Archived #TodaysTMsWillNeverKnow

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MMB Specialist, Jewelry Specialist, ripping ad signs and stuffing the plastic holders, $1 jean days for United Way, dressing up for Halloween,opening on Black Friday at 5am on FRIDAY,closing during the week at 10p, closing on Sundays at 6pm (really going back here) CTL (Cashier Team Lead!)Recovery Team Lead
MMB Specialist, Jewelry Specialist, ripping ad signs and stuffing the plastic holders, $1 jean days for United Way, dressing up for Halloween,opening on Black Friday at 5am on FRIDAY,closing during the week at 10p, closing on Sundays at 6pm (really going back here) CTL (Cashier Team Lead!)Recovery Team Lead

Umm...many stores around here do close during the week at 10pm....
You'd think after two years things would have "normalized"... but with the new CEO and current situation they've all accepted this as normal, and don't give us the "credit card hack" excuse anymore. I'm in Cali and the minimum wage has raised to $9 an hour.. but Wally world has already bumped employees to $10. Finding anyone to stay is nearly impossible, especially the "good" ones. Fourth quarter this year is going to be a joyride.
Yeah...they were cutting staffing before the credit card hack. That was just a convenient excuse to continue on their current path.
Payroll is the easiest expense to control. vs. Cost of Goods, Rent, Utilities, etc.

To Spot, we are expendable.

I miss the old video game displays - behind sliding doors. Much easier to flex and fill with d-code.
Pfft, you guys have it easy. My store closes at midnight on weekdays and at 11 on Sundays. Our operational hours went up by one hour during Q4 last year and were never lowered again.
Having to put on license plates with the defectives. You know...those stupid red, yellow and green stickers that had to go on every defective with the printed defective sticker?

I actually forgot about those. I think the day after they went away and just pushed them out of my mind!

I think the things TMs will never know are all the functions in the PDA in RF Apps. NOP, UPCS, RSCH, OUTS, SIGNT, LABL, TCKT, etc... so many shortcuts that have died in the last few years 🙁
Ice cream for the closing zoners. Huddles involving games. Equipment available for everyone. And for effs sake.... ZERO BACKUP WAS NEEDED AT THE LANES. Cashiers would help the salesfloor, not the other way around.
My tl says there is always ice cream in the freezer
1) Holding your LRT / PDT over your head when you lost the signal.
2) Pushing without locations on the box. Aisles only if you were lucky!
3) Microwave egg sandwiches from Food Ave.
4) Those delicious burgers from Food Ave.
5) Overtime
6) Bring a Specialist
7) Walking in for the overnight on a Sunday and the store was already closed
8) Bob Ulrich
9) What was in the One Spot/ See Spot Save/ One Spot area BEFORE it even existed
10) OLD Target culture
Payroll is the easiest expense to control. vs. Cost of Goods, Rent, Utilities, etc.

To Spot, we are expendable.

I miss the old video game displays - behind sliding doors. Much easier to flex and fill with d-code.
But you couldn't see over the old game case aisles and if someone wanted to read the back of the game you had to open the case and stand there until they were done reading while other guests waited angrily to be helped. Ha.
Using clipboards to solicit red cards on the salesfloor. Cosmetics department in softlines. Having an operator at the fitting room. Team members who knew how to do things all over the store and stayed with Target for a long time. Writing dates on research dots. Team leads pushing the autos every morning. Doing stretches at huddle. Daily leader "meetings" at Food Ave. Taking lunches and breaks together.
MMB Specialist, Jewelry Specialist, ripping ad signs and stuffing the plastic holders, $1 jean days for United Way, dressing up for Halloween,opening on Black Friday at 5am on FRIDAY,closing during the week at 10p, closing on Sundays at 6pm (really going back here) CTL (Cashier Team Lead!)Recovery Team Lead
My first year working for Target we could dress up for Halloween. It was so fun. The next year we were told we couldn't dress up anymore. 🙁
Yellow legged tables in SL and those silver rounder racks.
Baby food and diapers in HL
Glass cased Electronics Boat which I used to decorate for holidays
Cashier Supervisors
Having to scan yellow or blue labels for the return scan in electronics
TL's having to prep their own ad
Grilled Cheese sandwiches, chicken tenders, and fries at Food Ave
Staying until 1am every night to make sure the zone was perfect and abandons were done with triple the TM's working then we have now
Does anyone remember when we did the annual guest surveys? For one week one lucky team member was asked to stopped guests and have them fill out questionnaires after they completed their purchases. We would set up tables in front of the lanes. HATED THAT
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