Archived #TodaysTMsWillNeverKnow

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If there isn't, Ask your PA...

Sampling is literally in our Job Description.

Just make sure u give one to the guest and tell them this is how good saving 5% tastes every time you shop with your Red Card..

One of my TLs sometimes uses ice cream as a reward for hitting our Red Card goal. "Here, have some ice cream. Now go up front and open a Red Card so we can have some of this in our breakroom."

What was the raincheck function on RFAPPs called again? I can't remember anymore and that makes me feel sad for some reason.

I think it was just RAIN, but I could be wrong.
Hell really was trying to make substitutions in softlines (at least when leadership thought that wasn't an idiotic idea). So, so much toggling over there. Just when you thought you knew what table was what aisle number, they changed things around on you!

What was the raincheck function on RFAPPs called again? I can't remember anymore and that makes me feel sad for some reason.
RAIN, I don't recall them ever removing it...? Someone can check? I don't recall reading that it was ever removed.
RAIN, I don't recall them ever removing it...? Someone can check? I don't recall reading that it was ever removed.

I don't see any reason for it not to have been removed. We don't set up rain checks anymore.

I could leave mine in my cart with reshop while I went on break.

I left my PDA out all the time. Never had one stolen.

The my devices I hear are a different story 🙂

Our pricing team still leaves their equipment on the floor when they go to lunch. I've been tempted to snag their MyDevices so many times if not for the battery level.
Hell really was trying to make substitutions in softlines (at least when leadership thought that wasn't an idiotic idea). So, so much toggling over there. Just when you thought you knew what table was what aisle number, they changed things around on you!

What was the raincheck function on RFAPPs called again? I can't remember anymore and that makes me feel sad for some reason.
Rain was one way. From rf apps menu, hit 8 for specialized & raincheck is there with subs.
Having a big birthday cake in the break room the last day of every month.

Salesfloor scavenger hunts. First one to come back with all the correct locations got a Target dog. Actually I don't miss the scavenger hunts - just miss that we had time for them.

Having a big enough backroom (before Pfresh cooler and freezer and Ship From Store area were added).
Umm...many stores around here do close during the week at 10pm....

8 AM - 10 PM Sun - Fri
8 AM - 11 PM Sat

So, yeah, we close at 10 PM.

Luckily never had to do with the license plates for defectives. Think they did away with them when we went IGS, while other stores still had them past that point.

Cashier Supervisors

Not sure what this is? Or, how it differs from GSTL/GSA? Guessing you mean just standard cashier workcenter, but with supervisor access on the register?
Cashier supervisors (aka cash sups) were changed to Guest Service Team Leader around the time I was still a CO specialist.
GSAs rolled out the year before specialists were eliminated in 2010.
Cashier supervisors (aka cash sups) were changed to Guest Service Team Leader around the time I was still a CO specialist.
GSAs rolled out the year before specialists were eliminated in 2010.
I don't remember if they had the same paygrade as a GSTL does now or if they had a specialist paygrade? I know we had a lot more cashier sups then we do GSTL's/GSA's.
The tablet for planogram....

Showed you the Plano, you could hook up a scanner that would tie, make signs and even make it so you could do your own pulls!

It was called the MSA.

Having to do price changes with the LRT and the old school printer that was attached to the LRT by a cord and to top it off, you had to wear a belt that had a little holder for the printer.
I remember when they took us out to eat as a reward for being first place in RedCards. We went to a nice hibachi steak house. Also, we could choose nice prizes for REDCard contests. I got a nice tote bag and some camping stuff. They used to go all out for our food celebrations. The STL would grill for us and the store provided all the fixings. Even sandwich days meant all kinds of deli cheese and meat, everything you could possibly put on a sandwich, chips, cookies, cake and all kinds of drinks. We used to have huddles every day and sometimes we did fun things at the huddles. I used to hate going to them but I would leave them feeling uplifted. They were like little pep rallies. Shortly before we stopped having them the tone changed. It was 20 min if hearing everything we were doing wrong. No one could meet anyone's eye. Often, we were too few facing a rough night and we would walk out if those huddles feeling dejected and depressed. I'm glad we stopped having them. Sorry! Kinda on a downer tonight!
Your post made me realize that I still think of them as the colors. I never say them, but I think of salvage as green, crc as yellow, and destroy as red.

We still use the colors, as well. Is that not how everyone else does it???? The stickers are still color-coded.
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