Archived Want to develop to ETL! Tips?

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Oct 1, 2016
Hey guys, long time lurker, very rare poster.
I’ve been at Target about 4 years, just over 2 as a Food TL. I’ve recently gone to my STL about promoting to ETL. I was hoping to get some tips on what to start working on or even just what to do. My STL pretty much advised to me to “speak up” when our DTL is in the building and she also said I have her support. However, outside of that, there hasn’t been much as far as mentoring goes. The ETL I report to has been out for a while and I’m unsure of when he will be back. I can go into more detail about myself or progress if you guys would like to know. But I will wait for someone to ask lol. You guys here give such great advice, btw. I wish I could share all the ways the tips and info has helped me throughout my short target career without being “caught.”

Hey guys, long time lurker, very rare poster.
I’ve been at Target about 4 years, just over 2 as a Food TL. I’ve recently gone to my STL about promoting to ETL. I was hoping to get some tips on what to start working on or even just what to do. My STL pretty much advised to me to “speak up” when our DTL is in the building and she also said I have her support. However, outside of that, there hasn’t been much as far as mentoring goes. The ETL I report to has been out for a while and I’m unsure of when he will be back. I can go into more detail about myself or progress if you guys would like to know. But I will wait for someone to ask lol. You guys here give such great advice, btw. I wish I could share all the ways the tips and info has helped me throughout my short target career without being “caught.”


Are you currently a SRTL? And what Work Center?
What do you bring to the store outside of food?

I do agree with @HumbleTL on the this but I will answer and hope it hits somewhere close.

I believe in consistency, follow up, and development, performance management, and of course, communication. Everything I do is to ensure my team remains the well oiled machine that it is (this is not to imply that we are perfect). I take pride in everything that I do and expect my team to do the same. I do believe in “one team one dream,” (see my TBR status on drinking the koolaid), so depending on how the day is going, my team may end up being hardlines as well. We are not just a grocery store after all. We help other teams and other teams (most of them) try and help us should the need arise. I must say I am held in high regard at my store but I always look for ways to improve. I thrive off feedback!
I know this response is kind of all over the place but I hope it have a better perspective of where I am at.
That sounds like it could be an interview question though 😛
“What would you bring to Target, outside of food?”
I think you can breakdown your role in food and expand on it.
Your conduct/attendance/dedication.
Explaining processes/routines.
How you’ve tackled, adapted and implemented modernization.
Numbers, comps, improvement in produce markdown/qmos.
Backroom/cooler accuracy/organization.
etc. etc.

You can build on these factors and translate them so they align with Target’s broader vision of long term competitive edge.
@Humble TL
Are you asking me to expand on this now? Or did you mean it as advice? (Already taking it as advice btw so thanks for that 🙂)
Not that I have an issue explaining it all, just don’t want to give the whole spiel if that’s not what you were asking.
I just wanted you to explore what food entails, if the question @NKG put forth is asked in real world. The question is tricky as it jumbles alot into the word “food”. When dissected ,it can put light on what you ALREADY bring to Target and its alot.
As for your original post, I think you should go for the TL position. Its not a step back, rather its a foundation you can build on, to show your qualities and learn ALOT in the process.
A very solid stepping stone in your elevation to a leadership role you aspire.
I just wanted you to explore what food entails, if the question @NKG put forth is asked in real world. The question is tricky as it jumbles alot into the word “food”. When dissected ,it can put light on what you ALREADY bring to Target and its alot.
As for your original post, I think you should go for the TL position. Its not a step back, rather its a foundation you can build on, to show your qualities and learn ALOT in the process.
A very solid stepping stone in your elevation to a leadership role you aspire.

I think SrTL would be a great stepping stone as well. However our district isn’t fully modernized (we are not on new op model). No one that I’ve talked to is really sure about what is happening to the Senior Team Lead position. I would love to be ETL food but our store and most around us don’t have that position. Lately though, ETL log is what I really want.

As far as me and what I do:

No conduct issues. Same for attendance.
I would be surprised if anyone questioned my dedication to my role, team, or Target.
I run grocery (dry and pfresh), but not Starbucks and we don’t have cafe.
I write the schedule for my team.
I work in a B-volume store.
My team owns all logistics and sales floor processes, outside of any price change workload. We set our own sales planners but Plano still does most transitions/revisions.
I have implemented ownership of dry aisles as well as produce/meat/dairy/frozen (this means both sales floor and backroom).
As far as comps: ended the year with positive comp over all, as well as each dept under food and bev. B markdowns for produce, meat, bakery have largely improved as well.
Green in BRLA, coolers are organized and stay read to stage pallets.
Zone is king and outs audited daily.
Manual depths fills, albeit a struggle, are done daily(every fillgroup).

I could go on, especially if I started to list all the opportunities we have as a team, and the ones I have as a leader.
I think SrTL would be a great stepping stone as well. However our district isn’t fully modernized (we are not on new op model). No one that I’ve talked to is really sure about what is happening to the Senior Team Lead position. I would love to be ETL food but our store and most around us don’t have that position. Lately though, ETL log is what I really want.

As far as me and what I do:

No conduct issues. Same for attendance.
I would be surprised if anyone questioned my dedication to my role, team, or Target.
I run grocery (dry and pfresh), but not Starbucks and we don’t have cafe.
I write the schedule for my team.
I work in a B-volume store.
My team owns all logistics and sales floor processes, outside of any price change workload. We set our own sales planners but Plano still does most transitions/revisions.
I have implemented ownership of dry aisles as well as produce/meat/dairy/frozen (this means both sales floor and backroom).
As far as comps: ended the year with positive comp over all, as well as each dept under food and bev. B markdowns for produce, meat, bakery have largely improved as well.
Green in BRLA, coolers are organized and stay read to stage pallets.
Zone is king and outs audited daily.
Manual depths fills, albeit a struggle, are done daily(every fillgroup).

I could go on, especially if I started to list all the opportunities we have as a team, and the ones I have as a leader.

What do you contribute to the rest of the store?
I think SrTL would be a great stepping stone as well. However our district isn’t fully modernized (we are not on new op model). No one that I’ve talked to is really sure about what is happening to the Senior Team Lead position. I would love to be ETL food but our store and most around us don’t have that position. Lately though, ETL log is what I really want.

As far as me and what I do:

No conduct issues. Same for attendance.
I would be surprised if anyone questioned my dedication to my role, team, or Target.
I run grocery (dry and pfresh), but not Starbucks and we don’t have cafe.
I write the schedule for my team.
I work in a B-volume store.
My team owns all logistics and sales floor processes, outside of any price change workload. We set our own sales planners but Plano still does most transitions/revisions.
I have implemented ownership of dry aisles as well as produce/meat/dairy/frozen (this means both sales floor and backroom).
As far as comps: ended the year with positive comp over all, as well as each dept under food and bev. B markdowns for produce, meat, bakery have largely improved as well.
Green in BRLA, coolers are organized and stay read to stage pallets.
Zone is king and outs audited daily.
Manual depths fills, albeit a struggle, are done daily(every fillgroup).

I could go on, especially if I started to list all the opportunities we have as a team, and the ones I have as a leader.

When can y o u start? 🙂
What do you contribute to the rest of the store?

Great question! I guess I can’t say I do much outside of communicating with LOD on what’s going on with the store that day. Need help with go-backs? Carts low? No one hardlines until 2pm? Food team to the rescue! Does that mean my work center has to make sacrifices? Yes of course, but it is the right thing to do. There have been many days where I’ve felt I wasn’t doing enough, and I was told that sometimes the best way for us to help the the store is to take care of my work center so that LOD/STL doesn’t need to worry about us.
@NKG , great answer! To the op, how are you handling store modernization?
As for modernization, we are not on the new op model, as we still have ETLs, STL, etc., but food and bev, A&A, and electronics are all “end to end.” As far as grocery, we have been on the grocery op model since it was first rolled out to us in 2016/2017. I would say I am handling just like I would any big change. For example, when grocery went “end to end,” it was horrid was a couple months and everyone wanted to give back room processes back to logistic and just do it “the old way.” However, we tried it the company’s way, toughed it out, gave the feedback, and worked as a store to try and get it right (not easy!). Fast forward to middle of last year, we were literally the only store on grocery op model, when everyone said it didn’t work. So when food and bev mod was rolled out, we were more than ready. District and group leaders started to see the results at our store and stores started sending their Food TL to train with us.
Wish I could say more about modernization. From what I hear, the new op model keeps getting pushed back. At this point, I say bring it on already.
Involve yourself more with the Hardlines/General Merch team, make sure you act as co-lead with that team. It's important during visits with your DTL that you are walking your aisles and presently engaging with guests and that you continue to do so even without a visit in place. You are already embracing E2E and with Modernization right around the corner, it's likely that you will be transitioned into a General Merch Lead and service will become a huge priority with your team to blend along with tasks. Talk about wins while your Leader is not in the building and how you are supporting along the way.
@TargetLounger thanks that is great advice as well. As far as blending service and tasks, that’s been a focus at our store for a couple of years now. Not sure how my position fits into the new op model for stores. My heart is definitely in food and also logistics. Right now I’m just trying to be a leader amongst my peers as well.

Appreciate the responses everyone!
I am an HRTM, my ultimate goal is to become and ETL-HR, I currently have a CCA (expires in November). With the CCA, is there a chance I could not be an ETL? I’ve only been an HRTM for about 9 months. I know I have to put my time in and work hard to get to the ETL position, do any of you have pointers for me so I can show my STL and DTL I can be an ETL one day?
I am an HRTM, my ultimate goal is to become and ETL-HR, I currently have a CCA (expires in November). With the CCA, is there a chance I could not be an ETL? I’ve only been an HRTM for about 9 months. I know I have to put my time in and work hard to get to the ETL position, do any of you have pointers for me so I can show my STL and DTL I can be an ETL one day?
Being on cca, is not a thing for you. Fix the mistakes & wait for the cca deadline to pass.
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