Archived Union time?

Union time?

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What's a job worth?
While many of these jobs may seem low/no skill, sometimes the work required is in high demand.
Imagine being unable to have enough cashiers/salesfloor people because of low wages. Most of the time leadership wouldn't care until Black Thurs/Fri or Christmas Eve or Valentine's, Easter, etc. That happened when my store started having trouble hiring, then retaining seasonal workers so they started offering generous amts of OT. When THAT started to fail, quiet panic set in.
Many complain about illegals 'taking jobs' but the truth is they're jobs regular citizens wouldn't take because of the ridiculously low wages. This was amply demonstrated in Georgia when prisons attempted to find jobs for released convicts by hiring them to pick produce for farmers. The majority refused to return after the first break; the rest quit at day's end but they now had a grudging respect for the migrant workers.
Meanwhile, corporations & public entities defend paying outrageous salaries under the premise of "paying for talented leadership". But if said leader doesn't deliver, it's cheaper to pay them a golden parachute instead of being tied up in litigation over definitions of 'failure'.
I wouldnt be shocked if they eventually make ETL's hourly. I know there are some other major retailers out there who do. Not to mention they do work 50 plus hours on salary so the younger ETLs are not making much more than their TLs, shoot when I was a TL if you took my hourly rate and did it by 50 hours I was making more than the new ETLs. That is without giving me time and a half for the 10 extra hours as well.
I wouldnt be shocked if they eventually make ETL's hourly. I know there are some other major retailers out there who do. Not to mention they do work 50 plus hours on salary so the younger ETLs are not making much more than their TLs, shoot when I was a TL if you took my hourly rate and did it by 50 hours I was making more than the new ETLs. That is without giving me time and a half for the 10 extra hours as well.
Same here. I make just about the same hourly rate our new ETLs would make it you factor in a 50 hour work week for them. And that's without counting OT. With overtime, I make considerably more lol. But ETL pay increases much faster than TL pay does, so it's really only comparable for the first year or two of a new ETL.
In general most of target's employees don't have special enough skills or the job being hazardous enough to warrant a union.
[UOTE="semantics, post: 168175, member: 11943"]In general most of target's employees don't have special enough skills or the job being hazardous enough to warrant a union.
A job doesn't have to have Special Skills or be considered Hazardous to warrant being protected by a Union. A benefit of having a Union is assurance of having rights that are agreed to that ALL management must act accordingly to the agreement!
To all the "Anti-Union" people here, just because you vote for a union, does not mean that you have to join the union. But you will still be protected by that same union by the contract that "SPOT" would have to acknowledge, and management would have to adhere to. Granted your defense may be equal to that of a public defender as compared to a high price lawyer. Across the board representation is better than no representation at all, which is what we the Team Members of SPOT are enduring today.
Reminds me of a Polish proverb, "Not my circus, not my monkeys". Yet in this case we are the monkeys, and SPOT is the Circus.
To all the "Anti-Union" people here, just because you vote for a union, does not mean that you have to join the union. But you will still be protected by that same union by the contract that "SPOT" would have to acknowledge, and management would have to adhere to. Granted your defense may be equal to that of a public defender as compared to a high price lawyer. Across the board representation is better than no representation at all, which is what we the Team Members of SPOT are enduring today.
This depends on the union. Where I work we are all part of the bargaining unit whether we formally join the union or not - however, the union does not have to offer you any representation if you are not a dues-paying member.
Last time I worked for an employer that had a union contract, I was required to join the union and have dues subtracted from my paycheck as a condition of my employment.
Long time lurker first time poster. When I first started working at target, I was all for not having a union. Happy I didn't have to pay dues and felt the union only protected the lazy workers. Half a year later my view on this stance has flipped completely. Just some of the events that have changed my mind on this is :

My store actually calling up employees the day they are scheduled to work to tell them not to come in( opening cart attendant and opening electronics). These members are already only scheduled for a small amount of hours, so having work call you to tell not to come in doesn't sit well with me.

Yesterday the closing food ave worker showed up to work at 4(shift start) only to be told they would close food ave at 6 and he would have to leave than. Cutting hours I understand,but doing so the day of just isn't right. People at my target and I'm sure targets everywhere live off a budget that is based how many hours they are scheduled for, so cutting peoples hours like this is low.

An employee has been trying to apply for new positions at other targets. You know trying to better himself and advance his career. Problem is the internal job board on ehr gets an error when trying to look at open positions. He has contacted the help line only to be told to send an email with the problem to a certain email. He did this and got an email back saying this is a jas system problem and to talk to you etl-hr with the problem. So, he talks to the etl and it has been a month since the problem has not been fixed. Target is about to lose one of their best employees who is also college educated because he is starting to apply other places.

Go ahead and post why target needs a union!

It is my strong belief that something that would protect the LAZY WORKERS jobs would allow them to be even more lazy and in turn let our store look even more shittier...........
Talking about unions is the one way to get stuff done at Target

It is my strong belief that something that would protect the LAZY WORKERS jobs would allow them to be even more lazy and in turn let our store look even more shittier...........

Sadly that's the standard line that is thrown out by the anti-union folks.
Oh, look at the lazy people protected by the union, people get in the union and they can't be fired, etc. etc.
It's pretty standard propaganda that dates back all the way to the beginning of the battle to organize.

See here's the issue, the guy who is best buddies with the ETL and does jack all day?
Well, he's not going to be protected when the union comes in because he's going to have to work up to the same standards as the other members of the union or people can file a grievance.
Wonderful thing when you can actually meet with people who do the work you do, have them hear you out, then go meet with the management and have representation at your side.
You get called into the office for some random sit down, you get to have a person with you to represent your interests.
Now the union isn't going to protect you if you suck at your job, it can't.
You will get fired just like in any other job.
But they won't be able to railroad you when you don't deserve it.
It is my strong belief that something that would protect the LAZY WORKERS jobs would allow them to be even more lazy and in turn let our store look even more shittier...........

so it'd protect the flow team and allow them to be even more lazy and in turn let our store look even more shittier

so it'd protect the flow team and allow them to be even more lazy and in turn let our store look even more shittier


Yep and the incompetent sales floor team who doesn't understand what backstock is and tries to cram stuff from abandon. I mean at least they put it back in it's proper aisle but guess who has to backstock it to put the ACTUAL ITEM that goes there back? YEP....flow. Thanks guys!
Sadly that's the standard line that is thrown out by the anti-union folks.
Oh, look at the lazy people protected by the union, people get in the union and they can't be fired, etc. etc.
It's pretty standard propaganda that dates back all the way to the beginning of the battle to organize.

See here's the issue, the guy who is best buddies with the ETL and does jack all day?
Well, he's not going to be protected when the union comes in because he's going to have to work up to the same standards as the other members of the union or people can file a grievance.
Wonderful thing when you can actually meet with people who do the work you do, have them hear you out, then go meet with the management and have representation at your side.
You get called into the office for some random sit down, you get to have a person with you to represent your interests.
Now the union isn't going to protect you if you suck at your job, it can't.
You will get fired just like in any other job.
But they won't be able to railroad you when you don't deserve it.
I know a lot of people who have worked or are working under a union. The pros seem to outweigh the cons. The best thing they enjoy is that management cannot talk to them like shit. It must be nice to be treated with respect. Also, unions typically get you better benefits and raises. Sign me up.
Yep and the incompetent sales floor team who doesn't understand what backstock is and tries to cram stuff from abandon. I mean at least they put it back in it's proper aisle but guess who has to backstock it to put the ACTUAL ITEM that goes there back? YEP....flow. Thanks guys!

Flow gets a lot of crap at my store for pushing wrong, leaving stuff unlocked. Valid concerns, but only one is really the fault of the flow team(leaving something unlocked) and the rest can be chalked up to the pressure they're put under or human error. But nobody talks about the salesfloor who will put stuff where it doesn't go, not push all locations (and get mad at backroom when it comes out on a CAF again), decide they're done pushing this CAF and send it all to backstock. Not enough people realize that when the avalanche starts, we've all thrown a few snowballs.
Yep and the incompetent sales floor team who doesn't understand what backstock is and tries to cram stuff from abandon. I mean at least they put it back in it's proper aisle but guess who has to backstock it to put the ACTUAL ITEM that goes there back? YEP....flow. Thanks guys!

you mean backroom team

they do backstock
you mean backroom team

they do backstock

Well of course they do backstock. But someone has to send stuff back there for them to backstock right? I get tired of opening a box to go stock the product and find an entire row filled with the wrong item or 1 or 2 of an item because it's real spot was full. Smh...and the TL totally allows it because I've even seen him put something from infant softlines in infant hardliners just so he could be done with his abandon cart.
Flow gets a lot of crap at my store for pushing wrong, leaving stuff unlocked. Valid concerns, but only one is really the fault of the flow team(leaving something unlocked) and the rest can be chalked up to the pressure they're put under or human error. But nobody talks about the salesfloor who will put stuff where it doesn't go, not push all locations (and get mad at backroom when it comes out on a CAF again), decide they're done pushing this CAF and send it all to backstock. Not enough people realize that when the avalanche starts, we've all thrown a few snowballs.

Yep it all comes down to. People do your job right and we'll have a better day!

And what kills me the most is the sales floor team usually have PDAs to find out where it goes. And yet still push it wherever. Idk but I guess overstock is a big problem at our store in general.

I don't overstock. Shit looks horrible.
Yep it all comes down to. People do your job right and we'll have a better day!

And what kills me the most is the sales floor team usually have PDAs to find out where it goes. And yet still push it wherever. Idk but I guess overstock is a big problem at our store in general.

I don't overstock. Shit looks horrible.

Flow at my store has all the pdas
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