MEGATHREAD Welp, masks are back again...

The Apple Watch is for "wellness" not for medical purposes according to Apple.
Mostly because they don't want to clear the app with the FDA.

Plus if Biden started saying the stupid shit that The Tice Impeached 45 was saying, I'd be just as pissed at him.
I don't care who the person is, I want them to be at least half way intelligent and I will settle for half way these days.

Because it takes the reading from your wrist it isn't as accurate as a single purpose one that fits to your fingertip.
ive tested it alongside pulse oximeter during my pulmonary checkups and its very accurate as far as i can tell within 1%. also my dad owns one as he has COPD and its within 1% of that as well
ive tested it alongside pulse oximeter during my pulmonary checkups and its very accurate as far as i can tell within 1%. also my dad owns one as he has COPD and its within 1% of that as well

That's good to know.
It’s bs imo as a cart attendant with asthma I have a hard time breathing outside, it should be choice not forced. If I am forced to wear a mask outside while fully vaccinated I’ll fight it hard. If we keep masking up for every variant it will never end I feel everyone who has wanted the vaccine has gotten it by now and it’s time we just live with Covid and move the F on let the unvaccinated suffer it’s there choice world can go on with a few less people in it imho
That’s a bit frightening
lol i always had my mask around my chin when i was outside never once got caught doing it and this time honeslty don't care. i have asthma im not pushing carts when its 80 or above with a mask on if they write me up so be it plenty of other jobs around

That’s a bit frightening
Something about reducing the surplus population and all that humbug.
Unless Target has changed the original policy, masks are to be worn when on the clock inside or outside of the building. The policy is available on Workbench.
I'm honestly surprised to hear that because none of our cart attendant are required to wear a mask while outside collecting carts. Our SEetl and SEtls know how hard it is for the team members that work outside and have done everything they can to try to help them. They keep plenty of water and sport drinks on hand and do regular wellness checks to make sure everyone stays hydrated and doesn't overheat.
It’s all about reducing the surplus population and the “sheep” until it’s him in the hospital bed being reduced. Then it’s a tragedy
You'd be surprised how many people are spitting and screaming (as best they can while dying) that it's a hoax, it's not real, etc etc

I mean you get those people who say "give me the vaccine" and are told "it's too late" but...
the amount of sheep in this forum could make a farm i swear lol if biden told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? its the principle that there forcing it upon us without our say. im sorry but ill continue having my mask around my chin when im outside and if they let me go theres plenty of other jobs around here maybe it would give me the shove to actually get a better job
Stay on topic please. If you disagree with spot mask policy, talk to your sd or hr about it.
Wait so some target stores are requiring it again? I thought they said it was strongly recommended. I know they’re telling us we should wear it again but we aren’t forced too at my store
Wait so some target stores are requiring it again? I thought they said it was strongly recommended. I know they’re telling us we should wear it again but we aren’t forced too at my store
The official wording on Target's site is we require face coverings for our team members and strongly recommend face coverings for all guests in areas with substantial or high risk of transmission, as defined by the CDC.

I think that phrasing is a little confusing, considering the current CDC guidance is for all people (regardless of vaccination status) to wear a mask indoors in (a) areas of substantial or high transmission and (b) K-12 schools. I think most are interpreting it as "we require face coverings for [all] of our team members," but I see how others could read it as "we require face coverings for our team areas with substantial or high risk of transmission."

According to my DSD, it is required for all team members and strongly recommended for guests as of August 3, but we do have a small number of team members pushing back because of the way they worded it. We are not in a high risk area currently.
the amount of sheep in this forum could make a farm i swear lol if biden told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? its the principle that there forcing it upon us without our say. im sorry but ill continue having my mask around my chin when im outside and if they let me go theres plenty of other jobs around here maybe it would give me the shove to actually get a better job

A little paper mask is making you this bent your life ain't that bad.
Wearing masks is not being controlled. It is called doing the right thing for yourself and those around you. It is a way to stop transmission of the virus. Wearing a mask can be somewhat of a pain but it is not all about me, me, me. If everyone who could have would have done what is needed, like get the vaccine, this wouldn't be the issue it is now. Yes, people who are vaccinated are getting delta, but they are not ending up in the hospital on ventilators and dying. If all those that could got the vaccine in the first place we would all be in a better place by now.

The people who made it political are wrong and have stopped a lot of people from getting it because they believe the lies.

What if no one believed the polio vaccine would help and didn't get it. Where would we be today? Just use your heads and get the vaccine if you can.
The official wording on Target's site is we require face coverings for our team members and strongly recommend face coverings for all guests in areas with substantial or high risk of transmission, as defined by the CDC.

I think that phrasing is a little confusing, considering the current CDC guidance is for all people (regardless of vaccination status) to wear a mask indoors in (a) areas of substantial or high transmission and (b) K-12 schools. I think most are interpreting it as "we require face coverings for [all] of our team members," but I see how others could read it as "we require face coverings for our team areas with substantial or high risk of transmission."

According to my DSD, it is required for all team members and strongly recommended for guests as of August 3, but we do have a small number of team members pushing back because of the way they worded it. We are not in a high risk area currently.
Nothing has changed at my store, most team members don't wear them and same for guests.
A little paper mask is making you this bent your life ain't that bad.
Lol it’s the principle of being forced to do something against your will without your word or choice in the matter
Wearing masks is not being controlled. It is called doing the right thing for yourself and those around you. It is a way to stop transmission of the virus. Wearing a mask can be somewhat of a pain but it is not all about me, me, me. If everyone who could have would have done what is needed, like get the vaccine, this wouldn't be the issue it is now. Yes, people who are vaccinated are getting delta, but they are not ending up in the hospital on ventilators and dying. If all those that could got the vaccine in the first place we would all be in a better place by now.

The people who made it political are wrong and have stopped a lot of people from getting it because they believe the lies.

What if no one believed the polio vaccine would help and didn't get it. Where would we be today? Just use your heads and get the vaccine if you can.
Lol wow some people are dense don’t you think by now most people who wanted the vaccine has already gotten it? My dad had COVID back in April and still doesn’t wan’t it and most of the people around him are they same way, I got my shots but still think everything is BS I know Covid is real but the media blows it up. By just putting masks back it’s going to make people doubt the vaccine and if we do this for every variant it will never end might as well make masks law at that point. Should just let people make there own decisions on masks and the vaccines instead of forcing it. You know a virus can burn itself out after it doesn’t have anyone left to infect right?
"most people who wanted the vaccine have already gotten it"

[me, looking at spiking vaccination numbers as people who previously weren't vaccinated rush to get their shots] yes that is definitely true and not definitely a thing someone who doesn't know what they are talking about would say
Lol it’s the principle of being forced to do something against your will without your word or choice in the matter

Lol wow some people are dense don’t you think by now most people who wanted the vaccine has already gotten it? My dad had COVID back in April and still doesn’t wan’t it and most of the people around him are they same way, I got my shots but still think everything is BS I know Covid is real but the media blows it up. By just putting masks back it’s going to make people doubt the vaccine and if we do this for every variant it will never end might as well make masks law at that point. Should just let people make there own decisions on masks and the vaccines instead of forcing it. You know a virus can burn itself out after it doesn’t have anyone left to infect right?
Lol you’re an absolute moron lol
"most people who wanted the vaccine have already gotten it"

[me, looking at spiking vaccination numbers as people who previously weren't vaccinated rush to get their shots] yes that is definitely true and not definitely a thing someone who doesn't know what they are talking about would say
lol do you believe everything you read online and in the news? that's just what they want everyone to know
Lol you’re an absolute moron lol
lol no I'm just not blind to what's really going on in the world. but i realize this is a losing arguement.... you know where is thanos when you need him lmao
I don't care how annoying someone is or how much of a danger to society you think they are, don't insult them directly.
Whatever else they may be, they are a member of this board and we act like grown ups here.
It's okay to attack horrible ideas but don't call the person holding them names.
We are better than that and this place will not be turned into a fucking dumpster fire because people can't get along.
Wearing a mask shouldn’t make people doubt the vaccine, the mask is a back-up to the vaccine for a vaccinated person, and means of protection for the the unvaccinated in the event that an asymptomatic vaccinated person can still spread the virus. It’s like a parachute and a reserve chute. The parachute will work a high percentage of the time, but for that rare instance when it doesn’t that reserve chute is mighty nice to have…
What it comes down to is people who don't want to wear masks just don't want to be told what to do. They don't care who it hurts or why. They say its because of conspiracies or politics or whatever but in the end its just about them. They don't care if they infect anyone else because they are selfish. They believe the lies. I will continue to wear it because I feel it is the right thing to do for me and others around me.

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