Archived Unexpected $2 an hour pay raise

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I just looked at my stub and nope, no mysterious raise 🙁 But I did notice a YTD earnings of 77.04 and the description was "Fitbit" WTF is that?
I just looked at my stub and nope, no mysterious raise 🙁 But I did notice a YTD earnings of 77.04 and the description was "Fitbit" WTF is that?

Did you get one of the free/discounted Fitbits offered a couple of months ago as part of the Target wellness promotion? If you did, that Fitbit line is the tax write-off that Spot's documenting to show that they paid for some of that. Something like that, anyways.

If you didn't get a Fitbit and it's listed there.... uh.... I don't know. That would be weird.
No matter where I work. I never discuss my salary with anyone I work with. It can cause sadness and disruption in work.
A long time ago - a very long time ago - way back in the caveman ages - I had told a fellow employee that it was nice to be making 4.25 an hour as opposed to 3.50 an hour I had been making. Her face dropped and said she was only making 3.85 an hour. We did the same design work but I was hired after the first of the year which bumped up starting pay. She stayed miffed for a long time about it. She thought they had taken advantage of her. Since then I never discuss salaries.
But on the brighter side of that job. In June. The whole department was bumped up to 4.50 an hour. It might not seem like much but in the late 1970's it was pretty good pay for young designers
I still don't get that after 2 years and 10 months I am only making 10.30. That's 30 cents more than a cashier and I am a PA perishable assistant. This is so fucked up.
Which is more than I make and I've worked for spot twice as long...Plus the other two idiots both made more. One who had worked there longer and one who didn' could be worse.
Which is more than I make and I've worked for spot twice as long...Plus the other two idiots both made more. One who had worked there longer and one who didn' could be worse.
Thanks for the support.
Thanks for the support.
This will sound rude as fuck, but I don't care: I'm not trying to support you. You know what i made after two years? 8.50/hr. Plus I did all the work of a pa, without the title or pay. For over a year. Every time you complain I think of how hard the rest of us had it for way less pay, and it's looking like roses and sunshine in comparison. I mostly see you complain about everything. Even the fact that you make more than the rest of us ever did after two years.
The increase between pay grades is tiered. Some stores are $.25 between 3&5 others are $.50. It all depends on your area.

They did mid year increases at some stores to stay competitive and to help Q4 staffing.

And it's not illegal to ASK you to not discuss pay. It's illegal to retaliate/reprimand if you do.

None of this helps the tenured team members. My area has had $2.25 in increases over the last 18 months. So basically, a TM who has been there 8-10 years, is only making pennies more than the new people.

That is what is bullshit about these starting increases. You are essentially telling your experience that their effort does not mean anything to you.
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