Archived Wanting to leave

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Sep 18, 2018
Sorry for the long post so sorry very a jumbled mess!

Hello i'm a new poster here but I have a conundrum, I started out at Starbucks back in April but was soon moved to food ave a week later. Here and there things wouldn't get ordered or getting called in every weekend cause someone didn't show up, at first I thought things would get better, oh boy was I wrong. Now everyone I started with back in Food Ave have left expect for my TL, another TM and me, but those two work in Starbucks. My TL is forgetting about orders for Food Ave leaving me with almost nothing. Communication is not very good between Food Ave and pretty much everyone one else and I'm to my breaking point. Employees who started after have already put in their two weeks and I want to put in mine, but i'm worried that they wont have anybody. For reference I'm in High School and this is my first job.
If you’re not happy, you’re not happy. Maybe it might be worth it to bring it up to your ETL, but my ETL didn’t take me seriously either until most recently — when shit seriously hit the fan. I started when I was 18, and felt very similar to you.
Food Ave's for many stores are being phased out or on the decline.

FTLs have to manage SB, FA, and Market.

Its not necessarily things are not being ordered. In a lot of circumstances Target's Food Supplier(s) will be out of stock or items are being pulled off menu.

If you feel like you are not getting information efficiently, request a meeting or coverage time with your TL to go over these things. Check with your TL to see if you can assist them in inventory count or ordering.
Damn, that's some good work ethic you got there, youngblood.

I'd hire you.

Word. It's admirable that you care so much about your job. Good work ethic is worth its weight and gold and you will be a valuable asset to any team you join, Target or otherwise.

For now, I'd speak up to your ETL. Frame it in a "guests first" context: that you're concerned about guest experience and the store receiving negative feedback (if your GE is anything like my last one was, airing a concern about metrics will definitely get their attention). Don't let being young or this being your first job stop you. Everyone and every place has opportunities to improve. Even if no one listens to you here, it's good practice for down the road, when someone elsewhere may.
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