fulfillment TMs are allowed to even think about opening the audit app.
We’ve become jaded from all the times we’ve called it and no one responded 😉
Definitely some are better about it than others. I get mine (and the neighboring areas if mine isn't much and I have time), but there are some departments that apparently never pick up theirs. So annoying because I'm digging through their piles to get my stuff.
TTOTM: Stop dumping your foreign reshop in my smart cart. It’s as big of a nuisance in my smart cart as it is in yours. If I’m going to guest services anyway, I’ll ask you if there’s anything I can take up, but you always dump your stuff on my while I’m zoning.
"Thanks, I'll be there in a moment"
*Finally makes the trip *
*cue Pokemon battle theme* 🤣🤣

TTOTM: I was on my 2:30, and apparently, because I didn't appear at 6:30 exactly, you freaked out to our acting GSTL. She told you that because of my CP, it sometimes takes me a few extra minutes to get back on the floor and that you shouldn't worry about it. Instead of handling it like a decent TM, you told her "But my ride is waiting for me." She again told you to relax and it would be OK.

I think I came down like a minute later and you were already halfway to the time clock and said. "OK, well, I just left all your equipment over there somewhere. I just really want to go home." And dashed to the TSC.


1. It was three extra minutes, chill.
2. You should've at least put the mag key in your pocket and handed it off to me. We aren't supposed to leave it unattended.
3. I hope you put the walkie you forgot to hand off to me back in the equipment room. 🙄
*cue Pokemon battle theme* 🤣🤣

TTOTM: I was on my 2:30, and apparently, because I didn't appear at 6:30 exactly, you freaked out to our acting GSTL. She told you that because of my CP, it sometimes takes me a few extra minutes to get back on the floor and that you shouldn't worry about it. Instead of handling it like a decent TM, you told her "But my ride is waiting for me." She again told you to relax and it would be OK.

I think I came down like a minute later and you were already halfway to the time clock and said. "OK, well, I just left all your equipment over there somewhere. I just really want to go home." And dashed to the TSC.


1. It was three extra minutes, chill.
2. You should've at least put the mag key in your pocket and handed it off to me. We aren't supposed to leave it unattended.
3. I hope you put the walkie you forgot to hand off to me back in the equipment room. 🙄
Omg . Tell ap let them rain fire down for you.
To that one or more TM: till now I have seen only TMs overpushing stuffs to avoid backstocking . But I am amazed to see the new category of TMs who don’t even try to push stuffs which are fully empty in the floor and straight away backstock all of them . Today when I started pulling things , I found atleast 6-7 items back stocked that were not on the floor for atleast 2-3 days . Those were not even there in the one for ones too. So I manually pulled them when ever I stumbled upon them.
TT two TMs who throw truck: Hey guys, I ike you. You're hilarious and I know throwing the truck is hard. But, when you move on from that and push furniture, could you maybe, just maybe not be idiots about it? In other words when you backstock stuff, could you actually put it in location instead of just tossing it in the steel? Just a minor request from a flex TM who is really fucking tired of having to go hunt down where you tossed, but didn't locate, bookshelves this week. Thanks!

Oh, and by the way our idiot fulfillment closers couldn't find some of those bookshelves last night (didn't fucking look!!!!) so they were INF'd. Then, they did what they aren't supposed to do and audited them out. Now, our inventory is jacked to shit and we have 12 of the same bookshelf but our on hands are zero. More are on the way...... Ugh! Good thing for you that your TL is on vacation this week and our ETL was busy putting out fires all day. But, keep it up and a world of pain is coming your way.
TTOTM - people talk. I know what you said about me. Your new and I liked you. Now? Not so much. Maybe talking bad about your “workmates” to “customers” worked at your last retail gig but that shit don’t fly too well here. We keep a united front and actually care for each other. (Mostly! 😁) Maybe you didn’t realize how many TMs know and like me? Save that crap for when you are at home or out with friends.

And FYI - I will talk shit about people I work with to my spouse, kids, and occasionally to other people I work with but I would never say anything to a guest like you did.

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