Archived Wanting to quit carts

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Feb 25, 2016
Who should I talk to and whats the best way to go about this? I usually cashier but occasionally do carts, I genuinely hate it and it's been scheduled for me more frequently lately and I am really just not interested in doing it as often as they'd like me to. I am a solid cashier and for sure in the top 2 as far as red cards goes.

tldr: not cut out for cart master race
I love being a CA.

What don't you like about it?

The fresh air and sunshine?
It's February. In some places I'm sure it's freezing cold on a daily basis. I'm glad I don't have to do carts.

My advice: work hard on getting more RedCards. If you become the RedCard king/queen then you'll get more cashier shifts.
Talk to your GSTL. Put it in a way that you want to me cross trained elsewhere.

Carts is not all that bad. Got me plenty of exercise and away from the crazies.

The only time I hated it was at one store where CAs where the Go-For for everything. CAs do the can recycler, take back defects, empty hanger bins, push the hanger box back, fill the spill stations, clean every spill, do every carryout, pull in carts for Green/Blue sides, push carts back up from the backroom team, check the bathrooms, fill the spray bottles...
More likely a shorter list for what they DIDN'T do.....😵
CAs do the can recycler, take back defects, empty hanger bins, push the hanger box back, fill the spill stations, clean every spill, do every carryout, pull in carts for Green/Blue sides, push carts back up from the backroom team, check the bathrooms, fill the spray bottles.
You mean this isn't normal.....?
And learn food ave. Sounds like you already got the redcards down. Try telling your GSTL or ETL (whoever makes the schedule) that you enjoy cashiering much more than carts "because you're so good at getting redcards." Use those words! Lol that might influence them a little bit around schedule making time.
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