Archived Walk the vibe

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Mar 30, 2012
Does anybody else's team alignment get mad at you for asking them the same team member questions every other week? I honestly miss the old business walks!
Agree with you 100%....

My new in role gstl came up to me for his walk the vibe thing, and it was the most ridiculous bs ever.
Some of that might have to do with timing.
Watching a TL asking the Vibe questions to someone they had given a a write up to the day before is always fun to watch.
TLs don't just have to ask the questions to those that they're aligned with - it should be a store-wide thing. If I was just asking the team members that are aligned with me, then I would be getting the same answers to some of the questions time and time again.
YEA PricingMaster is right. I had different TLs from other department come to me and ask questions.
i ask one person in my alignment, one in the other GSTL's alignment (so still a front end TM) and then one outside of my workcenter.
We were told to ask only in our alignment. Then we got in 'trouble' for asking the same people each time. My store is so damn stupid.
We are being told to stop asking the vibe questions, and ask questions in regards to the BTS particularly questions we got dinged on last year.
Yeah we just have to ask about their vibe moments no more walking chat type questions
We are being told to stop asking the vibe questions, and ask questions in regards to the BTS particularly questions we got dinged on last year.

I absolutely love that idea. I think the questions are the best part of the VIBE walks, but I tend to ask the same people the each time too. I don't only ask people in my alignment, but I tend to stick with people who I work with directly on a regular basis. For me, this includes, guest service tms, food ave tms, and Starbucks tms, as well as some people who get scheduled to cashier on a regular basis, but who aren't solely cashiers.

Do the rest of you ask each tm 3 questions, or do you ask 3 different tms 3 different questions? Each ETL has their TLs do it differently at my store.
today i asked some vibe questions, and i was told an "amazing" moment for our guests--an elaborate story by an early morning tm about an old man that had came in and lost his ring. he had looked everywhere. the entire team pitched in and helped. They eventually found it and returned it, even though "one does not simply walk into Mordor". yep, it went in the vibe.
I can see your point especially if you have a small team. I am flow and have 30+ tm's. I would say to track your responses and look for improvements in areas that tm's have given feedback on. This will be a measurable item that could be used in your next status and compiled for your annual reviews.
i really am not crazy about walk the vibe. I think Target is spending too much time implementing these new ideas that dont fit our brand. I think they should keep it simple, business walk, core roles, and teaching the team how to upsell, cross sell, promote, and give great guest service. AMAZING moments dont happen often because many of the guests that come to the store already know what they want, what to expect, etc.
Going above and beyond is just good service and being a decent human being. I hate that corporate is basically cheapening everything outstanding team memebers normally do by making it a buzz word and ugh...amazing.

I'm all for empowering the team to do what's right for a guest. Amazing is changing a guest's flat tire, jump starting their car, letting them use your umbrella when it's raining, scraping ice off guests's and tm's cars during winter storms. Great guest service is getting them a basket when their arms are full, calling other stores to find the product they want, greeting guests, letting them know about the best deals. Amazing does not equal great guest service. Great guest service is our job and it's really not that much to ask. Amazing is way above and beyond anything Target could actually require you to do. Having Target claim all the amazing moments are part of our guest focused culture cheapens those tms actions IMO. Target doesn't make amazing moments. Telling a guest she needs a matching leash for the collar she's buying her new puppy; that's just driving sales. Important, but amazing is something so much more.

sorry for the mini rant. I just hate the Target is trying to take credit for the actions of some of the awesome people that work for them. Those people are awesome at work and away from work because they're awesome people, not because Target showed them that doing the right thing is right. What's amazing is that we have awesome tms despite working for a company that would try to take credit for how amazing they are.

end other mini rant 😛ardon:
During my review the other day I learned that the reason the team doesn't take the vibe seriously is because I don't. It's not the childish way it was rolled out, or the constant barrage of fake positivity, nope, it's all because I am not behind it 100%.
Haha.... The vibe is such a joke... Who DOES take it seriously? Rofl.

Oh yeah.... Fake plastic bleach blonde barbie HR-ETLs.... Haha 😉

AKA Cheerleader ETLs
i totally agree, i feel it is def fake and if we push it, the guest will know it is fake. Doing the right thing and making good decisions is amazing enough and if you are hiring the right people and training them properly, you dont need to use the word AMAZING and you can save the money and give everyone a decent raise 🙂
Haha.... The vibe is such a joke... Who DOES take it seriously? Rofl.

Oh yeah.... Fake plastic bleach blonde barbie HR-ETLs.... Haha 😉

AKA Cheerleader ETLs

My ETL-GE. Other than occasionally back-up cashing, the only thing she's actually useful for is being aesthetically pleasing.
I NEVER ask the questions. I always just kind of listen to what they say while we are talking on a daily basis. A lot of times, I will hear them complain about something and ask them to elaborate, and then remember it for the walk. Then, usually for the Vibe moment questions, I will either just witness it myself and write it down, otherwise, I might ask about this one. Just try to make it different each time, because you are right... it does get repetitive.
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