As far as forced to wear masks, well I hate wearing shoes. Seriously I do, I'm not making a pretend answer. I need something outside I'm walking barefoot on the concrete/asphalt or in the grass, even if we're talking a quarter mile or little more. While sitting at my desk I slip my shoes off and hurriedly put them back on when I have to stand. My toes love freedom and my feet love being cool and not feeling compressed.
So guess what I do when I go anywhere far enough that requires driving? I slip something on my feet. Why? Because I have to if I want to go anywhere. Second why? Because dropped glass containers aren't fun and sometimes itty bitty shards are missed during sweeping. Because shod people can track in dog poo. Because someone might accidentally bump into me and step on my freedom loving toes.
I trust science, I trust the numbers, I feel just as immune as I am to other diseases that I've been vaccinated for. Maybe even better, since some of my vaccines are about 45 years old and I'm sure there has to be variants of those viruses or waning immunity due to age.
But if stores or my work start requiring masks again I'm going to hate it, I'm going to loathe it and I'm going to put the stupid thing on with a lot of grumbling...just like I put shoes on.
Having said that, I personally think that we have hit a point in this country where not a damn thing is going to change the minds of those who have not been vaccinated. They are going to ignore it all, the logic, the requests for empathy, the numbers, the images of people suffering. They are set in their way. So the only practical thing is stop talking, take steps to save ourselves and let them take their chances with Lady Fate. It's useless, utterly useless to try and get them to be vaccinated. We can only react defensively at this point, we can plan a life based only on current statistics and trends. Screw them, simply because any further attempts at convincing will only aggravate our blood pressure and do nothing to change their minds.