Archived v43 POS Changes - What to expect!

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Good news! Did some digging and account payments and receipt lookup are available under the K5 menu, even on the normal checklanes
Yep, did one on a regular register the other day because GS all crashed. Yaaaay.
Also I don't know if this has been mentioned but temporary redcards can only be used at the store you signed up at (Why? WHO KNOWS) and on Wednesday (day 2 of the POS changes) even at the home store temporary redcards did not work.
I'm going to die.
Yep, did one on a regular register the other day because GS all crashed. Yaaaay.
Also I don't know if this has been mentioned but temporary redcards can only be used at the store you signed up at (Why? WHO KNOWS) and on Wednesday (day 2 of the POS changes) even at the home store temporary redcards did not work.
I'm going to die.
Fortunately I've only seen like, two of them in the entire time I've worked here, but still
Yep, did one on a regular register the other day because GS all crashed. Yaaaay.
Also I don't know if this has been mentioned but temporary redcards can only be used at the store you signed up at (Why? WHO KNOWS) and on Wednesday (day 2 of the POS changes) even at the home store temporary redcards did not work.
I'm going to die.
Temporary REDcard can only be used at the store it was signed up at until all stores get their POS POS updated to the same version.
It just amazes me, today I saw the page long list of known issues with this update and yet they continue to roll this out to stores.....we are just to apologize and wait for the fix....get November!
I wished our store told me about the cards with chip. Me and the guest were trying for 2 minutes how to get the damn thing to work.
Man, speaking of temporary red cards, had a guest try and use one they got just two lanes over, and it still said it failed because it wasn't the same store.
Like, seriously?

Same happened to me. Guest was pissed, as she should be.
If you have GSTL functions, and you notice that the register is working, but that the card reader is not working, do this.

Log in, hit K7, control panel
Hit K1, reload parameters

I have used this many times to successfully boot the reader back into a usable state.
As as Service Desk TM, I'm super upset with the changes to card reading. Not being able to slide the guest's card myself complicates and slows things down. Using the chip for returns is also very bothersome just because it takes up to 10 seconds sometimes for the card reader to accept the chip. I think it's a cool piece of tech, but in this current POS update there are so many bugs and chip reading is just so slow that I can't help but be critical.
We get ours soon. My favorite has been the "training". First, as a GSA I oversaw a sales floor person watching the video. When I inquired after it, the ETL-HR reluctantly let me watch it. But I had to pause it before it was over before I had a the ETL took it away so I couldn't finish it. Which is just as well, because it was just a long commercial about how awesome Target is for implementing it. And then she said I was trained and had me sign a piece of paper. all the training I've gotten has come from this site, but I am expected to troubleshoot and answer questions on this when shit hits the fan?

This would all be laughable if this weren't the reality I am facing.
We get ours soon. My favorite has been the "training". First, as a GSA I oversaw a sales floor person watching the video. When I inquired after it, the ETL-HR reluctantly let me watch it. But I had to pause it before it was over before I had a the ETL took it away so I couldn't finish it. Which is just as well, because it was just a long commercial about how awesome Target is for implementing it. And then she said I was trained and had me sign a piece of paper. all the training I've gotten has come from this site, but I am expected to troubleshoot and answer questions on this when shit hits the fan?

This would all be laughable if this weren't the reality I am facing.

I haven't even gotten the training yet, even after we got the update.
I am glad I read this thread we got the chip and pin and they never told the sales floor. Only the gstl and gsa got the training. Glad this place exists!
There's a training video? They didn't even tell us (in pharmacy) until we had a guest whose card wouldn't swipe and we called the LOD over. Even then, the extent of our training was, "if it has a chip, they have to insert the card, chip side first." No mention of beeps, nothing...
If the card stops being responsive during a transaction, which seems to happen a lot now, hit k3 for credit, then k1 for all of it, then k1 for hand key.After that just back out to payment. It seems to trick the system to use the card reader again. It always works for me and my cashiers
If you have GSTL functions, and you notice that the register is working, but that the card reader is not working, do this.

Log in, hit K7, control panel
Hit K1, reload parameters

I have used this many times to successfully boot the reader back into a usable state.
I wish I had seen this prior to today. Yesterday, a couple of card readers wouldn't work.
If the card stops being responsive during a transaction, which seems to happen a lot now, hit k3 for credit, then k1 for all of it, then k1 for hand key.After that just back out to payment. It seems to trick the system to use the card reader again. It always works for me and my cashiers
I learned that accidentally yesterday. LOL
Everyone who is freaking out, it takes longer but isn't so bad. It is just learning what the register wants.

@HappyMonday thanks for that tip, ran into that situation today.. At least the guest was cool, and we worked through it together. It happened to me when she split a transaction. The reader really didn't get a second transaction with the same card(but then our registers have been a bit buggy since the update).

And guests are starting to get the message about the chips in the cards, we have been running them for a couple weeks.
@Bosch glad I could help. My store was one of the test stores and we had a full roll out weeks before it was official. My store is a border store so about 50% of our sales are from Canadians and this chip update dose not acept Canadian chip debt cards, which leads to tons of angry guest everday
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