MEGATHREAD Welp, masks are back again...

I shut down the other thread that was turning into a dumpster fire.
Keep this one cool or the same thing is going to happen.
As far as forced to wear masks, well I hate wearing shoes. Seriously I do, I'm not making a pretend answer. I need something outside I'm walking barefoot on the concrete/asphalt or in the grass, even if we're talking a quarter mile or little more. While sitting at my desk I slip my shoes off and hurriedly put them back on when I have to stand. My toes love freedom and my feet love being cool and not feeling compressed.

So guess what I do when I go anywhere far enough that requires driving? I slip something on my feet. Why? Because I have to if I want to go anywhere. Second why? Because dropped glass containers aren't fun and sometimes itty bitty shards are missed during sweeping. Because shod people can track in dog poo. Because someone might accidentally bump into me and step on my freedom loving toes.

I trust science, I trust the numbers, I feel just as immune as I am to other diseases that I've been vaccinated for. Maybe even better, since some of my vaccines are about 45 years old and I'm sure there has to be variants of those viruses or waning immunity due to age.

But if stores or my work start requiring masks again I'm going to hate it, I'm going to loathe it and I'm going to put the stupid thing on with a lot of grumbling...just like I put shoes on.

Having said that, I personally think that we have hit a point in this country where not a damn thing is going to change the minds of those who have not been vaccinated. They are going to ignore it all, the logic, the requests for empathy, the numbers, the images of people suffering. They are set in their way. So the only practical thing is stop talking, take steps to save ourselves and let them take their chances with Lady Fate. It's useless, utterly useless to try and get them to be vaccinated. We can only react defensively at this point, we can plan a life based only on current statistics and trends. Screw them, simply because any further attempts at convincing will only aggravate our blood pressure and do nothing to change their minds.
I know a police officer, a teacher, and a medical professional all unvaccinated, and I'm just waiting and hoping that their jobs will require it.
This right here is what I agree with, we won’t get that herd immunity with vaccinations
Herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that can occur with some diseases when a significant percentage of the population becomes immune to an infection, through vaccination or previous infections. This reduces the likelihood of infection for those who lack immunity. Unless more people get the disease, vaccination is necessary. Is your opposition to masks because you think that we just need more people to get the disease?
First I'd like to say it is bull crap that just because you don't share the same views as the moderator they will shut down a thread. I am not a spammer and was having a discussion with other team members and I was being civil and asking real questions about real concerns I have and I was being called names where I was being respectful.

Second, I want to answer a question that was asked on the other thread. Yes I have complied with all things Target has asked of me regarding masks, I wore my mask when it was required. When they dropped the requirement I took it off. They said "strongly recommend" it for unvaccinated team members not required. In the beginning I washed my hands every hour and sanitized all of my equipment and vehicles after use. If I was required to wear a mask all the time and never take it off I would do so, no questions asked. It's a part of the uniform, a temporary thing I can take off when I get home. I can't take the vaccine off. Also yes I would be fine with using my vacation time to cover time off I would need for being sick, the same I would do if I got sick from any other virus or cold at any other time.

I am not here to fight or argue with anyone but I'm entitled to share my opinion the same as the people who are encouraging vaccines and spewing hate towards people who just aren't comfortable with it. It's America and people are allowed to have freedom of speech and have their own opinions. I hope everyone who wants a vaccine got one or can get it.

Everyone have a wonderful day and I hope this pandemic ends just like everyone else. I am just not willing to put my body or health on the line by injecting myself with a vaccine I just do not trust YET. I am not an anti vaxxer. I have gotten all of my vaccines and same with my children, there are too many questions around this one right now and I feel it is more political than anything and that isn't right in my mind.
@IhateOPmodel, I didn't call you names. But, you are correct getting the shot is a personal choice. I am wearing a mask because I choose too.
@commiecorvus, try to stay in the middle.
@shady16, we have a political thread in off the clock, you can discuss your political concerns there.
Every store is different. Concerns ask your hr or sd. We are the Internet, not your store.
Oh, I'm not staying in the middle on this one.
This is one situation where my perspective does not effect the running of the board.
The thread was shut down because we got spammers showing up.
You might not have seen the spammers because I banned their asses.
The fact you aren't banned means I don't think you were a spammer.
I would have done the same thing on any subject.
We don't need that kind of grief.

If someone calls you names, and I mean personally insults you i.e. saying you are stupid, not saying your ideas are stupid.
There is a big difference.
Then report them to us and we will handle them.

If you have a political gripe, take it to the polical thread.
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Yeah ok sheep, Except us “Conspiracy theorists Republicans” have been right the whole time things started to add up. Masks don’t work, the vaccine doesn’t either. Cry.
Being an adult means taking responsibility for yourself and doing what is right. I don't consider myself a sheep. I look at the facts and the science. It's all there but you choose to ignore it or maybe not even bother to read it in the first place. Ditch reading the conspiracy theories. You say the masks and vaccines don't work because you don't want to do what's right and get vaccinated or wear a mask. It is selfish. It's nothing more than that. I just hope you don't infect anyone else.
Being an adult means taking responsibility for yourself and doing what is right. I don't consider myself a sheep. I look at the facts and the science. It's all there but you choose to ignore it or maybe not even bother to read it in the first place. Ditch reading the conspiracy theories. You say the masks and vaccines don't work because you don't want to do what's right and get vaccinated or wear a mask. It is selfish. It's nothing more than that. I just hope you don't infect anyone else.
I can actually see through the bs and not be brainwashed and believe everything I hear on tv in the news but if that’s the way you and many are, I feel sorry for you. They must’ve not taught y’all critical thinking in middle and high school or y’all just that mentally stupid.
I can actually see through the bs and not be brainwashed and believe everything I hear on tv in the news but if that’s the way you and many are, I feel sorry for you. They must’ve not taught y’all critical thinking in middle and high school or y’all just that mentally stupid.
I read the science and facts. Sadly, you do not. If you ever bothered at all. Once again, it is selfish. All about you. I really believe it has nothing to do with science, facts or politics. It is just selfishness. If you really cared about people you would do the right thing. And that's not being "mentally stupid." It's about being an adult.
Herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that can occur with some diseases when a significant percentage of the population becomes immune to an infection, through vaccination or previous infections. This reduces the likelihood of infection for those who lack immunity. Unless more people get the disease, vaccination is necessary. Is your opposition to masks because you think that we just need more people to get the disease?
I think it's more of getting tired of talking to a brick wall and if that wall wants to be hit by a wrecking ball, more power to it.

Yeah we need more vaccinations. But we can't forcibly do it. And the remaining people will require forcible restraint. So what do we do? Herd immunity happens only in two ways and we are not able to stop infections without forcible restraint. Fine, whatever, they made their bed and they can lie in it, as my mother sometimes said.
Never stopped masking even when allowed because so many hours around so many unmasked people, TMs and guests, meant way too many opportunities for infection, imho. So what if my vaccination means I'll get only a mild case if infected? This disease is still new enough that we don't really know what the long-term effects are; there's some evidence that it can cause cognitive deficits in older people, even if they had only a mild case. I'm old enough for that to be a concern. Plus I have immunocompromised friends and others with health issues that would cause complications were they to be infected; I don't want to be the source of their infection.
Wearing a mask is a small inconvenience; I've become so used to it by now that it almost feels weird to be in a public place without it.
One hopeful bit of news I read today is that in Louisiana, where hospitalizations are way up, the vaccination rate is increasing. Of course, they were way below the national average so even the recent big increase isn't close to where they should be, but it's still better than what it was. Some people anyway are seeing 20- and 30-somethings fill ICUs and changing their minds about getting their jabs.
soo glad my closing TL is letting me go without a mask outside or this would be hell. im still on the side it should be up to the individual if they want to mask up or not especially if they went out and got the vaccine. what they should of done was make everyone who wanted to go maskless show there vaccine card to the HR ETL and if they couldn't or didn't want to show there status then they have to wear a mask until they can show it instead of just making everyone wear it. i asked them to lower my hours down to 20-25 until this passes.
I have less of an issue with the masks, and more of an issue with the fact that the AC in my store has been broken for 3 years and isn’t being fixed. Add to that our store is in a basement, so it gets very humid and hard to breathe sometimes.

I don’t even think it’s my store’s fault either, it’s the owner of the the shopping center’s responsibility to fix it.
thats my biggest issue is the heat id be able to stand wearing a mask inside just not outside doing physical activity with asthma at 80 degrees or above is what gets me. last sumer i was getting light headed it was so bad
If Target's CEO was a real leader, he would mandate that all employees be vaccinated or terminated.

Unfortunately, there probably won't be a mandate since Target's handling of pandemic has been pathetic and inept. The only thing Target cares about is pushing sales. Target does not care about the healthy and safety of their employees.
The management in your store should be terminated immediately.

The team members at your store should either put on a mask or be terminated immediately.
lol my closing TL only cares if i wear the mask inside, when im outside i can take it off. but as ive said in my previous posts its about time we just move on those who have wanted the vaccine have gotten it. im not against the vaccine but don't feel it should be forced to retain your job, do you know how many people in the world will be jobless if they do that? i hope if they even try thats what causes majority to push back against our government to finally change things. i have my vaccination but im heavily against forced vaccination. it's a chemical going into someones body they should have the choice to take it or not and that shouldn't affect there job status. only way i'd even consider agreeing to this is after the vaccines get FDA approval and even then i won't be ok with it.
Good cry babies can go back to mommy who probably still wipes their butt. I am working receiver loading sweep trucks wrapping pallets in a full mask and 90 degree heat back there and don't bitch you can handle it on the salesfloor.
I don't mind the heat and humidity so much in the back, it's the anxiety I suffer from having my face covered. So I just gotta suck it up, work my shift, and get the hell outta there. No volunteer OT for me for a while... and now since it was Sweep / Drop Load Vendor day I'm gonna go have a stogie and a beer... Slaointe!
lol my closing TL only cares if i wear the mask inside, when im outside i can take it off. but as ive said in my previous posts its about time we just move on those who have wanted the vaccine have gotten it. im not against the vaccine but don't feel it should be forced to retain your job, do you know how many people in the world will be jobless if they do that? i hope if they even try thats what causes majority to push back against our government to finally change things. i have my vaccination but im heavily against forced vaccination. it's a chemical going into someones body they should have the choice to take it or not and that shouldn't affect there job status. only way i'd even consider agreeing to this is after the vaccines get FDA approval and even then i won't be ok with it.
Please explain in itty bitty words. How is this vaccine any different from all the other standard vaccines? Why are getting all those nothing to even think twice about and this one is so horrendous?
Please explain in itty bitty words. How is this vaccine any different from all the other standard vaccines? Why are getting all those nothing to even think twice about and this one is so horrendous?
i don't know because it was developed in so little time without much testing before. I mean look at how much medicine they once thought was safe and now you get commercials stating if you took this medicine you are now elidigble for this compensation etc etc even though i got mine I'm still concerned about that and at times i wonder if it was the right decision in the end. I'm not against it i just don't think your vaccination status should effect if you have a job or not, only place and setting that remotely makes sense in is in the medical field. Also it's the first vaccine of it's type, correct me if im wrong but MRNA vaccines haven't been used before now. i know the research has been in it for 10 years or so but still that's research within a lab nothing real world.
i don't know because it was developed in so little time without much testing before. I mean look at how much medicine they once thought was safe and now you get commercials stating if you took this medicine you are now elidigble for this compensation etc etc even though i got mine I'm still concerned about that and at times i wonder if it was the right decision in the end. I'm not against it i just don't think your vaccination status should effect if you have a job or not, only place and setting that remotely makes sense in is in the medical field. Also it's the first vaccine of it's type, correct me if im wrong but MRNA vaccines haven't been used before now. i know the research has been in it for 10 years or so but still that's research within a lab nothing real world.
What about the drugs for your asthma?

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